"Beggar" mafia. 10 facts about Moscow beggars


Submit a thread or disabled person is an attempt to buy your own peace of mind, but there is no way to solve his problems. So you either give money to the fraudster or support slavery. Oleg Melnikov, the leader of the public movement "Alternative," told the Pics.ru website about how the "begging" mafia is arranged.

1. The beggars are divided into two categories: fraudsters and slaves. Rent a place for fraudsters costs 7-10 thousand rubles a day.

2. About 40% of those who ask for alms, are held forcibly and work for food. Often these are people from regions that have nowhere to run. Including children.

3. In the subway and near the main temples of Moscow, all beggars work under the "owner". It is impossible to approach and get up with a request for help. Who wishes to ask alms just expel.

4. Earnings of the beggar is about 15-20 thousand rubles per day. Revenue depends on the thoughtfulness of the approach. If it is a cripple, then it must be as pitiful as possible. If a person is asking for a ticket home, then it is necessary to look neat and decent.

Grandmother with sewn, fed by eyes near the church of St. Matrona, served up to 50,000 rubles a day.

5. Moms with sleeping babies on professional slang are called "Madonna". The child in the hands of "Madonna" is constantly under the action of sleeping pills or alcohol and lives on average for about three months. They are bought from disadvantaged families or in the kidnappers. The value of the child is 100,000 rubles.

6. ROC servants do not collect donations outside the temples, with the exception of the installation of large donations for donations in large shopping centers. If you see the priest in Ryasa, collecting on the construction of the temple, then with a large probability, this is a fraudster. The same applies to people who collect donations to various funds. Funds cannot take unaccounted cash.

The priest standing behind the gates of the temple of St. Matrona turned out to be an inspection with five convictions and had no relation to the temple.

7. The overwhelming number of owners arranging beggars in places, pay police officers for the roof. Their business is flourishing, and "employees" simply have nowhere to complain. 8. Grandmothers wrapped in a scarlet, often at all and not grandmothers, but rather young women. They have a bunch of clothes and make it kneeling without raising the heads. Grandmothers are very well served.

In Moscow thousands of beggars. One or more people are attached to each train in the subway, in each transition and near each temple are begging. This is a very competitive, criminal business.

9. Those who sacrifice usually need money stronger than those who are served.

10. At the end of the working day, many cripples are "healing," get up from wheelchairs and go their legs. Real Blinds lead "curators" collecting tribute.

How to help people who are forcibly held in slavery and make us be engaged in begging:

1. Never give money to beggars. You can give food, but not money. While they will give money, this business will flourish.

2. If you really want to help, then talk to a person. Do not ask about the disease or from where he arrived. Specify non-standard questions that are difficult to pack the answers. For example, where he studied, where he worked, who by profession. Fraudsters begin to swim in the responses, and the one who is kept forcibly can settle down to you and open.

3. If you learned that a person is forcibly forced to begging, then try not losing it out of sight to call activists of the alternative movement. They will arrive within two hours. If you have the opportunity to independently lead a person in a safe place, do it, and then immediately call the Alternative.

4. Distribute this information among your friends, colleagues, relatives. It is very important.

Phones of the activists of the public movement "Alternative": +7 965 345-51-61 Alexey +7 964 573-72-07 Oleg http://protivrabstva.ru

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