15 cool ideas how to invent cool ideas


15 cool ideas how to invent cool ideas 38349_1

"What is it, I wonder for a cloth? And where, interesting, my brain? " So you ask yourself with a plaintive voice of Pigachka, looking at its reflection in the sixth cup of coffee. And the brain does not answer you anything. He wants a chocolate at first, then the beach - and not a single word is more difficult: "Wang Ma Drink, pliz!" And they want creative. Not sad, dried brain. You eat a chocolate and keep yourself this instruction.

1. Absorb the new info

Here is any. Do not rush even faceburster tape. Friends in pauses between non-idle food periodically overpower paradoxical stories and interesting links. Catch! You find an article on the topic - save. We meet good reference literature - grab. And bore it all! At one very excellent moment, the number of famous, which is already climbing from your ears, lashes - and goes into quality.Why, actually, Mendeleev dreamed of a well-known table? Yes, because he has already accumulated such a luggage that the brain simply could not not stand it carefully for clarity. And on the outside it looked like a magical "click".

2. Storming the brain

If you have the opportunity to relax, then rest, all throwing. But if you need to give birth to ten options for a reasonable-good-eternal right now - ride deeply, drink Pu-era and squeeze out of the convolutions all that you will find there. Let not pretend to the cloth. They know that the second breath after thousands of minor versions is inevitable as the arrival of Friday.

Inspiring fact. To collect a hundred grams of honey, the bee requires to fly up to 46,000 kilometers. This is our planet by equator. With a tail.

3. Do not throw off the "slag"

Cynic Begder duggously called it the "govnoye". Want - I call decent. But do not be aesthet and do not turn the nose: "Well, this idea is not five with a plus, I'll immediately throw it away and forever forbid." Take everything that is invented, and ragged in big heaps. Then from these coup ... mm, sand - can periodically germinate truly interesting.

4. Record all

Always keep your little notebook at hand. Well, or a favorite smartphone program for records. Because: "Oh, this is an idea, you will need not to forget" is not true. Forget. Write immediately. And keep a notebook or phone near the bed when you go to bed. How many light ideas died because we thought: "Oh, lazy to light the light, well, I will stand in the morning - and write ..."

5. Do Pause

Do not storm yourself continuously, without flexing. Do it rhythmically, according to sinusoid. Made a super passion - distract. While you stroke the cat, Laiking Yenotika or Mashaty with a dumbbell, in gray substance rushing the fact that you abandoned this hot fake.

6. Wait for the tide

Ideas are public creatures. Rarely go one. More often - couples, and more often - flocks. One clings for another ... And then they go into the sunset, too, in an embrace. Remember that "then thick, then empty" is normal, and not a panic.

7. And panic - also friend

Completely, everything happens, as in stupid films about the neutralization of the bomb in the last seconds. At that moment, when the heart already says: "Hello, Polar brother of Sress, oh how you fluff!" - Brain screams: "Right now! Pave! Eureka!" So if you are sparing three white horses: Dadline, and Zeitnot, and Zugzvang - let them carry you.

8. Train on cats

If about ten options for the name of the brand chainsaws in you do not move any string, for the time being for this brand of a svoy mare. We will be paid. You go to the bathroom - Sochin "10 ways to clean your teeth." You go to walk with a dog - Cold "10 reasons to take away the ball from the owner." This is a distracting maneuver. Chainsaws will be interested and will catch up. And the string is singing.

9. Fool and get a buzz


When they threaten to take away the award - here, of course, not to Chichank. Still, try, as in that joke, relax and get pleasure. The same game! Let part of the comments be a hooligan, absurd, dyed - it will fit you with energy, and the ideas themselves will give vitality. Life - it is in principle stupid, and these chainsaws are generally an Rzhaka yet.

10. Want around spontaneous creativity

This method was not invented by Vasya Pupkin, but Leonardo da Vinci himself. Take a sheet, take a soft pencil bright color, you close your eyes - and you have a little. Yes, Kalyaki-Malyaki, as the hand itself goes. Then you consider, look for associations - and complete the drawing, in accordance with what I saw in it. Doodle named after Leonardo helps to free up rich reserves of subconscious.

11. We take from the people - you take

In vacuum, the sound does not apply and the ideas do not ripen. Study the experience of competitors. No, this is not theft. You do not copy up, right? You can: a) improve and develop their idea; b) to file this completely differently, under a different angle; c) challenge and refute.

12. Turn out inside out


Do you probably need to work more interesting and positive, we guessed? And around him somehow nehlyo. Well, "you have to do good from evil, because it is no longer doing about it." Negative or boring do not ignore. Turn it over the opposite. In the yard sketched cakes - an environmental initiative will come up. Nahamila Aunt Valya from the second floor - the project "Good Neighborhood" will be born.

13. Listen to conversations

What just do not say people in a minibus! Especially with the advent of mobile, when it seems to them that they are alone here. This voice of the people is chosen to the inquisitive observer, all explicit and secret folk aspirations, and sometimes even actually separate know-how.

14. Discuss

Bombard your grandmother, nephew and a hairdresser. They will give you an excellent FIDBEK. First, a fresh unsightened look at the problem. Secondly, they will turn your ability to be understood by any audience.

15. Be health

First, it is noticed: Ideas often come on a treadmill or in the middle of the pool. Secondly, it's pretty difficult to creating when you have a nose, jumps the pressure, the paws of the lomit and the tail falls off. Take care of yourself, Lelle yourself! You still come in handy humanity.

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