20 children's books from which your child will definitely squeeze


Wizards, little men and any beast are, of course, eternal trends. Still, most of all children love to read ... yes about children!

The same problems, the same jokes - always imagine yourself in the place of heroes. PICS.RU collected the most the best books for children about the guys - from eternal classics to fresh new products. It will collect on vacation!

Victor Dragunsky "Denisian stories"

Denisian peers have already managed to become grandparents. But here's a paradox: read stories about Denisian parents, teachers and other Mishke - no less interesting and their grandchildren. No matter what "Soviet realities"! Because, probably, at any time the windmill turns you into a green leopard, adults ask little stupid questions, and children love kittens and grandmother. "Looking at them, I was so laughing that I was even hungry. I walked home and thought all the time: what did they argue like that, since both are wrong? After all, this is a very simple word. I stopped and clearly said: - No cheeks. No knick, but briefly and clear: FIFKI! "

Nikolay Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

Football overshadows arithmetic, and if you train the dog, it makes no sense to go to school, because the formation is not necessary for circus. In Nosov's stories - the same eternal truth, as twice two! And not only in the "Vita", but also in the "custodians", of course, too. "Of course, I sat down for the lessons. That is, I sat down for the lessons not immediately, since I was very tired on football and I wanted to rest a little. - What are you not doing lessons? - asked the face. - After all, your brain, probably, has long rested. - I myself know how much you need to rest on my brain! - I replied. "

Yuri Tretyakov "Beginning of a fishing patrol"

Tretyakov in the reviews are very loved to compare with the nose and dragoon. Probably because the general mood looks like. Such a squirrel-curious adventure. Chief of the Indian tribe of Igor, fossil cow, alloy plans on the creek in the kettle ... The setting - what you need! "From the tree, shouted a sentinny: - on the horizon shears a pale migrant Vitalka! Where a burning stump! - Lonely Bison! Gray owl! Take it in captivity! - ordered Igorec. - And you, about the owner of the iron secretion, get out more from the tree, put your battle outfit! "

Elena Rakitina "If I had my own planet"

Second-graders Mishka with Egorch - modern boys. But if they had a time car, they would definitely make friends with Denis-ship, and with Vitya Maleev. Be afraid of the new director, to build a gift to my mother, fall in love with the girls from a parallel class, tame a turtle and dream of catching the criminal - the most important children's tasks at all times! "And there would be two ratings:" five "and" four ". And if someone did not learn a lesson - it does not matter, then the teacher will write in the diary: "Dear parents! Your child is tired of learning! Immediately buy him a kilogram of candy and ten tickets to the carousel. "

Lion Cassil "Kondit and Svwambra"

Invent whole countries with peoples and rulers, history and battles are fun more interesting than any computer charcoal and void! The school life of centenary prescription is now creating a historical flavor. Well, in the younger brother Hero with his words do not fall in love with the ears - we do not know who should be. "" If I knew that I would have such a dad, "Oskka roared," did not bother in life! "

Mikhail Zoshchenko "Lelia and Minka"

What will happen if you eat one pasting from the Christmas tree, and then go into all the grave? Or sell galoshes guests to find ice cream? Yes, in general, nothing terrible and will not - you can even grow "relatively cheerful and good-natured." And it's fun to describe your sister! "Soon our parents came, and I told them what happened. My parents were afraid before pale. They rushed to the sofa, on which Lelke lay, and began to kiss it and cry. And through the tears, Mom asked the loose that she feels in his stomach. And Lelia said: - I feel that the ball rides there in me inside. And I want cocoa and oranges from this sener.

Yuri Koval "Five abducted monks"

Vasya Kololesyova with his eternal adventures and alterations of Koval so vividly described thanks to his own dad, who wouldingly told him fascinating bikes from the life of the threat. But only Koval can describe how to describe. However, from the children's child and "non-sleep" - also an excellent thing, although they will not understand there, who is the main character - or Napoleon's misfortune, whether the preschooler serpels ... "We jumped out the gate. - Here it is! - Screaming grandmother wolf. "So he suspected," and kept firmly for a sleeve of some citizen who shouted with robbles. "

Eduard Uspensky "25 Professions Masha Filippenko"

Masha's schoolgirl is a recognized improvement. That she will fall - everything optimizes. Although sewing clothes in the studio, at least collecting zucchini, even though the sale of bananas in a vegetable tent ... And I wonder what this amazing girl became when he grew up? .. "Class of Ekaterina Richardovna is very independent. Once she decided for them, what to write, they will write. The main thing is to include them. And here they were sitting, filled with the latest autumn rays of the sun, and wrote. And Professor Barinov looked at all directions: in the window, on the light bulb, in the closet, only not on Catherine Richard. Probably fell in love. "

Vladislav Krapivin "Wands for Vaskin Drum"

The tale of Khapivina passionately adored the children of the whole of the Union - one hundred years. But he had and works for the people of Walking. For example, this is - about Vaska Snegiva, from which everyone wanted to get rid of, but finally, they took a real campaign with overnight. With this works can begin to get acquainted. And then the passion for Krapivin will develop itself. "- Looks like a lizard, will open the tooth mouth. HAP! And hello from Yamal - there is no drummer with a drum. Only the roller rolling is floating. Vaska touched a tubeette on the top of the top, stopped jumping and thinking slightly. "

Cyrus Bulychev "Girl with Earth"

Whatever Martian, brightosaurs and headstone neither shook around, restlesslying girl - it's a restless girl. This inquisitive creation is capable of playing the salvation of the Galaxy, just not to miss the folded arms. "- Found! He suddenly shouted Martian in Blue Hiton, looking into a pocket TV. - Where? How? Where? - worried that gathered under the dome. - In desert. Two hundred kilometers from here. - in two hundred?! "Of course, I thought," they don't know Alice. " From her it could be waiting "."

