Pavel Zygmantich: Why no one needs male initiation


Pavel Zygmantich: Why no one needs male initiation 38336_1
VKontakte's publics are actively convinced that many (if not all) problems of modern men occur due to the lack of these most men male initiation.

"What can I say? Before us, a wonderful illustration for the saying "heard the ringing, but I do not know where he," said Pavel Pavel Zygmantovich.

Simply put, publishes are wrong.

A bit of history

Let's start with the most important. Namely: the rites of initiation in pure form exist only in gathet hunters.

It is in such tribes there is a full cycle - special ridicule, an exposure to the forest in the forest, throwing there, plotting, finding a special village, obedience in this village, accompanied by hunger and beatings, checkout through the imitation of messengers, the test of the fire or semi-resistant, the loss of the old name and gain The name of the new and so on.

There are no such thing among agricultural peoples. Where hunters-collectors really admitted their teenage boys, agricultural nations neatly poured them with water or just kunali a couple of times.

Instead of fire - tonsured. Instead of torture - ritual spanking or circumcision.

Moreover, there is a clear pattern - the higher the level of development of the people, the less remained from initiation, the less bloody it becomes.

Why is that?

Why Need an initiation

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After initiation of hunters-collectors, the boys became members of the so-called male unions, could live in a male house (still in some Polynesian tribes have been preserved).

Becoming a member of the Union, the boy received some responsibilities, and with them - and some rights (for example, could marry). But the main task of the initiation was not the introduction of a boy in this Union. It was only some consequence (this is evidenced by this funny fact - in some tribes that scientists have already found, the initiatives are also undergoing men about forty, who already have families and children).

The main task of initiating was the magical power of a magical force - good luck in the hunt.

That is why the initiation was built as a journey into the world of death - a meeting with the dead and a safe return from there meant that the dead was convicted by the boy, his luck was paid for suffering and blood. By the way, about ten percent of the boys did not experience the initiation - died for various reasons.

With the development of civilization and the transition to agriculture, individual luck has become less important, and the initiation has sharply passed the position, increasingly turning into formality.

Modern world

In the modern world, the initiation is impossible - there is no, first of all, the system. If the ancient Slavs have a boy after the postured usually translated from the Babi Kuta to the general territory, then it is simply impossible in modern apartments. Not to mention the change of name - it is just incomprehensible.

Or here - in the small villages of hunters-collectors or farmers everyone knew that this was the initiation of this, and now he lives in a male house (or came out "from the Babi Kut"). In the modern city it is impossible - for obvious reasons.

This also includes social pressure - hunter-collectors do not pass the initiation, the boy could not. It was a shame, from which it was impossible to wash. But already among the farmers, the attitude to the initiation began to change - now many people looked at her as meaningless mockery of children (which caused a radical decline in the prime initiation).

And the further civilization developed, the less need for initiation remained.

It turns out, the initiation in the modern world is simply impossible. First of all, technically.

And in the second line - just not needed.

What is the problem?

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The difficulties of modern men are not at all that they have not been initiated. Three hundred years ago, it was also not all the townspeople, but it somehow did not bother. What is the case?

The reason for prosaic - the traditional image of masculinity collapsed (or, if you like, masculinity).

In the estate society for each class there is its own, more or less clearly outlined image of a "real man." The peasant must be like this, the priest is such a nobleman - such. Everything is clear, everything is more or less holistic, there are no special contradictions.

Now everything has changed.

We now have a lot of different images (if you are accurate - the norms of the male role, see the works of Thompson and Plekka). These images are often contradictory and modern men have serious difficulties when trying to meet all the norms of the male role that these men are known.

For example, the norm "earn a lot of money" at a time enters the clinch with the norm "be a good father" - after all, career takes time, and children demand time. And in the day there are only twenty-four hours. You need to choose something.

In general, men tear into parts and they are trying to find some kind of correct image. And it is impossible to find it - too controversial norms of the male role exist now in our society.

Where is salvation?

In fact, the correct image is purely individual. It is impossible to find some kind of uniform image of the right man. It is impossible to say that the right man necessarily loves football, and who are fond of floristry - botanies are over. A person is much multifaceted than any norm.

In short, "You can be a little man and think about the gran of nails" (by the way, note that at the stage of the destruction of the class society, when Pushkin worked, the problem of the contradiction of the norms of the male role was already straightened in full growth).

Moreover. For a long time, among scientists, the terms like "male qualities" and "female qualities" are not consumed. Now it is customary to talk about the skills of instrumentality and expressness skills.

Under the instrumental skills are the skills associated with solving problems (in a broad sense). And under the skills of expressiveness - concern for people (again - in a broad sense).

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Obviously, a man makes sense to own both skills groups - it simply improves the quality of his life, makes it more efficient. But the form of embodiments of these skills can be chosen completely independently.

There, where one will need to sit and you need to think about the problem, the second will be more convenient to take a checker and rush into battle, sowing head. Neither one nor another becomes more or less men. The main thing - they solve the problem.

Similarly, about expressiveness. Let one man listen carefully and poured tea, and the second cheerfully throws his head and coins: "I believe you can cope." Neither the other does not become from their behavior more or less men. The main thing - they show care.

And if they do not solve the problem and do not care about other people, then we have the problem of infantality, and not the norms of the male role. In other words, in such cases the problem is not that a person is not enough. The problem is that he is not adult enough.


There is no male initiation in the modern world, and cannot exist. The young man becomes a man not through any procedure, but as a result of the progressive development of adult duties and adults associated with them. The image of masculinity has now become extremely individual, and those men who understand this live well without any particular problems. If a man is trying to link the contradictory norms of the male role, he inevitably falls into the millstone role-playing conflict, which is fraught with various unpleasant effects (up to heart attack). Form your image of masculinity - the main thing is that it makes your life better, and not worse. This is the only criterion that is worth native.

And I have everything, thanks for your attention.

Text source: Pavlo Zygmantovich psychologist website

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