Funny and ridiculous stories about online dating



Virtual dating is like a Russian roulette. Sometimes it fits in the heart of an amourous arrow, sometimes ... in some other places that were not ready for such turns at all!

Vain spending

He received a letter from one comrade, on the description of a lyric physicist, a candidate of science. Suggested immediately meet. I worked in the center and asked to come him to the Griboedov Canal. Comrade in Stopanted sneakers and with a drain backpack, without five minutes, the homeless. And immediately asks: "To you or to me?" I say, somehow early so immediately ... specifying that the sex will not be right now, it changes in the face and evil throws: "In vain only aware of Baton!", Relaxed and leaves ...

Zodiac does not tell

Agreed to meet. In the morning, everything was still in force, he called and promised to drive up, but he called back to the appointed hour again - and announced that he calculated the horoscope and found that this day was undesirable for meetings with the women of my sign. I think coolly otmazed. But after that he did not disappear! Called a few more times, said that I made some layouts and read me forecasts ... I was surprised that they did not come true.

Collecting power

One after a period of correspondence I said that communicating on the site, it collects sexual energy, which then turns into ingenious works of art. At the same time, the called in nature. Whether bushes love, whether he was going to write landscapes right away.

Creative Valentine


It seems that a normal boy was, I wrote competently, it spoke beautifully, on the pictures a good ... In short, we agreed to meet on the day of lovers. So I was presented to Valentine, which was attached to the bottles of some kind of wine! As a result, I flew home under the balconies, I slept in the dirt and spoiled new suede boots.

Question Edge

One comrade from the dating site, having come for a date, immediately issued a question that was needed to be sex. Waitually remember ... "What do you need to do so that you immediately wanted?" I fell. Well, obviously not what you did just :)

I love to shy

I registered on the first dating site in my life. It was necessary to write something about herself on the inglice. I then had a completely unfamiliar with an Internet. He asked her daughter to write about me. "What exactly?" - I answer: "Truth". Well, she wrote, I did not check, the letters went with the jamb. Strange such all: they write that they cook very well that housekeeper houses ... I think it's all. Then the mind had enough to translate my profile. And there it is written: lazy, I love to devour and comfortable life. Baby for such a head received. And she: "Mamusik, you just look at how many you want to feed you!"

Genius places

My girlfriend, a good, pretty girl, after graduation, went to his little town in the Pskov region. We registered it to "Loveplan". They wrote the whole truth, the photo was thrust out the right, the city indicated all that. In a couple of months, she wrote only one maritarian, just in this city it happens on business trips ... For the sake of joke, we changed the place of residence in the questionnaire. Written Finland, Tampere. The photo was left the same. And then went, went! They poured it with compliments and suggestions, wrote from the entire territory of the former USSR. As a result, she successfully married ... for a colleague for work.

Instead of pictures


I sit at work, nothing to do, I correspond to Slowly in ICQ. Someone is knocking. We begin to communicate. I decided to learn more about your interlocutor - and I recognize that this is a colleague. And he did not even guessed. At work, he was uncommunicative, gloomy, and here it gives out, Mom does not burn. By the end of the working day he writes: "You're such an interesting interlocutor, I want to see how you look. Throw your photo". And I am: "And what to throw it off ... Turn the head right!" He turns his head, and I mash him with his hand as the Secretary General with the Mausoleum ...

Special signs

At the first meeting, after correspondence, we agreed to meet a girl at the shopping center. I call her: they say, came, black Peugeot 207, waiting. She comes out, passes by my car ... and elegantly sits in a silver Nissan! And he has a license plate with numbers 207 ... ran to challenge from captivity. Guy in Nissan, in general, the gift of speech lost, not a word knocked.

Ghost Vladimir

We rewrite, construct and in the process we decide that it is just vital to meet. In parallel, add in "Odnoklassniki" and so on ... And every other day, Vladimir is removed from all the Sotcasts, puts the number blacklist! I bought a new dress myself, and he evaporated ... This is what I needed to say terrible? I still think ... well, but the dress is fine for me!

