"Between I want to": a book that will teach the most bold dreams to incarnate


You have warned you many times from dreaming. And even more so, in order to dream of the embodiment of dreams. Because it is a fool, harmful fault and guaranteed to be used under the slope of the well-established life in fruitless attempts to catch their blue bird. And the girl named El Moon tells you: Dream, and I will teach you how to embody dreams. In his book "Between it is necessary and I want" (Publishing Myth).

Under the cover - bright copyright illustrations, inspiring stories, useful tips and exercises for those who want to find their own vocation.

Luxury work vs. Vocation


Previously, El Moon worked as a designer in the famous IDEO company, engaged in interesting projects, participated in such successful startups as Mailbox, Uber and Medium. But all this did not bring her complete satisfaction. The girl felt that she wanted something more than just a good career.

Once, El Moon decided to radically change his life. She fired from work and began to draw with it. For the first time, the girl felt truly free and happy. Soon the artist opened his own company, which united European designers and masters on Bali to Bali.

El Moon followed the dream, found his calling and was able to turn work into solid pleasure. This turned out to be enough for life to gain bright colors and deep meaning. So the artist opened the secret of happiness: you only need to do your favorite thing that pleases, inspires and charges energy.

According to El Moon, each person has a special purpose. It is only necessary to try to find it. And, of course, decide on change.

Need vs. Want


"You need ...", "You don't need ...", "You must ...". We hear such allegations from others constantly. But if in childhood we really needed to listen to these words, then now they only interfere with looking for their own way to happiness.

Numerous stereotypes, other people's value systems, expectations of loved ones - all this firmly settles in the head. And we really think that they are obliged to get a promising profession, which causes us an inhuman yawn; go to the office, even if every morning you dream to quit; Take the family to 30 years, despite the desire to stay free.

The only way fortunately is to abandon these "necessary" and understand your own dreams and desires, talents and inclinations, beliefs and priorities. Who are you in fact? What do you want to do? What inspires you? Only on how you answer these questions should depend your further life.


El Moon offers to perform exercises that will help cross out everything too much and find true. Here are some of them.

1. Write more proposals beginning with the words "I need ..." and "I don't need ...". Think over the result. Why did these thoughts come to your head? When and under whose influence did you decide that all these duties should do? Do you want to actually do them?

2. Sochin two necrologists about themselves. In one of them, tell me how your life passes, if you leave everything without change. In another text, describe what will happen if you start to live according to the "want" principle, to fulfill your desires and do your favorite thing.


3. Answer the following questions. What did you get fond of childhood? What life dreamed about? Have you been fantasy from which the spirit captured? What games did you like? How did you prefer to spend time: in the company or alone?

4. Think than you like to do now. What do you like to spend weekend, vacation, free evenings? What are you getting distracted when you pronounce?

5. If you sometimes reflect on your future, then what fantasies inspire you? Write all the ideas that come to mind.

6. For a long time I dreamed to learn something, but could not get together? It's time to embody desire to reality. Make a list of cases: tighten French, go to cutters and sewing courses, riding riding and so on. Every month try something new. Record what you had to do with the soul, and what not.

7. Collect the resulting notes in one place. Gradually complement the collection with new records. Analyzing them, search for communication and common motives. One day, all this will lead you to your vocation.

Excuses VS. Inspiration


Find a call is not all. At the next stage you will have to overcome your fears. According to El Moon, there are no reasons for abandoning his beloved business. Here is a couple of very common excuses that are easy to challenge.

one. "My passion does not bring money." But no one says that you must immediately quit work, especially if so far this is the only opportunity to earn. The main thing is to find time for your favorite thing every day. If it really inspires you, then one day you will definitely succeed and, most likely, learn to extract income from your vocation.

Famous musician Philip Glass worked by Plumber, and received the first income from his vocation in 41 years. Writer Kurt Vonnegut selling cars. Another writer, Thomas Eliot, was a bank employee. But none of them threw a favorite thing.

2. "I don't have time." As a rule, time is, we just use it unproductive. Almost always weekend, breaks at work, free evenings, vacation, and so on. If you are really downloaded that you do not have time to do your favorite thing, look for a place where it is offered less busy schedule. You can even agree to a smaller salary, because we usually require more than we need. Remember: the vocation is most important.

What else under the cover?

- Even more useful exercises that will help to separate "I want" from "necessary," to cope with fears and find your way.

- Stories about people who have found their calling, which will inspire change.

- Stunning illustrations from El Moon. It is they who make this book amazingly easy and inspiring. It is nice not only to read, but also to consider.

Read about the book more - on the site of the Myth publishing house

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