10 steep houses that built madness


Everyone goes crazy in its way. Architects, in this sense, lucky more than others - their madness is largely and durable.

House of Winchesters, USA



Sarah Winchester, the widow of the son of the famous gunsight, was seriously worried about the death of the spouse. At a session at the medium in Boston, she "talked" with the spirit of the late husband, and he told her that he was death, and the death of their daughter (baby died shortly after birth) is a generic curse: so the spirits of the spirits killed by rifles of Winchester. You can escape, but for this, Sarah should build such a house in which it is not able to find angry perfume.

The widow was a woman's disadvantage, so she really bought a house on the west coast and began to build. Sarah constantly changed the workers, issuing more and more new plans that herself painted. Multimillion state melted, but the widow continued to restructure.

The layout of the house is designed so that the perfume, weighed behind Sarah, lost. Here are full of dead-end doors opening into the wall, stairs, resting in the ceiling, and corridors width in 30-40 centimeters (the widow was subtitle). Some doors on the top floor are open outside, and merchant windows are burned in many walls.

Another feature of the house is the cult of the number "13". Almost all stairs 13 steps, in many rooms of 13 windows. Only 160 rooms account for about two thousand doors, about ten thousand windows and 47 fireplaces.

Perfect Palace of the Postman Sheval, France


Ferdinand Cheval was a postman. In 1879, at the age of 43, Ferdinand stumbled on a stone (afterwards he calls him a stumbling block), the beauty in him, inspired and decided to create his own perfect palace. Every day, the postman passed about 30 kilometers, and collected stones on the road. At first he wore them in his pockets, then in the basket, then drove into a wheelbarrow. Ferdinand picked up the stones constantly, in parallel with the work in the mail.

In 1888, Cheval retired and engaged in the construction of the castle from those stones that was collected. Construction took a whole 34 years. Often Ferdinand worked at night, with the light of the kerosene lamp, and slept on the street or in the storage room. The entire surface of the structure is filled with stucco, images, sculptures and other elements of the decor. There was also a place for the Egyptian gods, and for the Catholic saints, and for a mosque, and even for the White House. Despite the fact that the castle has many inputs and exits, inside there is only one room that Ferdinand used as a barn for tools. On the walls of the couch carved the statements of Sheval. For example, this: "1879-1912, 10,000 days, 93000 hours, 33 years of hard work. Who thinks he can better - let him try. "

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany


King Bavaria Ludwig II was a man fond. Back in 1861, being a crown, he visited Opera "Loangrin" and so faded the work of Wagner, which began to consider himself the last knight of the swan Order. Later, Ludwig became the king, invited Wagner to Munich and brought to the court. Wagner rated the charm of the situation and began to point to the politicians of Bavaria, what to do. He pointed out rudely and ineptly, so that the royal yard insisted on the urgent departure of the composer from Munich. The composer went, but that's what court did not take into account: the impressionable king began to miss it immensely. Here, Ludwig was unsuccessful with Elizabeth Bavarian, he refused him - and the king completely flew from the coils. The policy of Ludwig waspiled, he fell into nostalgia by childhood. How exactly the kings fall into childhood, clearly visible in the photo.

With the help of an explosion, Ludwig lowered a mining plateau for 8 meters, summed up the road, paved the pipeline and began the construction of the "fairy lock" on September 5, 1869. In the interior of the palace, the illustrations were dominated by Wagner and German Epos Opera. The leitmotif of the whole architecture and jewelry was the topic of the swan - well, who else!

By 1873, the personal relatives of the king on the third floor were ready. For ten years, construction was carried out almost around the clock: by 1883, finished the finish of the four floors, and the king settled in the castle. The inner decoration struck: for example, between the halls, the king arranged a real cave grotto with stalactites. Behind the embezzlement of the treasury on the construction of Ludwig was removed from power before the completion of the decoration, but the king did not stop and built on the remnants of personal savings. They say to the "fabulous king" sent a doctor who had to diagnose madness to officially deprive the ruler of authority. Ludwig and Dr. went for a walk in the mountains, and no one else saw them.

House-aircraft, USA


For more than 10 years, American Bruce Campbell spent on turning the old airliner to the house of his dreams. After retirement, the engineer acquired the written off "Boeing 727" for a hundred thousand dollars and added the same amount to dismantle it and transport to its forest site in Oregon.

For such a sum, it was possible to easily buy a decent house, but our hero had a strong motivation - he hated wooden buildings, like a "potential rot and seedlings of termites." But the plane with his rounded fuselage was presented by Bruce ergonomic, seismic resistant and able to withstand the wind by force to 1000 kilometers per hour (if followed by the thought of Bruce, in Oregon, every Friday).

We did not invent all this expanded argument, and they took from the site of Campbell http://www.airplanehome.com/. Campbell managed to make repairs in one of the three toilet plane cabins, organize electricity, lay a transparent floor and even arrange a shower in the cabin. Holy Saints - Cabin pilots - Her Bruce decided to leave untouched, and sometimes sitting here in the evenings, watching the green sea taiga on the wing of the aircraft.