Attraction of dudes

I sit on the site upset, the mood at zero, the message comes here: "Hi! Tell me how to get acquainted with you to get acquainted to verify the similarity of our magnetic poles? " I am so angry, there is also some kind of stagger with my poles ... I write: "I can immediately say: they are different!" All irritated turns off the laptop, and then I am illuminated: different poles are attracted! I turn back, and immediately we write at the same time: "Oh, damn, different things are attracted." Since then, we are together. Useful sometimes forget school physics ...

Oops that's not for you


I have a stormy correspondence with MCH, and in parallel I share with my girlfriend. And we are familiar with her from kindergarten, and to discuss guys accustomed to ... Mm, let's say, very straightforwardly and with humor. And by chance a message for a friend in the appropriate style is sent to this MCH. Poor! Somehow he did not appreciate my revelations, disappeared from the radar instantly.

My fish

The first and last time agreed to meet after the correspondence. The time appointed came out, I froze - it is not ... after 15 minutes it turned around and left. He calls: "Where are you, where are you?" I: "Where were you?" He: "Oh, I was delayed, the fish from the bank in Don released. She was wintering ... "Curtain.

Entertaining ornithology

All evening this miracle fed me with some kind of sayings on male consistency. The most memorable: he compared men - attention! - with roosters. "A man like a rooster should show his consistency" and something further about the cockpit tails and posture ... In general, an entertaining ornithological excursion lasted two hours during which he spoke only. On the way I made a compliment to me, saying that I had a very interesting jaw. Here must be Faispalm. I went to the elevator ...

What is his face?

Everything went fine, and here he issued in the correspondence at some point: "You know, women look at my face - and decide not to mess with me ..." I frightened. Something liked himself immediately. And so timidly interested, and what is with a person. Preparing for any sad story ... And he answers: "Well, I am beautiful!"

Calculated - slandered

Most, handsome, all such packaged, generous - cafe, restaurants. And then after two months I gave: You know, I figured it out and calculated - our relationships are too expensive to me, I decided on a mortgage, you already sorry.

In the distance behind a surprise


I came to the first date at heels. And he is so mysterious to me, with glitter in the eyes: "I prepared a surprise to you, just need to walk a little." Well, for the sake of surprise you can go. As a result, we walked almost one and a half hours to a shabby shop. He put me on the bench wait, came out, says: "Close your eyes" - and puts me in the mouth of Rafael. I ate, waiting where the surprise. And it turned out that this is he. Because somehow in the correspondence I mentioned that I never eaten these candies. So I basically do not like sweet! And he decided to fight the shower latitude. And so far we walked, because there worked him there, she was periodically released from pity for debt to him.

Replacing goods

In the correspondence, he was just a dusk and the very wit, and at the meeting - frozen, mumps. As a result, admitted that he wrote not he, and his girlfriend, lesbian ...

Normal felt

Agreed at 18.00 in one cafe. I was late for 10 minutes - and at 18.05 received a message: "You showed disrespect for my delay. Normal women come in advance and wait for me! " And about a month later, he wrote that "I am ready to give me another chance." Apparently, the "normal" harsh dude was not caught ...

Carnim by concepts


I come for a date ... And there is a natural gopnik with baking beer and two plastic cups! Gentleman, damn. What I found, I don't know, but ... I looked at him - and we handed out his beer on a bench under seeds, talked about life. Before love, the case, of course, did not come. But when boring, there is with whom in the sports bar of beer drink!

Sweetened pill

One person on a good car half-evening ride me around the city and told something tedious about my life. I was seen that I did not like him, but he hardly did not want to say goodbye to me. When this miracle happened, he straightened him straight to me in his hands a jar with honey. Said that from his apiary. What was it?

Romance Berezova

Girlfriend came to the meeting. The guy threw a twig with birch, handed her and said: Congratulations on the holiday of Spring! Then he suggested to ride ... on the bus.

Lenka will you?

They corresponded normally, and at the meeting the first thing he did - my figure as an estimated look was my figure and I asked: "Pop like a Lenka, only Lenka is a little higher." After offered to meet, and really wondered why I do not want. Lenka, as he said, for some reason he did not want him ...

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