The hottest spices: 10 recipes with a light


Spices - a multifunctional thing: and emphasize the exquisite taste you can, and score unexcusing, and enhanced ... And with many - and warm up. In the coming season, the latter property is especially relevant. We picked up the most delicious and interesting things in which various "hot" additives are especially well played.

1. Black pepper: sharp shrimps with mango

This universal spice is often used as the only acute note, for example, in meat works. And we will listen to her solo in seafood music.

Ingredients: Mango, gram 400 thick shrimps, lemon, olive oil, salt, 4 teaspoons of ground black pepper. You can use all sorts of greens and seeds for decoration.

The process itself. Purified mango cut into large pieces and fry on olive oil - a pair of minutes on each side. Our seafood is neatly lower on sticks, let's satisfy and pretty pepper. Now they inscribe them there, only a little longer (minutes for 4 on each side). We put shrimp on the pieces of mango, splashing oil, decorated with green onions, rosa, almond - or the heart will ask. And warming up in Vietnamese!

2. Chile Pepper: Hot Salmon

A burning mexican guy will warm so much that it will not seem little! And at the same time will improve blood circulation and digestion. The most bolders are preparing dishes not with him, but from it. But still, let's start his career in his kitchen with the "second violin".

Ingredients: On 4 slices of salmon fillet - one and a half tablespoons of a softened butter, a zest and the juice of halves of lemon, a tablespoon of chili puree.

The process itself. Oil, juice with a sister and sharp mashed potatoes mix and convert into a homogeneous mass in a blender. With this sharp nappy lubricate the pieces of fillet, send them into the oven - and bake until readiness. Fresh, gentle, non-cool chopped salmon fillet will be enough to spend there for 10 minutes. And - we sing blackly: "And I fish, I am a fish!" Or something from "Ed Hot Chile Peppers."

3. Ginger: Tomato Soup

Frozenness and cold, goodbye! Cheerfulness and joy, hello! Ginger is beautiful in hot drinks, wonderful in confectionery - and mil with vegetables.

Ingredients: 200 grams of boiled beef, lithra broth, garlic cloves heels, tomato bank in its own juice, a glass of natural yogurt, a tablespoon of tomato paste, carrot, bulb, sweet pepper, halve chili, medium sizes of ginger root, greens, curry, black pepper, salt .

The process itself. Meat cut into small pieces, carrots and onions, ginger and peppers Malenko cut, garlic just clean. Vegetables and seasonings We ship into a deep frying pan with butter and there they are trying on a slow fire until they soften. Now in a saucepan, add meat, broth, yogurt, tomatoes, salt-pepper. And all this slowly bouffals until everyone sakes it (if the liquid evaporates, add broth). After that, I am pouring our soup, we decorate it with greens - and warm together with your favorite family.

4. Cinnamon: Apple Krambl

This spice is associated immediately with all the pleasures of autumn and winter: apples, mulling, merry christmas, buns ... She warms the soul and body, improves digestion and helps forget about inflammation. Our cinnamon recipe is simple and aromate.

Ingredients: 5 medium apples, 100 g of flour, some sugar, 50 g of butter, a little almonds (or almond petals) and lemon juice, cinnamon spoon.

The process itself. Apples cut into small pieces, splashing lemon juice and squeeze cinnamon. We add crushed almonds or petals, sprinkle with sugar depending on the degree of sweetness of apple raw materials. Put the resulting stuffing in the molds. Now the flour is mixed with sugar and unprecedented oil - and how to carry all this before forming a slightly wet crumb. We sprinkle the contents of the molds - and in the oven, heated degrees up to 180, 15-20 minutes. Fragrances are the most unearthly, the emotions are the most benevolent!

5. Carnation: Wine Spicy Soup

Armored aroma, sea of ​​essential oil, the ability to give off your properties in different ways (you earlier put - more bitterness, at the end you add more smell) ... the best friend of the marinades and mushrooms. But knows how to decorate not only them!

Ingredients: Bottle of white wine, half-liter beef broth, 200 ml of cream, 4 pieces of onion-shallot, a little white pepper, can be chopped cinnamon, several navitdichin, slightly sugar, salt.

The process itself. Broth and wine are sent to the pan, there is a sliced ​​chalot, all this is brought to a boil - after which a cinnamon is followed with a carnation, all this is about half an hour. Now cream is sent to the soup, whipped thoroughly, and behind them - salt-sugar pepper. Bon appetite, as they say!

