9 explicit signs that will help recognize an alcoholic

9 explicit signs that will help recognize an alcoholic 38387_1

Not all alcoholics are delivering good from the house and lose work at work. Some people manage to stay at high posts and bear a major responsibility. "Drunk, yes the smart: two land in it" - says the proverb.

Nevertheless, they are subject to the same risks as all other patients with alcoholism. Sooner or later they say about them: "Can't be! You can't imagine what happened to Vasya! " A terrible accident, a ridiculous failure at work, a destroyed family ... No wonder another Russian proverb reads: "There was no one to overcome Vintsy." Here are the signs that a slow motion bomb is next to you.

1. They drink instead of being

Alcoholics often replace food with drinks. A pair of mugs or a couple of glasses, here, it seems to eat already and do not want. Sometimes, they are generally losing appetite, eating through force, because it is necessary. Or use the reception time as an extremely important reason to drink.

2. They can do without a hangover

And not because a strong, young organism easily dealt with poison. And because they have already been drinking regularly, which is used to that dose that will send you in the morning to Ean's Circle. Alcoholic is all nipple. The morning he will be as moderately frozen as usual.

3. Without alcohol, they become nervous, irritable and feel bad


If an alcoholic tries or forced to refrain, the dependent body will give him heat. The sober is not understood. Anxiety, nerves, active sweating, rapid heartbeat and even a heart attack - Oh, would rather drink! For amerse.

4. Under the influence of alcohol, their behavior changes greatly

As they usually say: "just another person!" For example, a very aggressive or impulsive. And then the closest then guess: when is it real when drunk or when sober?

5. They can't "just drink a couple of glasses"

In the sense, why? Why a couple? Sleeping some kind of idea, for limited people. Having started drinking, the alcoholic drinks everything, and drinks, as if the kind of mischievous on the table he insults. Well, the reasons will still have an approach. Right, "Something is unkinded in men, avoiding wine, games, adorable women, a feast conversation." Remember, by the way, who said that?

6. Dips in memory - a common thing

Usually they own art to create devils that with a very confident kind. At least they do not look like drunk. And then it turns out, nothing remembers anything. And this is not the first time.

7. Attempts to discuss alcoholism lead to aggression and denial


The alcoholic skillfully turns the conversation about his drunkenness in a joke, usually evil, translates the arrows on the interlocutor, rests on, starts ... In general, it is almost impossible to discuss this topic peacefully with him.

8. They always have convincing reasons for drinking

If the aggression and denial of reality from loved ones will not be distinguished, the alcoholic usually gives a very rational substantiation of its habit. Stress at work, of course, stress is here, at home, where you are marked, constant these damned presentations and negotiations. But he will continue to drink, even if he goes on the water, to a rino sanatorium for European pensioners. So boring! Sin do not drink.

9. They hide alcohol

Presentation presentations, but why drink alone? Sooner or later, they all come to this. A flask with a brandy in a glove compartment, shyly jammed by the bank of Manki Writing a bottle, beer bank on the go, on the way home, suddenly empty bottle of old wine in the bar that you wanted to open on the anniversary ... secret, lonely drunkenness - a red flag. Further turn away from the truth is meaningless.

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