17 signs that you are in bed with sexist

  • #one
  • He enters you without preparation, without foreplay, with this appearance that since you are naked in bed, it automatically means that you are ready. Especially frostbitten do not even pretend to touch and check how you are doing there
  • # 2.
  • Never asks what and how you love. Two options, or he "Sex Visknay" or him just on the bolt, both of these options are very so-so
  • # 3.
  • He makes "Goat Mord" when you ask him about protection
  • #four
  • When he charges a naphthalene cart about "sniffing flowers in gas mask". The answer is only like that, you know that, Darling, I am on your figs on your Neanderthal convictions, from HIV, other STDs and unwanted pregnancy they will not save me
  • #five
  • Or, this is this classic: "on a hawp" without a condom for a couple of minutes
  • # 6.
  • When he lets comments on how much time you need to cum
  • # 7.
  • He knows that you don't like something and this is something quite concrete, and he continues to darid "Well, please do it for me." And your list of vows and unwanted and forbidden points in sex does not want to break
  • #eight
  • You are clear and saying "no", and it is inflated and like that, like, okay, okay. And you should speculate that he can do it on the side and experience the imposed feeling of guilt
  • #nine
  • He often and rather hardly comments on your pubic "hairstyle", constantly complains, then in the bristle, then something else on something
  • #10
  • Some strange way the right to choose a position belongs exclusively to him, yours, clearly, too boring
  • #eleven
  • Same with the pace and rhythm of frictions
  • #12
  • When he is rough and dramatically controls your head or pulls the hair during oral sex
  • #13
  • After the blowjob, he refuses to kiss you. "Fu-fu, these lips you will still kiss our children." Kamon!
  • #fourteen
  • You only execute his sexy fantasies and dreams. Do you have to have interesting scripts in this area? Silent, woman
  • #fifteen
  • Unplanned pregnancy and all the efforts associated with this entirely on you, and in the case when you fly, he shouldn't just disappear
  • #sixteen
  • No sentences to help, no question "like you", nothing. Just drink the "post-therapist", we will meet in a week
  • # 17.
  • You must understand and take it when he caresses after a minute or dares behind the pants, throwing a short "well, I went," or just heats up and change dramatically
  • Anonim

    Strange and scary to recognize that, even without taking participation in gender slices of the last few weeks, you can not deny the availability of this phenomenon in your life. And not only in the public component, but also the intimate part of it. Fu so be!


    He enters you without preparation, without foreplay, with this appearance that since you are naked in bed, it automatically means that you are ready. Especially frostbitten do not even pretend to touch and check how you are doing there

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_2

    # 2.

    Never asks what and how you love. Two options, or he "Sex Visknay" or him just on the bolt, both of these options are very so-so

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_3

    # 3.

    He makes "Goat Mord" when you ask him about protection

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_4


    When he charges a naphthalene cart about "sniffing flowers in gas mask". The answer is only like that, you know that, Darling, I am on your figs on your Neanderthal convictions, from HIV, other STDs and unwanted pregnancy they will not save me

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_5


    Or, this is this classic: "on a hawp" without a condom for a couple of minutes

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_6

    # 6.

    When he lets comments on how much time you need to cum

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_7

    # 7.

    He knows that you don't like something and this is something quite concrete, and he continues to darid "Well, please do it for me." And your list of vows and unwanted and forbidden points in sex does not want to break

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_8


    You are clear and saying "no", and it is inflated and like that, like, okay, okay. And you should speculate that he can do it on the side and experience the imposed feeling of guilt

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_9


    He often and rather hardly comments on your pubic "hairstyle", constantly complains, then in the bristle, then something else on something

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_10


    Some strange way the right to choose a position belongs exclusively to him, yours, clearly, too boring

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_11


    Same with the pace and rhythm of frictions

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_12


    When he is rough and dramatically controls your head or pulls the hair during oral sex

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_13


    After the blowjob, he refuses to kiss you. "Fu-fu, these lips you will still kiss our children." Kamon!

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_14


    You only execute his sexy fantasies and dreams. Do you have to have interesting scripts in this area? Silent, woman

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_15


    Unplanned pregnancy and all the efforts associated with this entirely on you, and in the case when you fly, he shouldn't just disappear

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_16


    No sentences to help, no question "like you", nothing. Just drink the "post-therapist", we will meet in a week

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_17

    # 17.

    You must understand and take it when he caresses after a minute or dares behind the pants, throwing a short "well, I went," or just heats up and change dramatically

    17 signs that you are in bed with sexist 38339_18

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