Castle from Lego, USA


The mother of two children from Seattle Alice Finch does not know exactly how much money went to build a palace of 400 thousand parts of Lego. First, American ordered details from around the world, and then with perseverance, worthy of better use, explored the prototype of the castle, which was the school of sorcerence and magic "Hogwarts". Well, that, that schools are not in reality - part of the descriptions of Alice deducted Joan Rowling in the books, the part drew from the films about Harry Potter, then visited many buildings in Oxford, where the film scenes were filmed and, finally visited the Studio "Warner Brothers" to Examine layouts of scenery. After that, there was only 12 months left, to collect the details together, and - Hurray! - The monumental model of Hogwarts won a triumphal victory at the exhibition Lego BRICKCON.

Gangster House, Russia


This private house under the Archangelian height of 40 meters was considered the highest wooden building in the world. The people in the 12th floors were called Tower of Sutyagin, by the name of the owner and the builder.

The second name of the skyscraper is "Gangster House" - reflects the spirit of the 90s when the construction was started. Then the "New Russian" Nikolay Sutagin, the owner of the sawmill and network of department stores, simply wanted to be seen from the window.

The fact that forty kilometers to the sea was not embarrassed - from the top of his tower and the truth is visible a strip of the White Sea on the horizon. The origins of a strange architectural solution - in the author's spiritual throwers: "At first I built 3 floors, but the house began to look like something ridiculous," Soutagin explained. "Therefore, I decided to add another floor, but it was still somehow crooked. And so the completed and completed, until the house turned into what you see now. "

Perhaps Nikolai would add a couple of floors if the "dashing nineties" did not lead him to criminal record. The prison sentence of the owner did not affect the house - the tower began to wind, frightening the surrounding inhabitants to the shock and creak. The firefighters were also not delighted with the architecture: one spark - and the castle would take care of the pioneer fire, "grabbing" a whole residential quarter. Therefore, the house was recently demolished.

Guest House Dan Viet Nga, Vietnam



A resident of Vietnam Dang Viet Nga (the last word, by the way, means "Russia!") Countrymen nicknamed "crazy Dalat." And, looking at her house built, it is not difficult to understand why. But once NGA studied in Moscow at the architect. It is unlikely that it was in the USSR that such a craving for expressionism, but, one way or another, she created this house without resorting to any architectural canons (drawings, for example). Dang Viet simply painted the building so, "as she sees," the builders gave the drawing and generously paid. Municipal authorities for many years opposed this construction.

Aesthetics is a matter of taste, the officials were more disturbed by the dubious stability of the design. True and untrue Vietnamese brought the project to completion. With its inspirers, NGA calls Tolkien and Disney. House rooms for rent to tourists and stylized for animal homes: ant, bear, giraffe ... Vietnamese claims that each animal meets its nationality. Ant, for example, is a symbol of diligence of Vietnamese, and Russian NSA sends a bedroom in a bearish. Let's blow to the eclectics, in the center of the hotel there is a gloomy altar of the ancestors with candles and portraits of Dang's parents.

House on a tree, Japan



The motto on an extravagant Japanese T-shirt states "Back to the tree!". Opponent Darwin is called Takashi Kobayashi, this ecologist and self-taught architect designed and built more than hundreds of houses on the trees. Although the benefit for trees in this merger with a person, to put it mildly, is doubtful (pay attention to the eco-friendly firewood by the fireplace), such green slogans found quite a few supporters in Japan. Maybe it's about the acute lack of land on the islands?

All houses of Takashi are designed in such a way that with the growth of the tree, they are not in danger to fall apart and do not require major repairs. It is argued that the trees themselves also do not interfere.

Apocalypse yesterday, USA


Externally, this house in Las Vegas looks common, except for several ventilation yields in the courtyard produce in it the presence of a "second bottom".

If you look closely, you can see the entrance to the elevator shaft. This elevator leads to an underground room with an area of ​​1393 square meters, built in 1978 by a millionaire Girand "Jerry" Henderson.

In the midst of the Cold War, Jerry established the company "Underground Houses of the World". He was convinced that an atomic war that would demolish ground buildings as matchboxes - a matter of time, and, it means, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. The bunker has several bedrooms, three bathrooms, two jacuzzi, swimming pool, golf course and dance floor.

The ceilings and walls made frescoes with clouds and picturesque landscapes, and dynamic lighting imitates a change of time. Well, of course, magnetic doors, seismic overlapping, water treatment and ventilation systems - the entire postpocalyptic set is there. After the death of Jerry, the bunker was put up for sale, but there were no hunters to live at a depth of 8 meters.

Fake hills, China


This Chinese group of architects for his crazy ideas received a short nickname "Mad". The projects of the guys made a lot of noise on the Internet, but, nevertheless, their futuristic concepts did not perceive seriously - you never know how to draw in 3D. But for that we love the XXI century, which now you can find financing even under the most insane ideas. In this case, the investor was the Government of China, which included one of the "crazy" projects to the plan of updating centers of Millionaire centers. Fake Hills, or "Fake Hills" - so called a residential complex developed by the Mad team for the Chinese city of Beihai. The structure would be so huge that it would cover a whole coastal area from light, if the structures did not make holes that transmit sunlight. The whole roof of the building will be occupied by the garden.

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