Thank you, Hollywood! 22 "fact" about mental disorders that we believe in vain

  • # 22.
  • In the Marvellovsky "Avengers" a black widow (Scarlett Johansson) returns the memory of a falconry (Jeremy Renner) a good hook to the right to the jaw. But at the real amnesia it will not help!
  • # 21.
  • In the cult "fighting club" at the story of a split personality. But a person with a similar disorder behaves at all wrong!
  • #twenty
  • Detective Monk suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Not really!
  • #nineteen
  • Charismatic psychopaths are the heroes of our time. In reality, people with psychopathy can not stay cute and amiable for a long time
  • #eighteen
  • In the "Black Swan" Heroine Natalie Portman very convincingly suffers from many disorders that are absolutely incompatible in real life
  • # 17.
  • In the TV series "Full House", one of the heroes takes only three days to cope with the disorder of food behavior. In reality, this may take years
  • #sixteen
  • Do you hear voices? They will make you do terrible things! In fact, it all depends on the mentality and culture!
  • #fifteen
  • Hollywood loves stories about sad, impossible, melancholic love. This depression destroys the relationship!
  • #fourteen
  • In the film "Remember everything" (1990), Hero Arnold Schwarzenegger suffers from schizoid embolism. In fact, it is a complete garbage!
  • #13
  • Many films are built on the fact that the detectives imagine how the criminal thinks. In reality, this method does not work
  • #12
  • Norman Bates - Hitchcock's Hero's Hero - Psychopath, right? But not from the point of view of psychiatrists!
  • #eleven
  • In the film "Visit" children terrorize relatives-schizophrenics. In fact, schizophrenia patients are not able to manipulate!
  • #10
  • In the fifth of the film "Star Track" a summary of the Sibok Sybok "treats" people. But by insight from mental diseases it is impossible to cure
  • #nine
  • Movies depict the therapy with electric shock as barbaric and cruel. In reality, it is pretty soft and efficient
  • #eight
  • Walter Sobchak constantly wants to kill someone. People with post-traumatic stress disorder behave wrong!
  • # 7.
  • In the cinema, if a person has a mental disorder, he is necessarily tough. In reality, everything is exactly the opposite
  • # 6.
  • In the film "My boyfriend is a psycho" bipolar disorder cured love. Hahaha. It's impossible!
  • #five
  • In the film "Payback" Ben Affleck plays a killer - a man with a disorder of an autistic spectrum. Real people with an autistic spectrum disorder!
  • #four
  • In the film "Man of Rain", the main character demonstrates genius. In fact, a similar alignment is unlikely.
  • # 3.
  • To cure, Will Hunting must come to terms with his own past. In reality, the adoption of your past - not a magical pill at all
  • # 2.
  • In the "Games of Mind", the main character in force will return the reason. So it does not happen!
  • #one
  • Buffalo Bill kills because he is transgender. In the real world, he would be a victim
  • Anonim

    Trying to disprove myths, widespread pop culture, it's like dealing with windmills, but, damn it, someone should do it! Often, psyche disorders are exclusively for the development of the plot, rather than carry some training function.

    As a result, a huge number of people are confident that in the root incorrectly and does not have any reason. We collected 22 such facts.

    # 22.

    In the Marvellovsky "Avengers" a black widow (Scarlett Johansson) returns the memory of a falconry (Jeremy Renner) a good hook to the right to the jaw. But at the real amnesia it will not help!


    We are so accustomed that the memory is lost from hitting the head, and it is possible to return it in the same way that it seems to us a banality. However, the cause of amnesia is rather a stroke or health problems in general. And, by the way, even if the memory in this way suddenly returns, then, most likely, a person will then be unable to memorize something new.

    # 21.

    In the cult "fighting club" at the story of a split personality. But a person with a similar disorder behaves at all wrong!


    People with a dissociative disorder of identity do not wake up with the idea that they lived in the life of another person. In fact, they know about others their personalities and do not fall into oblivion. Of course, there are cases of amnesia, but what is shown in the film is a real cocktail from symptoms in favor of scripts.


    Detective Monk suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Not really!


    It is easier to remember what Adrian Monk is not afraid of, rather than list all his fears: in the sixth season of the series indicated the exact amount of phobias - 312. But this is not an obsessive compulsive disorder. These are phobias that have nothing to do with it. People from the OCD are subject to paralyzing will depend on repeating actions and rituals.


    Charismatic psychopaths are the heroes of our time. In reality, people with psychopathy can not stay cute and amiable for a long time

    On the screen, they are just charming: Sherlock, Joker, Dexter, Hannibal Lecter, Patrick Beitman, and even Captain Jack Sparrow! However, the truth is that it is impossible to support for a long time to support at least a normal relationship with a psychopath - it will not hold on to manipulate and systematically show aggression.


    In the "Black Swan" Heroine Natalie Portman very convincingly suffers from many disorders that are absolutely incompatible in real life


    Anorexia, Bulimia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, passion for self-dispersion, and ends with a real psychosis. But, for example, people in a similar state completely lose touch with reality, and anorexics, on the contrary, very well imagine what and why do.

    # 17.

    In the TV series "Full House", one of the heroes takes only three days to cope with the disorder of food behavior. In reality, this may take years


    In a special episode "pull up!" The DJ heroine stops starving after a conversation with his father. In fact, such a recovery is a very long and difficult process that can take up to 10 years.


    Do you hear voices? They will make you do terrible things! In fact, it all depends on the mentality and culture!

    Scientists of the University of Stenford investigated people suffering from auditory hallucinations, and concluded that the content of these hallucinations directly depends on where the person comes from and from his mentality. So, in the US, as a rule, voices are forced people to be severe and hate everyone. But in India or Africa, these "messages" carry positive emotions rather - for example, it may be the voice of a deceased relative, who advises how to do.


