7 fatal hazards that threaten 30-year-old


You are in the flourishing of forces, the whole world of your feet, the sea is knee-deep and you began to live forever. Or almost forever. But around the mass of the deadly dangers that you do not notice. And it would be necessary.


Birth control pills

The chances are small - only about 5 women out of 100,000 earn a stroke due to oral contraceptives. But it is unlikely that this statistic will comfort you if you have a blow to you. Justice to say that smoking girls risk significantly more, and doctors themselves do not recommend taking OK to those who smoke like the steel plant. However, who stopped.

Scientists still do not fully understand why it happens - perhaps hormonal contraceptive pills contribute to the formation of blood clots, and in a coar of the vessels and so to hell. Or maybe pills "from children" increase pressure. Whatever it was, or throw smoking, or throw pills. You are too expensive.



In some countries, energy is sold only in pharmacies as medicine. Because their effect on the body will not call the body. Any workaholic that lives on energy, has very high chances to glue the flippers right on the treadmill or during a particularly rapid separation from the bosses.

Energy increases pressure and accelerate the pulse to the space speeds. A man with a weak heart is not necessary. The dose of caffeine, which would be enough to try her herd of the Mustugs, lack of sleep, stress and half an hour of interval training - and all call the arter.


Now, when was the last time I remembered the vaccination from measles? We argue that is about never. Corey immunity has its own shelf life. And even if you were instigated strictly by the calendar, the magic defense has already exhaled.

People aged 27-33 years old are one of the risk groups. But the cort in adulthood is a very severe illness, which can easily end with serous meningitis and sorrow of relatives and loved ones.

Stylish light coat


When there is some rubbish on the street -15 and from the sky. But you want to be terribly in a trend and on the style, and the Raistuses with a pile and a down jacket do not fit with these concepts.

The flu, which we courageously transferred on your feet, because the boss does not let go home, it can easily turn into two-way pneumonia and pleurisy, especially with constant supercooling. And the infectious diseases of the respiratory organs is one of the most common causes of death among young people.


A cute, rosy cinnamon bun with chocolate icing - the killer is cleare of some maniac with a chainsaw. Obesity and all associated charms - malfunctions in the work of the liver, hypertension and other bonuses - firmly occupy their place in the top ten most common causes of mortality among young Europeans.

Young Europeans, I must say, often get the vitamins, because the salad and carrots see only in the pictures to the articles about the head. A lack of vitamins additionally knocks down the metabolism.



Disappointment in the life and middle-aged crisis is now easily mowing and 27-year-old. Because we already think about the first startups in 25, in the 25th I become heads of departments or mutilated your business, so it is quite logical that it is beginning to us that the earthly life is passed to half.

Thank you very much and reverents to those who do this opinion in us supports, hinting that you are not a girl, the watch tick, it's time to you, pension, wrapping in a savan and give up the road to the young Spane. There is not far from depression, and depression will end in lousy. Very, very brushing.


If you are not a supercomputer, you can hardly react to a dangerous situation on the road in time, picking up an example with one hand, and the other scattering the steering wheel. Alas, even if you are not engaged in such nonsense, do not relax - there are a bunch of people around you who do not wait to become donors of the bodies. It is better to ride the subway.

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