6. Cardamom: Acute baked carrot

This ginger relative improves not only the process of digestion, but also the state of the nerves (they say, even from "depression" helps). It is perfectly combined with meat, and with baking, and with some vegetables.

Ingredients: By approximately shelling of carrots - on a tablespoon of vegetable and butter, a teaspoon of cardamom, little by one of the spices (coriander, zira, black pepper peas, paprika, cinnamon), laurels leaf.

The process itself. Carrot clean and cut chopsticks or stripes. Lay out in shape with both oils - and 15 minutes to the oven preheated to 200 degrees. And we still rub all our spices in the mortar. Now I sprinkle with a carrot, add a laurel - and send it back again until the carrot becomes soft, and the aroma is unbearably injector. It turns out a great garnish to meat, and for vegetarians - self-tasty!

7. Turmeric: Chicken Pilaf

Rodin Cardamom with ginger, burning and cheerful and cheerful yellow. Helps digestion, chasing a cold, a good antiseptic. Good and in meat, and in vegetable, and in the pilaf goes - just like a song in the soul!

Ingredients: In half a chicken fillet - rice picked, a couple of bulbs, a couple of carrots, you can eggplant, tomato - what vegetables you need to "recycle", half a tablespoon of turmeric, other spices to taste (zira, barbaris, black ground pepper), greens, salt.

The process itself. Meat cut into small pieces, vegetables - straws and cubes according to an inner feeling. He fry the ones to light goldenness, we attach fillet to it and fry it yet. Now there are carrots and other vegetables, under the lid - and stretched a little more on slow fire. Further add spices, fill with water to cover meat, minutes for another 20 minutes. I will fall back in the same rice, pour now to cover it - and suffer under the lid for half an hour. Now the greens of it, mix - and enjoy!

8. Muscade: Potato Crockets

Specific odorless fruit warms the entire body - and incites passion in the soul. It is beautiful in sauces, good with vegetables, interesting with meat, curious in coffee.

Ingredients: At 700 grams of potatoes - 3 eggs, bulbs, grams 150 Mozarella, vegetable oil, breadcrumbs, nutmeg (half), greens, salt.

The process itself. Cook potatoes and turn into a puree. Onions fry, attach. There is also eggs and grated nutmeg. Solim "Dough" and make slices from it, in the center of each put on a piece of cheese and close. Calculate the resulting "cutlets" in breadcrumbs and fry in a pepper with a thick bottom in a large amount of oil. We decorate the greens and absorb with a loud crash behind the ears!

9. Saffron: fragrant buns

The spice is ancient, strong, spicy. Toning, strengthens almost all possible internal organs, improves the complexion, memory and mood. Dairy dishes, gravy, pastries and pastries with him begin to play with new paints.

Ingredients: On the shelter flour - 250 ml of milk, 50 g of sugar, the same amount of foam oil, yeast, yolk, 100 g of cottage cheese, about the same amount of raisin, salt, half spoons of saffron.

The process itself. Saffron for 10 minutes soaked in milk, then add oil there. In the meantime, we mix the flour, sugar, salt and yeast, we make a "fossa" - and pour a milk-saffron mixture there. We send cottage cheese there - and make a pretty dough well. We divide it into pieces, roll off sausages and make letters S. Letters now let future buns stand under a film in a warm place approximately a watch. Lastery yolk - and it's time to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Let them take 15-20 minutes - and get ready to surprise your neighbor!

10. Garam Masala: Beef with Macaro and Vegetables

It is deciphered by this phrase as a mixture of warming spices. Here you and Cardamon, and the seeds of Coriander, and Zira, and carnation, and cinnamon, and pepper. All this is baked and roasted, and then the grinding. Indians Masalyat everything in the world: Vegetables, pastries, drinks - and you can clean this thing and fish, and meat.

Ingredients: 200 grams of beef fillet, eggplant, yellow pepper, a handful of pasta, garlic, ground chili, salt, Garam Masala.

The process itself. Pasta Cook to the degree of "Al Dente" (not strained, still elastic). We clean the vegetables and fry, add spices, pour water and caring for 10 minutes. With meat, we do in the same way, only fry a little longer, and 20 minutes for about 20 minutes. Now all our components are found in a plate - and lunch is perfectly warming up the frozen organism and tired Soul!

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