7 coarse travel routes by train


Cup, roasted chicken, crosswords? If you think that the train's journey is a sad thing, then urgently change your mind. Look only, how cool rail routes come in!

Gyeonghwa, South Korea


Gyeonghwa Railway Station in Chinhe is the most, probably, a romantic station in the world. But not all year round, but only in the spring, during the cherry blossom. 340,000 cherry trees are planted in this area, and trains go through a blizzard from flower petals.

Orient Express, France-Turkey

Eastern Express

This is not just a train from the point "A" to the point "B" - this is a real legend on wheels, where only without felt. The first flight took place in 1883. Eastern Express traveled Elizabeth II, Emperor Franz Joseph, Agatha Christie and other celebrities. This train is one of the last fragments of the beautiful era: the cars are finished in the Art Deco style, the treats are preparing a French chef, and ladies and gentlemen are strongly asked to be a car-restaurant during a parade, and not as usual, in slap and T-shirts "I" I love Antalya. "


Olympus Digital Camera.

"The road in the clouds" is not an exaggeration to which temperamental Latin Americans, in general, generous. This railway passes so high that the clouds really sometimes hide the land from passengers. The road is located at an altitude of 4220 meters above sea level and passes through 29 bridges, 21 tunnel, 13 viaducts, 2 spirals and 2 zigzag. American slides, not a train.

Landwasser Viaduct, Switzerland

Landwasser Viaduct.

The most picturesque and photographed railway Viaduct Switzerland. They built it in 1902 with the most practical goals - without bridges in this mountainous country, the railway does not pave. This bridge crosses the Landvasser river and rises 65 meters away. Recently, it was repaired, so go and do not be afraid.

Flåm Railway, Norway


Very short, but wildly picturesque railway line Flam is the beauty and pride of Norway. Just 40 kilometers, but what! First, the train climbs up, in the mountains, to a height of 865 meters, driving waterfalls, valleys and mountain gorges, and then descends and passes by the largest fjord of the country - Sogna Fjord.

Jungfrau Railway, Switzerland


Jungfrau Railway is generally toy, 9 kilometers, and almost all the time the train goes along the tunnel carved right in the mountains. But on the way there are several stops with kinds - from there Swiss Alps can be seen as on the palm. The end point is the highest ski resort of Europe, Sungfrau Pass.

Grand West Highland, United Kingdom

Grand West Highland.

This giant viaduct, which crawls a small red train, seems suspiciously familiar. For sure, it is "Hogwarts Express." The train, which was driven by Harry Potter to a commodity and magic school, filmed exactly here. So get ready - as a rule, the wagons are packed with cosplayers and fans of Ptterians. But even if you did not read the rowling from Rowling, they still go to Grand West Highland - a sense of a slow fly over the Glenfinnan Valley is guaranteed.

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