8 things you can do in youth instead of falling in love


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Although love is a fantastic feeling that leads to the condition of happiness, accompanied by a feeling of well-being and ecstasy, nothing is always beautiful, and in most cases everything ends with a feeling sense with suffering. Life is too Efemerna to spend it on suffering due to lack of love, unrequited love or impossible love.

When a person is in love, he first deceives himself, and then necessarily others: Oscar Wilde

Why give life and love to one person, if every day you can enjoy the greatness of life, give love to all familiar, friends and other people, without feeling the feelings of jealousy, longing or sadness. If someone thinks this way, he should try to learn the maximum benefit from every day and pay attention to the following classes that will be problematic when a person "comes into the love network."

1. Travel around the world

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No need to miss someone to miss anyone, feel defective or lonely. After all, it is better to go to the adventure in those places where they always wanted to visit, or transfer a backpack over the shoulder and just go "Where the eyes look" to prevent the fate to prevent surprise. This is one of the things you can do in youth. During travel, you can learn a lot about culture, traditions, food and thousands of different ways of thinking around the world.

2. Learn languages

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You can take all my free time by truly productive activities, which will not only help in the future in the work, but also improve the brain activity and the work of nerve endings. The study of a new language can be difficult and seem to initially impossible, but if you make certain efforts, the brain will begin to absorb a new concept and will produce more and more associations to the words and phrases of a foreign language.

3. Command the courses that always wanted

Regardless of the profession or age, it is never too late to learn something new. If someone is passionate about modern dance, cooking, astronomy or Buddhist meditation, he should sign up for beginner courses and finally try what has always caused curiosity. If at the end of the course it turns out that interest did not disappear, it can be argued that a person really enriched his life.

4. Try volunteer activities

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And now for a second we will imagine that all that time it was spent on past relationships, with all their disputes and misunderstandings, could be spent, for example, to help those who most of all need it. For example, why not become an international physician, helping people all over the world or in conflict zones. You can also travel by supporting environmental conservation programs, forest restoration or plant growing, protecting wild animals that are threatened with disappearance or working in environmental reserves.

5. Fully devote yourself to your hobbies

Surely some people felt that they were capable of a lot in a particular area, for example, in film criticism, music or visual art. And indeed it is. No matter how difficult it seems to be first, only practices and perseverance can turn a person in this expert in any field of knowledge. And it will take a lot of time, but everything is real.

6. Get to know many different people

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There is no need to go to the other end of the world to meet a lot of people, each of which has its own way of thoughts, plans, ideology, etc. It will be easy to find that every person is his own unique world, and what to tie with someone friendship More difficult than you could think. So it will be possible to acquire a much deeper and realistic view of the world.

7. To know myself

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It sounds just, but to do real self-analysis and learn more about yourself - this is simply the necessary things about which forget in modern society. Knowing your tastes, addictions, interests, as well as all negative factors that affect your personality, not only help better choose people with whom we want to be together, but will also help make more correct decisions and, ultimately, be happier.

8. Friend

When a person finds himself an official partner, usually friendly relationships are often fading, and those moments of fun, experiments and adventures with people, with whom they used to spend a lot of time, become less frequent or simply disappear. It is worth enjoying their friends, the value of friendship and all those moments when you can have fun and be happy without the need for a partner.

It turns out to be lonely - this is a pretty good way to enjoy life. Therefore, everything in life should be perceived as it is, and try to find positive moments in everything.

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