Mark Twain "Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

It is terrible to think how many years ago this twelve-year-old boy lived. But the matter is immortally! Fall in love, escape from the house, to find a treasure ... or at least to be brought as it should - with the first opportunity or even without it. Of course, after reading the "Tom Sawyer" without immediate swallowing "Adventures Geclberry Finn" will not cost. "Tom nice and having fun in a large company, without doing anything, and on the fence it turned out the three layers of the lime! If the lime did not end, he would have ruined all the boys of this city. "

Astrid Lindgren "Emil's Adventures from Lenneberg"

Lindgren, of course, all the characters are children, and all children are just handsome. Although Peppi, at least the famous detective Calle Bloomvist, although the same Carlson, who with all his "blooming forces" suspiciously resembles a boastful boys. But Emil is a special handsome. Creates such that any dear to see! "" Come out, but only if you thought about what you did, - usually told Dad. - And look, so that this is no longer repeated! " Well, in this Emil, it was difficult to reproach - he rarely repeated his pranks, because he always came up with something new. "


Matilda - the parliament is not simple, but with obvious super supervisors. However, there is a version that this thing is available in almost every child, only some will come. But Matilda - successfully developed. "Mrs. Phelps looked around the shelves. She did not know what to offer. I wonder, she asked her very much, how do you choose the famous adult book for a four-year-old girl? "

David Almond "The boy who sailed with Piranhami"

It all started with the fact that the shipyard closed, which fed not one generation of men in the district. And what now? Now the future of the wall turned into solid fish canned food. But a real boy will not give his life to a single dreary conveyor! "- Do you know what I think? - Dostoevski said. - I think you were sitting too long. You, small, ripened. Ready for adventure. I'm right or wrong? "

Sofya Prokofiev "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase. Green Pill "

20 children's books from which your child will definitely squeeze 38312_15
Here, of course, the plot is fabulous - a kind of kind doctor treats boys and girls not from angina or windmill, but from cowardice, laziness or lies. But boys and girls are very attracted! And also their parents, grandmothers and neighbors. "He tolerated could not treat boys and girls that he did not like. And Petka immediately liked him. That is, of course, not all Petka, but only Petkin's head. All Petka was still under the bed. "

Leia Geraskina "In the country of unbearable lessons"

A fun story about how the twinger of Vitya and his cat fell into a fabulous kingdom, already exactly half a century! And the read read is still great. Because it is unfortunately, although in instructive. The writer Heraskina itself, by the way, has lived a hundred years. Everyone takes an example! "In my opinion, I answered like that. Zoya Filippovna, of course, did not agree with me. I have long noticed that the teachers are rarely agreed with me. They have such a negative minus. "

Vsevolod Nutomko "Toreadors from Vyutukovka"

Inseparable friends of Java and Pavlusha constantly chop out any conic. Not a minute of peace: they are making the metro, then spies are caught, then they give the battle fight! .. In the original color, but also in translation - too, fun. "We had a wonderful, noble idea - to spend under the swarnik Metro. It should have become a surprise. The first line of the metro in Vyutukovka! Station "Riga" - Station "Curve Pear". Three kopecks one way. Relatives are free. From the teacher of mathematics - five kopecks. "

Narine Abgaryan "Manyunya"

The story is bright and sunny as the southern city, where Narine live, her girlfriend Manyuny and her strict, but charming ba. The behavior of the last of some parents is somewhat shocking - and children do not strain and rejoice like children. "Apparently, Ba appreciated my efforts. She looked at me from a minute, then grinned: - Sailor's chest, turkey ass! I decided that this was a compliment, so he sighed with relief and boldly raised his eyes. "

Semen Laskin "Sanya Morochene - Family Man" and "Sanya Morochene - Public Man"

Merry this is a family: Dad, mom and son holes, as well as a dog Motya rare breed ("In England, in distant times, no decent Lord went outside without such a dog")! Yes, and at school, Sani, too, do not get bored. Adventures for two! "In the morning, the dad rose when everyone slept, graduated from the cheeks of the razor, hung and went to wear shoes. And horror! The left shoe shortened so much that the dad decided - that the deposits. - She ate military shoes! - shouted dad, forgetting that we have not yet woke up. - Lord! - Jumped Mom. - completely dissolved the dog! Soon she will set fire to the apartment! "

Anatoly Aleksin "My brother playing on the clarinet"

Girls write in the Diaries of Stupidity, but the heroine devoted him to his native brother. She dreams of making him great! And for the sake of this goes to everyone, he wants it or not. Even intervene in his personal life ... Aleksin is a real master of psychological prose about school! "Almost all girls in our class lead diaries. And they write in them any nonsense. For example: "Vasya asked me today a notebook on geometry. Secretly asked and very quietly, so that no one heard. What for? Why me? Why so mysteriously and with great excitement? Already midnight. But I think about it and not falling until the morning. " Vaska simply decided to blow away his homework in geometry. It is for her, because I have already blown away. "Quiet, mysteriously! .." And who does it loud? "With excitement!" Still would not worry Vaska! "

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