12 rules for new mammies who will help not lose optimism


12 rules for new mammies who will help not lose optimism 38382_1
During pregnancy, everyone takes about you: both relatives, friends, and doctors, and neighbors. You are trying not to disturb on trifles, do not upset, do not load everyday affairs. But, after childbirth, everyone seems to forget that the woman needs support and, first of all, moral. After all, the woman survived a kind of stress.

Her body internally changed, the appearance also became another. And to all this and homely troubles added: pellens - sprawers, washing, ironing, cleaning, mountain of dishes, and still cook for the whole family. And then you sometimes go around the head, we hardly have time to cope with your household chores, and I also want to pay for myself a loved one, and to turn with my husband, and see the series.

The main thing is not to panic. You can listen to some rules that will help you to cope with everything and work out a good habit - to succeed in everything.

So, while you are on maternity leave, my husband at work, and you have your favorite crocha in your hands, and at home a lot of things, find the strength and faith in what everything works out. There are 12 rules that serve as a certain incentive for self-development and positive thinking.

The rule is first: remember that all difficulties are a temporary phenomenon.

No matter how hard you have, whatever the atmosphere was inside the family, whatever the weather standing outside the window is that it would not have happened in your soul, it is important to remind yourself that everything will change soon and only for the better. If you are sick - you will definitely get better soon, if a difficult time has come in relation to finance, it will be easier to be easier if the relationship with your loved one has been spoiled - they will definitely apply, it is worth only to talk about souls and show each other understanding and love. Everything that at first glance seems unbearable, you can actually endure and endure.

Rule Second: Love your child, love yourself, love your family.

It is important to never forget that you are a big well done, you gave birth to a child, you gave yourself, your beloved person, your family and all this world a wonderful crumb. Love your child and when the moment of incomprehensible sadness or a minute of anxiety comes, just look at these cute glaze, touch the tender brush, hug your angel, and the world will immediately seem kinder, joy.

Rule Third: Dream and Believe in Dreams.

For everyday affairs do not forget to dream and sincerely believe in your dreams. Will a dream that soon your kroch will delight you with your first achievements - a conscious smile, the first steps, the first words, dream of traveling to your beloved country or about a cruise on the ocean, dream about what your child will achieve a lot in life and will become famous An artist, an actor or even a cosmonaut, dream of a fairy tale for the new year, dream of happy holidays for your family, dream about the main and intimate for you and believe - everything will definitely come true, it is worth only to make your efforts and wait a little.

Rule fourth: Move.

Movement is life and do not forget about it. Walking with your favorite crumb, shopping hiking, homemade classes, cleaning and even dancing for your favorite songs will not only give you a good mood, but will help you quickly return to a great shape.

Rule fifth: start the morning with good.

Good morning - the key to the wonderful, fun, bright and rich day. Even if the rain window, even if you did not sleep all night, even if you have a lot of affairs, the morning should start beautifully, cheerfully and fun. Open the curtains, prepare a cup of fragrant coffee (if you do not feed the breasts) or delicious tea, for example, with Melissa or mint, turn on your favorite song or TV show, make morning exercises, come to the mirror, smile yourself and say: "Good morning", kiss your Krochi, hunting husband, wish everyone a good day and, after a tasty, useful breakfast, proceed to your troubles and matters.

Rule Sixth: Do not forget to rest.

Of course, it is impossible to engage in all homemade clocks for hours, without a break. Be sure to leisure. Let it be even 5 minutes, but let these 5 minutes be cheerful. You can drink a mug of your favorite tea or just to dream, you can sing a beautiful song or make a face mask, you can simply lie down for 5 minutes or twist in front of the mirror, analyzing that you need to change in yourself, that you can correct, not forgetting to smile, because a smile Pledge of good mood and for you, and for your baby!

Rule Seventh: Make a plan to "tomorrow".

So as not to forget anything and do not miss anything, make up a plan for tomorrow. When a husband lays your crumb to sleep or you yourself have already scolded the baby, sit, well, think about tomorrow, and better write on the leaf all the important items that you need to perform, for example, buy products, cook borsch and cutlets, wash the window, fold children's things , To do homemade sports, pay for the Internet, stroll through the park with a crumb, wash shoes and so on. And the most important items can be highlighted in greasy letters or exclamation marks. With such a short plan of important affairs, you will not miss anything, because it is very often for all household troubles and children's whims forget about serious things that need to be made necessarily.

Rule eighth: Do not forget about your favorite business.

Before pregnancy and during her, you probably did something with something, for example, knitted on the spokes or embroidered a cross, made a composition of flowers or baked cakes. And now you should not forget about your hobby. Try to find time and do what you like, while the baby sleeps or calmly lies in the crib.

The rule is ninth: take care of yourself.

We are not talking about regular campaigns in beauty salons. It is elementary, don't forget to wash in the morning, put the nutrient cream, do the morning gymnastics, eat right away, to give time on the sport, which at first you can do at home. Do not also forget about face masks for hands. To do beautiful styling every day, of course, it will not work, but it is necessary to combably and beautifully strip the same tail or braid the braid. As they say, there would be a desire ... And most importantly - do not forget to smile and enjoy life, and then you will look fine.

Rule Tenth: We value what is.

We apply, keep and guard what you have, most expensive and intimate - your family. But for Masha, the husband earns more, but Yulka has a child sleeping all night long and does not even rise, but I do not even! Never compare, and even more so, do not envy someone, and it is better to think in the opposite direction: someone does not work for years to give birth to a child, someone cannot have children at all, someone threw her husband, and You are fine. And even if you have no husband yet and you grow a child alone - soon the man will come to your life who will love you and surrounds with his concern. Love your family, take care of a child.

The rule is eleventh: be a child with a child.

Sometimes you need to look at the world through the eyes of a child: it's easier, more fun, more optimistic. Space for the crumbs of a song, like a hero from the cartoon, turn on the clockwork and stoney with the baby, be on the same wave of happiness and positive with your child, because it's so fun - together paint wonderful paintings, go down the street and "Agur" Answer, talking a funny voice with a child and watch him smiles to you, shriveling and grimaced together with his chad. Even if you turn into a child for 5 minutes, it will help you to distract from everyday problems and hassle, and a good mood is provided to you.

Rule twelve: Believe in yourself.

It is important, it is very important - to always believe in yourself! All that you can not have yet - will soon succeed, and everything that happens - soon you will do even better and faster. You are smart, beautiful, funny, energetic, charming, sincere, dreamy, smart, interesting, strong, bold, deft, you can all overcome, you can always surprise and show yourself in all our glory. Repeat such words yourself more often and know that, all the time to keep yourself in excellent shape, stay in a good mood, with a smile and hugs to meet a husband, with joy and pleasure to spend a whole day with your favorite crumb - all this will soon become your useful and good The habit, with which in the future you will be much easier to self-improve and develop.

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