12 products that will save from bloating


12 products that will save from bloating 38385_1

So, imagine the situation. Spring will soon come and all girls will begin to actively prepare for the "season of bikini", dropping unnecessary, which they scored in winter. But sometimes it happens that eat something wrong and suddenly right before going to the beach there is a belly. All the works to achieve the perfect figure go to the pump, because you will not go to the beach with a swollen belly. In fact, experts recommend to use a number of products that prevent the bloating of the abdomen and enhanced meteorism.

1. Cucumbers

This is not just a delicious snack or excellent ingredient for salad. Power Expert Joy Bauer, the author of the book "The Joy Fit Club" explains that the cucumbers are rich in water, which helps to fight bloody. In general, the more use water without fiber, the more you will urinate. And the more go to the toilet, the more flat there will be a belly.

2. Watermelon

Like cucumbers, watermelon simply abounds with water, which "fights" with bloating. Also in a huge litera of watermelon less than 100 calories. What is the most amazing (this is an extremely important moment for those who want to lose weight or keep a figure), there are almost no sugar in it, despite the wonderful sweet taste.

3. Asparagus

So, the delay in water in the body is one of the reasons why bloated. A nutritionist and Doctor of Medical Sciences Stephanie Middleberg approves that Asparagus can help reduce bloating. You just need to add a few stems asparagus to your dinner, and the next day everything will be fine.

4 bananas

Another reason for the bloating is something salty, eaten on the eve of the evening. In this case, you can enjoy banana. Since it has a high potassium content, it can compensate for an excessive level of sodium (contained in salt).

5 egg whites

You can try an egg omelet before going to the beach. It is full of full protein that acts as a diuretic.

6 grapes

According to nutrition experts, these berries are a great way to satisfy their desire to sweet. They can reduce gases and remove the bloating. Also grapes are comfortable to dry on the same beach.

7 Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is not only full of proteins, but also helps digestion, and in the shortest possible time it can take off bloating. It is recommended to choose yogurt with less than 20 grams of sugar, because if it is too sweet, it is fraught with a weight set.

8 coffee with ice or tea

It is worth staying away from everything that is associated with carbon dioxide, probably for a completely understandable reason (we will remind, we are talking about bloating). Instead, in the summer it is better to choose cold coffee or tea. P.S. Naturally, you need to add no more sugar spoons.

9 avocado

Nutritionists say that you need to try to include at least one useful fat at every meal. For example, avocado, walnut butter, fish or olive oil. It will help you feel saturated, while not scoring your belly before the failure.

10 nuts

According to the specialists of nutritionists, almonds and pistachios are an excellent snack, which is not at all fraught with the bloating. High protein content in them helps faster.

11 dairy products

In fact, now a lot of people will surprise, but dairy products (if there are no lactose intolerance) does not lead to bloating. A piece of cheese is suitable for a good snack for the beach, which at night was in the refrigerator.

12 zucchini.

Of course, not everyone loves the zucchini, but why not fry them on the grill. According to the expert on the nutrition of Joey Bauer, these vegetables are able to cause a feeling of satiety without unnecessary calories. Therefore, there will be no temptation to combine chips and potato salad.

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