Our favorite plates with fairy tales


When we were small, each black disk in a multicolored cover was a separate holiday and the most guaranteed means to occupy any other than the evening. The best children's audiobook has not been created since then!

"Bremen Musicians" (1969)


Vasily Livanov, Yuri Entin and Gennady Gladkov deserve for this super-hit of our childhood, at least a chocolate monument to a variety. And Oleg Anofriev, who voiced all of all (except that princesses) - it is probably a whole monument. Download

"Alice in Wonderland" (1976)


Another immortal masterpiece with witty dialogues, the perfect selection of actors (Carroll, Dodo, Cheshire Cat, Caterpillar - Alexander Abdulov; Mouse, Walnut Sonya, Piggy - Clara Blumanova), but most importantly - ingenious songs of Vysotsky. "BUT! Oh! So the friend! In this, the whole thing ... ". Download

"Ali Baba and forty robbers" (1972)


Tabakov, Jurassic, Dzhigarkhanyan, Filatov - Fantastic constellation of actors! And songs of Berkovsky and Nikitina?! We argue anything - singing: "Very hot!", "Old wounds ...", "Eat orange!", Yes, and everything else - you will be by heart! Download

"Aladdin's Magic Lamp" (1984)


"It's not always a clothes, but always alive hope, which is not later than to dinner, dinner is formed ...". Another Eastern-fabulous masterpiece "Melodies" - with a dying, Dzhigarkhanyan and Vesgra. "It seems that this is not a record, but a movie. Color, widescreen. And we have the most comfortable places, with tea and sweets, "it was written on the cover. We agree without any objections. Download

"Little Muk" (1971)


Instructive song from this fairy tale: "Go, my friend, always go expensive!" - I remember for a long time. We did not mind, in general! And in general, I was very empathy with a little ugly little man with a big and kind heart. " Download

"Dwarf nose" (1980)


Guinea pigs and proteins, shoes instead of shoes in walnut shells, mysterious odoring herbs, ominous, ominous: "We taste, Yakov, this soup" ... Another tale of Gauf about a small man and his misadventures, only a little more mysterious and frightening. Or more correctly say - atmospheric? Download

"Music shop" (1977)


The wonderful Polish fairy tale about the unusual residents of the old town - crickets-merchants that provide musical instruments the whole animal world. Almost the nasty fly and its stupid sons can not please. Download

"The Adventures of the Kuzu grasshopper" (1983-1989)


Music fairy tale in four parts with Songs Yuri Antonov on the poems of Mikhail Danzkovsky. The main character, a friendly and curious grasshopper Kuzya, performed by Georgy Vicin simply inimitate. Download

"Wolf and seven kids on a new way" (1979)

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Merry musical from Harry Bardina with songs to music Alexei Rybnikov, in which the kids neutralized the wolf alone by the force of art: "Dyrt - so with music! Sat, brothers! ". There was such a cartoon, but in the audio version is also great. Download

"As a brother Rabbit reached Brother Lisa" (1970)


"Tales of Uncle Rimus" Joel Harris can listen endlessly - and we always sincerely glad that the eared cunning brother Rabbit "will certainly be happy, and still leave an old fox in fools"! Download

"Famous Duckling Tim" (1965)


The most famous from the whole animal world is not at all lion, but a small duckling fidget named Tim. Brothers and sisters in Tim ordinary, but he himself is special. Duckling always falls into all sorts of stories - but they, of course, are definitely completed, to the general pleasure of babies. Download

"There are many fairy tales in the world" (Clara Rumanova) (1983)


Clara Blumanova - Actress, who sounded with its most recognizable voice in the world, clearly at least a million cartoons - sings songs from them: "Well, wait", "Song Mammoth", "Smile", "Sorry, My Region", "Who are such birds ". Such a record had everyone! Download

"Cheburashka" (1975)


The Tale of Assumption about the "unknown science of the beast" and his friends are remembered, first of all, in the form of a good cartoon for kids. But the cartoons on TV were infrequently shown, and the record could be put as much as you like! Download

"Thumbelina" (1977 and 1980)


In front of the tale and the romanticity of this fairy tale, no Soviet girl could not resist. In any of the options - in the "solo" execution of Maria Babanova or in the "multi-chain" version. Download

"Zlatovlask" (1968)