    Hollywood loves stories about sad, impossible, melancholic love. This depression destroys the relationship!

    Sad characters, whom we are offered as romantic heroes, are actually a little suitable for creating a happy relationship. Depression makes them pay less attention to a partner, closing in themselves, annoying things and does not allow to receive pleasure from relationships. And when the relationship is falling apart, they are immersed in the depression pulp even deeper.


    In the film "Remember everything" (1990), Hero Arnold Schwarzenegger suffers from schizoid embolism. In fact, it is a complete garbage!

    According to the plot, the main character - Doug Quaid - goes for happy memories that he promise to implant directly into the brain. But something goes wrong, and he is very painful comes to himself. Doctors say that he has a schizoid embolism, but there is no such diagnosis! Embolia is the blockage of blood vessels, but there is no schizoid center in the brain, which could suffer from it.


    Many films are built on the fact that the detectives imagine how the criminal thinks. In reality, this method does not work

    Similarly, approximately 2% of the total amounts are revealed. All these attempts to "read" the criminal - no more than the so-called "cold reading", when a detective (or psychic) ​​exposes guesses based on observations, and quickly adjusts them depending on the reaction of the listener.


    Norman Bates - Hitchcock's Hero's Hero - Psychopath, right? But not from the point of view of psychiatrists!

    Researchers who study the image of psychopaths in the world cinema, argue that Norman is too miserable and cut off from reality so that it can be called him a psychopath. Psychopathy is primarily characterized by a complete lack of empathy, so that Bates is most likely schizophrenia complicated by psychotic episodes.


    In the film "Visit" children terrorize relatives-schizophrenics. In fact, schizophrenia patients are not able to manipulate!

    According to the plot, adolescents are locked in a house with a couple of people suffering from mental disorders and hallucinations that position themselves as their loving grandparents. In reality, those who are subject to hallucinations and mania are so tearned from reality and disoriented that they are not able to draw up an action plan. And certainly cannot focus on the long-running plan of murder, according to the scenario stretched for a week.


    In the fifth of the film "Star Track" a summary of the Sibok Sybok "treats" people. But by insight from mental diseases it is impossible to cure

    Of course, the use of memory regression as a basis for monitoring people and creating a cult is a fantasy. But! The very idea that you can get rid of mental problems, simply indicating their source is completely unreal. As a rule, painful memories justify and rationalize insult, pain and anger, so it becomes only worse.


    Movies depict the therapy with electric shock as barbaric and cruel. In reality, it is pretty soft and efficient

    Electricular therapy, as a rule, is a torture tool of cruel doctors, which are tied by patients and practically burn madness of them. In fact, this type of therapy is safe and really works. He is painless, and the patient is at risk approximately just as if he had a common anesthesia. For many years so successfully treated depression.


    Walter Sobchak constantly wants to kill someone. People with post-traumatic stress disorder behave wrong!

    The character of the film "Big Lebovski" negatively and very superficially depicts PTSD. To lesser extent, people with this type of disorder cruel crazy, as a rule, they also suffer from insomnia, nightmares, amnesia, social isolation and anxiety. In addition, they have significantly increased the risk of committing suicide, because they are very afraid to harm other people, - in many ways due to the fact that films convince them that they are able to cause real harm.

    # 7.

    In the cinema, if a person has a mental disorder, he is necessarily tough. In reality, everything is exactly the opposite

    "Seven", "silence of lambs", "Fight Club", "Dexter" cultivate the stereotype that people with psyche disorders are fearless and cruel criminals. In fact, people with mental problems often become victims of cruel crimes.

    # 6.

    In the film "My boyfriend is a psycho" bipolar disorder cured love. Hahaha. It's impossible!

    Good happy relationships undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on human mental health, however, the idea that a person can stop taking medicines and fully cure from the bar only because they fell in love, completely idiotic.


    In the film "Payback" Ben Affleck plays a killer - a man with a disorder of an autistic spectrum. Real people with an autistic spectrum disorder!

    Hero Afflec - Christian Wulf - a wooden insensible robot that shoots his victims to emphasize. The film equates the emotional awkwardness inherent in the autists, to the complete absence of emotions and morality. Moreover, he claims that Wulf is uneconomical and tough because he made the choice "not be a victim."


    In the film "Man of Rain", the main character demonstrates genius. In fact, a similar alignment is unlikely.

    According to the plot, Ramond is quite definitely defective. But he is also geniant. Even if the hero was an autistic, the likelihood of detection of extraoroidal abilities would be no more than 10%. In general, people who do not suffer from the autistic spectrum disorder, the probability of developing such abilities is even less - approximately 1%.

    # 3.

    To cure, Will Hunting must come to terms with his own past. In reality, the adoption of your past - not a magical pill at all

    Many people imagine a psychiatrist as a good wizard who encourages the patient to look at their own life and childhood in particular to find the root of all troubles there. But sudden insight, which instantly cures a person, does not exist. Mental disorder is a long-term history, maximum, what you can hope is resistant remission.

    # 2.

    In the "Games of Mind", the main character in force will return the reason. So it does not happen!

    In the film, Mathematics John Nash suffers from schizophrenia, hallucinations and mental disorders. He is trying to take drugs, but he does not like side effects, so it stops drug therapy. He struggles with hallucinations and puts himself in order only to the efforts of will and mind. But in real life, he would need pills and constant therapy throughout his life to achieve such success.


    Buffalo Bill kills because he is transgender. In the real world, he would be a victim

    The main villain in the "silence of the lambs", who killed women and filmed the skin from them because he was refused to change the sexual transmission, an awful harm to the presentation of places about transgender. In real life, the transgenerates who did not perform the transition are often subjected to humiliation and sexual violence during life.

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