Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave!


Progress is good, but for some reason most often past. While space ships furrows unknown expanses, we still fight mosquitoes and unpaired socks.

Comrades science fiction and inventors, throw your bosons to the damn mother and urgently will put the searches for the necessary things in the daily everyday life. List of apply.

Rubber switch

Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave! 38362_1

And the fast and final, please. By the way, Jainline even more than half a century ago promised humanity a complete victory over these snot for 2000! "For me, it meant more than the construction of the village of researchers in Venus," his hero is rejoiced, and you understand how never, especially when everything flows and nothing changes.

Self-matrating pillow

Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave! 38362_2
And even better - with the built-in function of self-forming. What a disgrace - climate control is already almost in every birdhouse, and it is impossible to fall asleep: well, she is heated - even though you cut her!

Blanket, self-handing in a duvet cover

Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave! 38362_3
Why is the evening struggle of a reasonable creature with a unreasonable piece of matter so far so dangerous and difficult?!

Useful greens that grows beams

Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave! 38362_4
Already ready, yes. And without any threads, which then need to choose. Yes, about beams: And it would be nice to be washed. Michurintsy, ay!

Smart utensils

Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave! 38362_5
All these multicookers are, of course, not bad, but the vital, the simplest and at the same time the saving thing is still not invented. Skin, which, with approaching food readiness, cuts off the Internet. And it is the same saucepan. Please please, please !!!!


Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave! 38362_6
In the fact that the pantyhose not breathing from the first time has long been invented, but it is hiding insidious manufacturers, it seems no one no longer doubts. But let them at least with time they are self-task, huh? Biotechnologies are already able to cross up almost bulldogs with rhino, so why not to instill an unfortunate pantyhose the gene of any hardworking silkworm?

Smart furniture

Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave! 38362_7
Okay, we no longer ask her to lie and folded the scattered in places - well, and then it will still argue with her, that the chandelier is the wrong place for T-shirts. But maybe all these shelves could have dust periodically lick somehow?

Self-seasyless bounce and packages

Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave! 38362_8
The law of preserving matter, say? Well, we do not know, maybe you can somehow reconsider it? In the end, parallel direct Euclid did not intersect, and Lobachevsky somehow managed. Let all this trash be in some newly invented parallel space turns into anything harmful. For example, in beads.

Pocket inflatable benches

Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave! 38362_9
Walked, tired, poured, I installed, collapsed, rested, turned, went. And no need to wait for the election.

Pocket asphalt pocket

Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave! 38362_10
I took out such a pulp, pressed the button - the pit in front of the eyes is delayed, and at the same time the banking application is built into your smart dirty, the money from the account of the responsible person, which is responsible for this section of the road ... Damn, I am directly excited by this idea ...


Inventions, the absence of which wildly infuriates. Shave! 38362_11
Who did not dream of the same vehicle, as in the "Guest from the Future"? He opened the door - and no longer in a slakny microdistrict, but in California on the beach. True, when this thing is the same invent, part of the funny things already, it seems like many and will not need. Nothing, we still come up. You, most importantly, work, comrades scientists, do not relax!

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