Instructions for use for beginner cottowers


    First, do not be afraid of anything. All you will succeed. Secondly, I apologize not to consider the brands of arrogance advertising - I write only what tried myself and recognized as extremely suitable. So, you have a cat in the house. Or kitty. For simplicity, I will further call him "cat" everywhere. Let's remember where he came from.

    1. You took the kitten from your homemade cat your loved ones, my mother saw, she was grafted and healthy. Then go directly to point 7. 2. You took the cat in the shelter (you are well done!), The cat is already neutered / sterilized and the results of the tests and the passport with the vaccination made no more than a year ago were attached to the cat. Go to clause 10. 3. You picked up a newborn / sleeping kitten on the street. Oh, you are poor. Please read the instructions here. Ideally, try to find a grafting nursing cat, it will be best. Consult the branch, whether everything goes correctly if you could provide a cat only artificial nutrition. 4. You picked up a cat on the street (you are well done!) And you have no other cats at home. Do not go home, go to the clinic. If you are in Moscow, find the nearest laboratory "Chance Bio". Come there and tell me, honestly looking into the eyes of the lady at the reception: "I picked the cat, let's surrender." You will need to check the scraping from the ear on the ear tick, check the wool on deprived using a special lamp and take an analysis of infections (Ask a branch based on the results of the inspection, which diseases are worth checking your cat). On the worms, it is pointless to check, still chant.

    Ask a branch to see if there is no flea. After that you are going home. If the branch said that it was not, you can wash it (it is better to do a special cat shampoo, but if it is not, you don't have an ordinary children's shampoo 1: 4 and wash the garment obtained, dry the towels, let go, let it lick). If there is a flea, see item 5. If there is deprived, ask the branch than to withdraw it. Good news: deprived output, and in most cases it is quite not difficult. If someone advised you from a depriving arable soap or left, sleep this someone, oversees his body to a terrible soap and go with a cat to normal branch. 4.1. If you have other cats at home, please do not forget to inform the branch when directions on the tests and urgently find the overexposure or come up with where to isolate a new cat for testing tests on infection. 5. If the cat has a flea, treat the cat in frontline-spray. Lose 2-4 days before go to clause 7. 6. Wait for the results of the tests, it is usually from 1 to 3 days. We assume that the cat is healthy (if not healthy, go to the branch, the doctor will say what to do). 7. If the branch said that the cat's age is more than a month, buy a means from worms in a pet store or retipetec and process the cat. The tool from the worms is in the form of tablets, in the form of suspension and in the form of droplets on the withers. As for me, it is more convenient because of the drop on the withers, I use Profheder. From the tablets, my personal recommendation leaves "Drartal". Suspension - "Prazicide". Please note that anthelmintics are usually calculated with a weight / age, read the inscription on the package. 8. 10 days after degelmintization, if the cat looks healthy (eats, drinks, pissing, pisses, behaves like a healthy animal) Go to the nearest vetclinic and make vaccination. All other things being equal, select an import vaccine. Specify the doctor when you need to come to revaccination. Make sure that the passport is about grafting with printing. Please instill animals, the vaccination is much cheaper than treatment, and most of the infections we bring to the house on shoes. 9. If the cat is healthy, adult and not neutered / sterilized, sign up for a castration / sterilization by about a month after vaccination. Specify whether the hospital is in the clinic so that the cat can be searched for half a day under the supervision of the doctor after castration / sterilization. Please do not attribute to the cats unusual emotions "he will suffer without his bubbers," "I can't deprive the kitty of the joy of motherhood", "Kastry's husband's husband, fascist" and so on. Sketch and sterilize. There are too many homeless animals on the street so that we can afford to breed outbreaks.

    10. Suppose your cat's property. The minimum set of property of the cat is carrying, tray, filler, scooping to remove pokes, brake, bowl for food and a bowl for water. Ideal carrying - plastic with a metal grid-door (google marchioro carrying to understand shape, buy it or similar imitation), but in general, at first, you can do any tightly locking carrier with a solid bottom. The best tray variant is either a tray house, or a tray with curved sides. The best filler, in my opinion, is Fremstep absorbing. Kohttechka Choose to your taste, comfortable and occupying little space Kogtetchka - "Wave" (Googling "Kogttechka Wave", buy any). A bowl for food can be any, water bowl choose more and stable. A good bowl is equipped with a rubber candy on the ground so as not to slide on the floor. All other property and robes of the cat - purely your choice. 11. Suppose your cat food. Please remember that food from our table really does not fit the cat. Or feed it properly balanced natural nutrition or ready-made industrial feeds. There are two old, but completely valid instructions from Svetlana Firey, branch, about feeding by natural products. When choosing a finished feed, repel from the composition - in the first and second place should be meat, and prescribed explicitly. Good feed - Hills Science Plan and higher in the price tag. Bad food - Whiskas and most of what is widely advertised. Statistically, more likely to get problems on a bad stern. Nevertheless, there is not a single feed that would approached universally any cat, so see paragraph 14. And come back here. Looked? Excellent. Now select the feed that you will feed, and pour a cat in the norm specified on the package. Personally, I do not normal with small kittens, they are babies and should eat well. (Note: on the phrase "and I have a cat all my life ate boiled fish and oatmeal and lived 18 years old" always answers "and in my stupid youth cat 6 years have eaten boiled fish and oatmeal and very painful died, seriously tormented from CPN, try To experiment, lucky this time or not? ") 12. Confine your cat. Do not release it in the city on the street. Just do not release. Machines, dogs, teenagers. Do not release. And put on the mesh windows. Even the smartest cat can jump over the bird, simply because reflex. Please note that the so-called. Mosquito net in a plastic window will not protect the cat from falling into the street. Even if it seems to you that it is firmly strengthened. Even if in advertising it is called "anti-braoty". Even if the installer showed you how perfectly it is attachedI have precedents when the seals of my acquaintances fell out the window, knocking the mosquito net. Please do not dance on other people's rakes, put normal grids. Collect from the asphalt of your beloved cat - very painful. How to put grids - see here, several posts. Follow the health of the cat. If it seems to you that something is wrong with the cat - with a great opportunity, it is true not so. The cats are usually visible "not so" when it is already "not at all so." Budrocks with understanding will be treated to your paranas, and it is better to pull the clinic five more times than once to miss the beginning of a serious illness.
    14. Rent a cat analyzes. It is usually quite simple. Once a year it is necessary to make such a simple thing (proudly: I myself came up with it, well done me!), Collect analysis and take analysis, even without a cat, in the clinic. After seven years, it would be better to go to the clinic with a cat and take blood test too. In such a simple way, I, for example, extended the life to your old cats for 5 years out of 14. Very large part of unpleasant chronic diseases can be caught at the stage "Externally nothing is noticeable, but changes began in analyzes, so you need to change food for therapeutic and / or drink lectures. " It is cheaper and much easier, not to mention the nervous and night travel to the branch with an acute attack. If you say the branch that you arrived at the annual dispensarization, you will be treated with great respect and will say what minimal tests should be passed. 15. Lay out the comfortable photo of the cat in your Facebook. Even if you are a harsh bearded man. Especially if you are a harsh bearded man! 16. Get a friend's cat. Two cats per hundred thousand billion times better than one cat. But it will be a separate instruction.

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