Czech fairy tale about the princess with gold hair and cheerful Irzhik, a detective servant of an evil king - another Girl Mast Have. However, not only the girls, but the boys have fun quoted: "I can change your mind or can I - King I or not the king?!" Download

"The Wizard of the Emerald City" (1965)


A wonderful audibility of the beloved Taja of Volkov about the adventures of the girl Ellie and an unusual company of her friends. Impeccable audio spectacle - with goodwine-Vicin, Drovoskone Papanov, Lvom-dock and the music of the wonderful composer Gennady Gladkov. Download

"Masha and Vitya against" Wild Guitar "(1962)

The most musical in the world is a fabulous story with the most advanced characters (Leshel Brenchit on the guitar, Baba Yaga - knocks on the drums ...) performed by Abdulov, Boyarsky, Gradsky, Gladkov. And Cat Matvey is the most charismatic antiger of our childhood! Download

"Blue puppy" (1977)


It is now from the phrase "Blue-Blue, we do not want to play with you" you giggled. And in childhood, they probably cried! Music fairytale from the creators of the "Bremen Musicians" Yuri Entin and Gennady Gladkov, with such stars like Mironov, Boyarsky, Freindlich. Download

"Lived were hedgehogs" (1976)


Fantasy on the topics of fairy tales of the Grimm brothers in reading Veniamina Stakhova (he is the performer of the role of hedgehog). The charming hedgehog family is very similar to our human - especially fun hedgehog children who do not want to sleep "after dinner"! Download

"Ukhi-Tukhti" (1965)


A kind story based on the English fairy tale about the glorious old woman is a small forest launch, which erases, chinit and strokes the clothes of all animals and birds. And at the same time, teaches Lucy's girl with all her useful things. Download

"Tale about a hare with wonderful ears" (1980)

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Unusual ears from our hare, just magic! Not only are they all knowing everything in the forest and forever predict, it is also convenient to fasten with silver buttons and disassemble when necessary. We really dreamed of such a cool accessory! Download

"Cat in boots" (1971)


The fairy tale of Charles Perro for Soviet kids in the poetic form was retold by the poet David Samoilov, the actor and director Nikolai Litvinov twisted for the helica chief hero, and the wizard-cannibal colorantly portrayed Rostislav dice. Download

"Adventures of Buratino" (1969)


In the fruit of "melodies" there were several options for this famous fairy tale Alexei Tolstoy. In one of the versions (where all the roles were performed by one artist - Nikolai Litvinov) Pinocchio fell into a happy country, called the USSR. Here is such a turn. We were not particularly surprised at that time. Download

"Adventures are minced" (1961)

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"In one fabulous city there were shorteys. They were called them because they were very small! ". Gluntness and his friends, Musician Gusli, Tekhnarey Winch with a tower, clever skill, artist Tubik and other cheerful (and far from always perfectly leading themselves) Malyavok - Eternal Children's Classic! Download

"Chipollino Adventures" (1977)


Some vegetables are very people! It happens on the contrary, but we will not develop the topic ... We will be better to listen to the story that happened in a fantastic garden-fruit country in the onion outskirts, re-empathize with good rootes and despise herd. Download

"The Adventures of Pyt" (1973)


"For the first time, theft appeared on the pages of the newspaper of the French Communists" Semite "," the cover reported. And we listened to the history of this sympathy-dog in the retelling of Elena Zhukovskaya. "Although I do not grind to an adult dog, FIF in France knows everyone!" - Pyf boasted with a funny subtle voice of Vicin. Download

"Ole Luka" (1971)


Music Edward Grieg, Voices Mary Babanova and Rostislav Kattat - truly perfect combination. The classic tale of Andersen about the gnome with a wonderful colorful umbrella, which brings good children dreams. Download

"Peter Peng and Wendy" (1983)


The fairy tale of the magic island is not enough, where the missing boys who fell out once from the strollers, as well as the Indians, fairies, pirates are one of our favorite stories. Listening to her, we swarwise promised themselves that I would never become boring adults. Never never. Download

"Fly Casting and other funny fairy tales for guys-drill" (1969)


The fairy tales of Chukovsky and Uspensky tell, sing songs to the music of Shainsky two "Master of Choir Figure", two wonderful Alexander, Livshits and Levenbuk. Yeah, the very, which are from "Radionani". And, I must say, they do it absolutely magical. Download All photos: http://audio.arjlover.net/

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