Top TRESSETTERS Instagram, domestic and not only


These people decorate our days and instagrams the charge of refined trash. But there must be someone in the mass of thrash culture! With her more fun! Let's proceed to the inspection.

Anastasia Volochkova

Queen of twine, drawn eyebrows, scorched nails and mini-bikini. Columns, stucco, "Creepy Roses", Ryushi, pseudomymissible signatures for photos - it's all here. Often Anastasia itself responds to user comments, not particularly embarrassed in expressions, which gave rise to a whole wave of rumors that the star, sorry, thumps. Eh, and were the same time when it wanted to look at the thin-ringing prima-ballerina to watch without breaking down! In the sense, now I also want, but for another reason.

It seems to us, in this photo something is missing ... Nastya, what are you doing, stop!

Lena Lenin

It is unknown to anyone that it does and earns the other recognized Queen of Trash Lenin Lenin. In tabloids, where it most often appears, it is modestly called the businesswoman, an actress or writer. Known by his love for hellish hairstyles, disgusting taste in clothing and what he really wants to become truly famous, but everything does not work. By the way, Lena, that kitten we will never forgive you, and know!

Everything is fine in this photo. If you have long been looking at it, you can see a manicure in the style of "Freddie Kruger - desperate fashionista."

Masha Malinovskaya

From a charming TV presenter, Masha Malinovskaya has long turned into a parody of himself. Her photos can be shown by young daughters as an example of what the love of plastic surgery can bring. In addition, we seriously consider the version that the real Masha kidnapped aliens even then, and in return sent someone very much eggs.

Interestingly, and under the hair on the back of her zealing is there?

Друзья, это еще один волшебный центр, который делает меня красивой и счастливой!!!! Выкладываю все нюансы ₽ что бы не возникало лишних вопросов.) В медицинском центре в самом центре Москвы сейчас период скидок 90% на все инъекционные методики,сделать пышнее губки стоит всего 6000₽,сеанс плазмотерапии(все вкл) 3000₽,лечение волос с помощью МЕЗО всего 2300₽,Ботокс 200₽ за ед.!!!цены демпинговые ,несмотря на то,что это известный медцентр и все услуги оказываются на должном уровне,в чем я лично убедилась .Отзывы ,кстати, прекрасные @conturmedic. И конечно спасибо моим любимчикам из @doublehair

Фото опубликовано Malinovskaya_TV (@malinovskaya_tv)

Lesya Ryabtsev

This girl is a walking trash and scandal. Then she declares that 8 million people live in Russia, he writes defeat columns about the opposition, after which decent people refuse to cooperate with the "Echo of Moscow", then suddenly throws the "echo" and urgently now all of us will be our own example of learning how to do Cool media. We stored popcorn signed up and wait with impatience!

Lesya is preparing to reveal the secrets of domestic journalism

Встань пораньше — затопи соседей.

Фото опубликовано Леся Рябцева (@gdekak)

Nicki Minaj

Honestly, we did not quite understand who such a nickname minazh, but the chief editor ordered to make more rush without it in our list could not. Her instagram is more gold! More Labuthen! More diamonds! More leopard! More nickname, although where there is more, completely incomprehensible - it is the owner of a very impressive figure. (I love Niki Minazh, well, you cho ... approx. Commanded).

Nicky demonstrates an elegant stocking to the whole body.


Фото опубликовано Nicki Minaj (@nickiminaj)

Jen Selter

It is not even a girl herself, but her ass. 2.2 million people with a fading heart follow the daily adventures "the most beautiful ass Instagram." Tin as it is. But this is the envy, of course, that we have no such.

Mommies, she really real ??

Miley Cyrus

She has more than 37 million subscribers, but Miley is not embarrassing: she will post all sorts of trough type crust from pizza, idiotic selfie with tongue, and the photo where she smoked self-taught (we hope it is they, and not that we thought). In addition, all sorts of porous photographs occupy a separate place. And where did Hannah Montana do? ..

The carpet is missing. And even a little leopard can.

Dope a$$ pic by @toddpendu ?❤️?

Фото опубликовано Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus)

Rich Russian Kids.

Anonymous author lays photos from the life of young and secured Russians. Children of oligarchs regularly demonstrate gadgets, watches, cars, clothes, yachts, aircraft and other luxury items that are especially relevant to the background of what is happening in the country of the economic crisis. Funny signatures for the photo add fire!

Poor dog. His champagne is certainly not clutch, the thieves!

А что, можно как-то по-другому выгуливать собаку?????◻️ – by @anastasia1491 #RRK #RichRussianKids #mercedes #g63 #cristal #dog #miami

Фото опубликовано ?? Rich Russian Kids (@richrussiankids)

Moscow Metro Fashion.

If you want to be aware of the latest fashionable tenders of the capital, then you are exactly here. Here are the most Creme De La Creme Fashion Guru of the Moscow Metro. Golden leggings, a wandering bag, a blanket instead of a coat - you know how our people have fun! Eh, cut out, shoulder, swinging, hand! ..

We do not even know how to sign it honestly. We are afraid of all editors!


Sergey Zverev

Our all. Here just even without comment.

С Новым Годом, страна!!!)))) ??? Я сейчас буду у себя в Перископе zverevsuperstar !!!)))) ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Присоединяйтесь !!!)))) ??? Певица Диана Шарапова @dianasharapova_official подарила мне на Новый год домбру..)))❤️❤️❤️ Звезда в восторге!!!??? Диана и Рома спасибо огромное за подарки!!!)))) #сергейзверев #зверев #суперзвезда #superstar #секссимвол #секссимволстраны #sexsymbol #царьинстаграма #мода #fashion #fashionman #иконастиля #styleicon #чемпионмира #worldchampion #king #легенда #legend #superman #корольгламура #звездавшоке #трендсеттер #trendsetter #корольперископа

Фото опубликовано ? СЕРГЕЙ ЗВЕРЕВ ? (@zverevsuperstar)

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