Lightning: Parade Gif-pictures began on PICS.RU!


Hi, dear reader!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen!

Welcome to the space and futility of today

Hey, you! Yes, yes, you! OUR FAVORYADOROGAYAPREPRED Reader! We have excellent news for you - we have included comments on the site. Do not ask why before that we had to correspond with you only on social networks. Just because. But everything went! And therefore:

Today we celebrate the Great Day!

figure class="figure" itemscope itemtype=""> Giphy.

We declare a great gifko parade. Write what you lack today for complete happiness in the comments right here. Well, we pronounce everything you need. And give you a mood for all day, dipping you to Gifki and-and-and-and.


We continue to dance from joy:

Giphy (1)

Giphy (4)

Giphy (2)

Giphy (6)

Giphy (7)

Giphy (8)


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