Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor?


Have a heavy temper and a bad reputation extremely convenient. People sincerely grateful to you for the fact that you do not wipe your legs about them. Well, any of the most restrained manifestation of friendliness and does wonders at all.

So wrote Max Fry. And took it on arms and made a manual for you, as the brain competently, without applying a shotgun.


Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_1
Naga is a weapon of a prolonged action that is able to withdraw even a deaf-and-dumb tibetan monk-samurai. The reasons for whining can be the most any, choose - I do not want!

Displeased silent

Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_2
Silence with meaning. So that everyone understood that they are in the root of the wrong. This special art comes with experience.

Start talking

Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_3
... competently. For example, with the phrase "this is unbearably!". What exactly is unbearable - the absence of a new dress or the old sofa - you will understand the way. The main thing is to set the tone.

Do everything

Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_4
... only and solely in its own way. When you try to shake you or blame for egoism - see the eyes, pouring tears, and explain the trembling voice that, of course, I wanted it better.


Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_5
A man for example you about the spiritual wounds and about the wedding, and you love him to him and how you spent in the second grade at a concert in the role of Snow Maiden.

Stand on

Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_6
Here without options. How absurd your position would be - do not give up. When it turns out that you were not right, confidently declare "Well, I spoke!".

Be unhappy

Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_7
Everyone and always. Guests arrived - bad, did not arrive - too bad. The husband brought roses - disgusting, came at all without flowers - yes, how he dare. The result is guaranteed!

Look hindew

Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_8
Remember that you are the Queen of the Galaxy, and all around are miserable people, chelye and chores. Use your position!

Be unpredictable

Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_9
Suddenly cry or laugh, cancel the trip and long scheduled visits, Dance Jig-Dryu at the funeral of your favorite mother's cattle ... options mass!

Fuck unhappy

Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_10
Well, everything is simple: life - pain, people got, everything got everything, I would like to leave everything and leave. Accompany the hands of hands and crocodile tears - MUST HAVE.


Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_11
This is the highest class. For a real female saw, there are no borders or frames - it is poisoned to death even in open space. So strive to perfection and arrange light daily jams - Practice and only practice will help you!


Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_12
With no reason. And again, silence. Let themselves guess than wounded your thin gentle soul. Only sometimes an icy tone asked to transfer to the sugar. Know ours!

Ask meaningless questions

Instructions for use: How to bring the brain to your neighbor? 38354_13
The bigger, the better. Infinitely rearrange the plan of the trip to the cottage or to the store for meals. It is necessary to consider everything! Who will go, how, why, why, with whom, what will take and so on.

Illustration: shutterstock

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