10 technicians who will help you release steam and do not kill anyone


"Oh, yes score." Yeah, right now. We are not from those who will wipe their legs. We are Tarantinovsky Brides, that's just to Katan and go to crush offenders in Vinaigrette. Or do not let's go, but for sure we will breed and bang.

Because they can be offended, but forgive - no. Although humanity has long come up with a bunch of technician who will allow you to get rid of the insult (and touchiness) once and for all.

Release Par

Otherwise, you will break on the shreds before the start of self-improvement. Find a photo of the offender (or imagine him in all disgusting details) and explain in detail him what exactly he is wrong and what he is generally a goat. Every maxigation can be reinforced by a boxing match with a pillow. Stop only when it becomes boring.

Rewash Final

Pouring literary skills and write a first-person story about how you humiliated and insulted. Do not miss any details and describe how you have fallen from such arrogance. And then write another story about how in one of the parallel worlds, the offender Schlopotal from you a broken broom on the Susalas. WILL FOOD!

Require apologies

If the previous method has not worked for some reason (which is unlikely), and there are still free sheets in the notebook, write a scound of a letter with all the complaints. You can write for a long time, at least a few days until inspiration runs out. Do not try to send this pearl epistolar genre. Instead, write the answer from the face of the offender - what you would like to get, with explanations and apologies. On a psychological hairdryer, this is called "Close Gestalt". Close and throw the key.

Go on the other side

On the last sheet of notepad, write a port tunic on behalf of the offender - why he said it or did what I thought and what I wanted to achieve. Everyone has its own truth, and, looking at the situation from another shore, you will see not a monster, who, if only a good person, spoil the mood, and an ordinary person with his logic - albeit stupid.


Imagine that you are not offended and delegated sirota Hasya, and, for example, Niagara Falls, Empire State Building or Sequoia tree. Insult you - only insulted to blend. Any vile word will bounce as a ricochet.

Change plate

Scientists have been picked up for a long time in the brains and found out that we are very quickly involved in responding to certain situations equally. You did not call you back and did you think in response? Well done, do so always. Soon you will stop calling at all, because in offended water is carried. On the other hand, if you spend offense in time and wander yourself, the brain will begin to fix the new behavioral pattern and every time the offense will be less and less.

Zries in the root

Sometimes not to forgive where it is more convenient than forgive: I dressed up with the victim, I got into the corner and wearing the sympathy with a complete spoon. Think, and don't you hide something else - well, for example, fear of responsibility for your life or awareness of what you also have the same thing that be healthy? The offensive come and go, and with these cockroaches you still live.

Respect yourself

And with what, actually, Wasya or Manya suddenly began to turn your mood joystick? Honoring on them, you, in essence, let them feed on the buttons and steer themselves. Considering that the insult gives you a moral advantage, you are deeply mistaken. In fact, in the subordinate position, you are just you, and not Vasya, who already think about you and think.

Take advantage of the situation

And why did you suddenly disqualified? Why did you hook a comment about your figure or a five-minute delay in the meeting? Maybe the fact is that you yourself understand that it was somewhat drove or fear that everyone is considered to be a loaf and do not appreciate your time? The most pleasant compliments are undeserved, and the most insulting statements are those that confirm our unpleasant thoughts about themselves. You can take offense, and you can finally go to the park and run the marathon to all enemies.

Are you on whose side?

If you, reading until this point, Cherish Pics last words for the fact that we vote for the tolerance and non-resistance of evil, think about what: offense requires such a number of energy, which would have enough for a whole star of death. While you walk the discerned and eager for revenge, on such a nonsense, like love, creativity and the joy of life, the forces no longer remain. So what is more important to you - to prove to all the world, that you are not a smearing, which all resentment gets on the brakes, or live as a white person?

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