Who is guilty?! It is known who!


Everything falls out of the hands, the crocodile is not caught, the favorable project is offered to a colleague, the best girlfriend led a beloved man and he also gave him to the sunset, snake Podkodnaya! PICS.RU knows who is to blame for all your troubles - here's the most sacred knowledge!


Everyone knows that there is a global conspiracy, and the world is divided into spheres of influence, so key positions go exclusively to members of an ancient Order. Nobody change this order. Especially the one who does not consist in the ancient Order. Whoever does not consist anywhere else, even in the VKontakte group.

And yes, the assistant of the younger manager is also a key position, if someone did not understand - the secret government has his own views on the footage !! And they do not get such tagged pieces worthy people seem to be not due to the lack of experience, education, or knowledge, but because your candidacy has not even been considered on the general secret meeting. Stress tolerance? Confident PC user? No, did not hear.


So it does not live calm people. Bread not feed - give the Russian man to make a nasty! And a concretely taken person! You! First, the viruses, specially grown in American laboratories, careless hands of the soulless scientists !! Then they offer to make a deadly vaccination !! Feed poison !! And it is still unknown what will do !! Quite exactly some kind of readiness on the need for your black soul !! By the way, are you in the know that Cesarean Section also came up with Americans in order to destroy the Russian nation? The same!


With these in general, everything is clear right away. The country was wiping, universal blessings did not achieve, and you left the queues, bureaucracy and the Ham's appeal from all in a row, starting with the concierge in the entrance and ending with the tram driver. Therefore, when once again before your nose, the door of the bus will shut, trains or you are on some unparalleled budget institution, know that it's all - damned communays

Always we enter something! That in shit, then in the party! ©


Everyone knows that the aliens constantly fly to our cozy planet to carry out the blood of experiments over living people, take sampling, and then the quick alien intervention. Pressure drops, snow in July and lilac in January are all the consequences of terrible experiments. And you just an experimental mouse. Do you want to put experiences on you? Mice words were not given! Sit in your mink and know - no way out!

Evil people

It's time to recognize: people became terribly evil. No one loves you and your successes, too, no one is going to rejoice. And why is it suddenly? Yes, everyone wants to offend you, humiliate and quickly sow with the light! You can not trust anyone! Friends just pretend to be friends to bring you a blow to the back in a responsible moment.

Do not trust? Then look at your surrounding more. They will probably give themselves. Are you treated with goodies? Want to quit and disfigure your perfect body! Do not give money? Jotty! Well, then you can not continue. Everything is clear, yes?


Of course, these are just the most popular options. There are even less well-known, but from this no less dangerous perpetrators of your troubles!


Sleeps yourself and sleeps. It would seem that he can do bad person personally? But maybe! Remember - during your past vacation at sea three days from seven storms. And this is all he, the cattle of Pogordordaya, grumbled in the sea bunchery! Yes Yes!

Horsemen of the Apocalypse

They say no profit. But they are clearly on the road. And come forward all sorts of problems and sorrow. And of course you get the most.


Here everything is clear - there is no human face with capitalism. But there is paid medicine, paid education and generally paid everything that you naturally do not have enough money. If it is easier for you, you can first blame in all Henry Ford. And then all successful businessmen. They are to blame for bad ecology, the destruction of the ozone layer and clogging of the World Ocean.


Not enough loved or loved too much. They did not care at all or carefully too diligently and until 18 years old met you from school. In short, in any incomprehensible situation, go to psychoanalyst and complain about my mother with dad! In vain or how do you tolerate them all the conscious life?!

Illustrations: shutterstock

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