Kazakh pop mechanics: December 9 and 10 "Medea. Material" in the center of Meyerhold (Moscow)


    On December 9 and 10, in the center of Sun. Meyerhold as part of the Festival "New European Theater" will be held showing the play "Medea.Material" - a unique Kazakh popper for live music. Hurry to see! Tickets here.

    This week in Moscow, the festival "New European Theater" -2016, created back in 1998 ended. Then, on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, it seemed important to enter the newest Russian theater into the modern European context to him, to make it a platform for experiments, where they say today's language about today's day, tie together aesthetic, political and generic searches.

    Spreading the boundaries of genres and ideas about the theater, tracking the movements of modern drama in different countries, physical and testing theater, Net has gained his public and ranked his place in the Moscow Theater Landscap. Today NET is the negation of the cliché and the approval of the parallel history of the theater avant-garde.

    The general partner was the Foundation of Mikhail Prokhorov.

    This year, within the framework of the festival, the British play-utopia on the dynamic forms of the present and the future ("holidays of the future"), the performance-calling of the famous Italian director Pipo Delboo (Vangelo), Messenger Dmitry Volkostrelevova about the lives of modern adolescents ("Karina and Dron "), dance performance of the Frenchman Jerome Belya with the participation of people with development features (GALA), the phenomenon of the Israeli dance in the work of Yasmin Hotel (CLIMAX), Petersburg Promenade-Promenade on Plays of Bertolt Brecht (" Refugee Conversations "); an immersive show of the joint production of American and Russian companies ("returful"); Bright premieres of Moscow theaters: the performances "Tibetan Book of the Dead", "Breathing" and "Golden Donet. Open space "; As well as two special projects - Multimedia Performance based on famous artworks ("10 10 10") and an exhibition about the work of the German artist Christopa Schlinienzif.

    In a special section - Program Off - the Kazakh pop-mechanical performance Rustem Begenova "Medea. Material".

    Technogenic mysteries for sixteen models, six musicians, four screens, three cameras and two votes at the junction of the theater, performances, concert of modern academic music and automatic ballet. The texts of Hyerner Muller "Medea. Material" and Olja Suleimenova "Az and I".

    The first in the history of the Kazakh theater Hyerner Muller decided in aesthetics of the landscape musical theater, where music, technology, body, scenography, suit and text are in equitable relationships and the same at the strength of presence. And in this new technological and sterile world, in which the hierarchy of things is missing, and the consciousness has long recognized his own fragment, - where is the place for a person and what is now the crown of creativity? What criteria today can we talk about human, about feminine beauty? What if the world is stuck on the shore of a new life and the transition to it will never be implemented, the ritual will not be completed, the rebirth will not take place?

    Music in the performance is written by Sanzhair Baiterekov and is executed by the ensemble "Phaler" - the first Kazakhstan ensemble of modern academic music. Scenography was created by the famous Kazakhstani artist of the movie Yulia Levitskaya, the entire performance of the performance, including robots-tubes, was designed and designed by ArtDepartment.kz studio. The author of the costumes is a talented Kazakhstan designer, a permanent participant of Kazakhstan Fashion Week Idana Kozhegeldine. Performals of the performance - models of the conceptual Kazakhstan modeling agency Eat Models.

    The official premiere took place on January 20, 2016 in Almaty.

    Text and Pictures: Press Service "NET"

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