History of gestures: 9 characters from antiquity, advertising and baseball


Why do we praise each other, showing a big finger, and insult medium? Why the military put the palm to the head, and the metalhovers demonstrate to us "goes the goat horns"?

Answers mainly are in antiquity. Or in French painters.


Probably, this is one of the most understandable gestures. Images of people who shock each other were already in ancient Greece. Meaning the gesture is a simple thing: I have no weapon in my right hand, I appreciate you, respect and in the side it is not forced.


Gesture with raised (well done) or lowered (loser) with a thumb, too, came from antiquity. Such a gesture, which was determined by the fate of gladiators, was called Pollice Verso, that's just it was unknown, which position should take a finger. Up, down, in the side, generally inside the fist? Question Voluntarist solved the French artist Jean-Leon Zherom. He painted in 1872, as the audience shows the gladiator with his finger down. So since then it was necessary: ​​down - bad, up - well.

Military greeting

Military all over the world will salute the authorities or flag, bringing her hand to the head. There are several versions of the origin of this movement. Medieval option: Knights, giving up, as a sign of respect, raised. The ancient version: subjects, seeing their rulers, covered their eyes, as if from the light, thus hinting that the leadership shines aki Solnyh. Finally, the most realistic option is a shortened attempt to remove the hat. The military today is once with the bow sweeping with feathers on a hatch hat, but for a simple "hello" the army is still too conservative. So they agreed on the compromise.

Middle finger

According to the legend, during the battle of Azenkur (1415), the sublightened French chopped into English to archers to the middle fingers so that they could not shoot. And they not caught by the British waved their whole middle fingers, they say, catch me, frog!

In fact, it is possible to pull the theater without the middle finger (although with the wound, of course, and problematic). But this is the gesture where the oldest and famous was already in ancient Greece. I marked exactly what you always thought - the male sexual body in a raised state and the desire to insult.

Slotting for obscenity gesture - waving one hand with a compressed fist because of the other, by the way, it means not so much "here you are horseradished", how much "shove your opinion about as much as I show you." Such is subtlety. In French, by the way, the gesture is called "Hand of Honor", and historians say that this is so insulting the French in Central War Mahali British in response to their fingers.

Nazi salute

The fascists with the Nazis believed that the greeting of the hand was drawn up with the ancient Romans. In fact, there are no testimonies that the Romans were met, no, there is a theory that only the emperors themselves and military leaders had the right of fun to wave a crowd. And there is also a version that everything went from the painting of 1784 David Jacques-Louis "Oath of Horatiyev". Three brother-Romans on it salute to her dad. Be that as it may, the fascists with the Nazis picked up this gesture and for nothing, no matter what a reputation spoiled him. By the way, at the beginning of the last century there was a similar "salute Bellamy". By bringing an oath of loyalty to the flag, the Americans pressed her hand to the heart, and then threw her up. But to the Second World War, for a reasonable reason, they cut this gesture to the spiritual applying of their hands to the left side of the chest. After all, it would be unpleasant if the boy-scouts were confused with the Hitlergende.

VIC VS Selfie

The popularity of the gesture V (raised index and middle fingers) is an example of an excellent political campaign. He was offered director of the French-Belgian radio station, Viktor de Lovel. According to his idea, the enemies, seeing that the citizens then show them the victory sign, will understand that they are not afraid that they are surrounded, and that their losses are close. The idea was caught by the Belgians, then the Dutch. They drew V everywhere on the walls. Then the BBC began to transfer to V Azbuka Morse throughout Europe. The gesture picked up in Czechoslovakia. Finally, he really liked Churchill, and he successfully popularized him.

In the 70th, the victory sign was intercepted by hippies. These, though they meant Vietnam (Vietnam) and demanded not victory in the war, but her termination. So the sign began to symbolize the pacifism.

Today V moved to Asia. Here it is a gesture that a person is simply obliged to show everything when Selfi saw. The reason is a kind of cargo cult. In 1972, the Japanese removed several commercials for Konica cameras. A popular actor starring in this advertisement showed a sign of V. So the gesture and went to the people, acquiring a new meaning: "I am a cheerful, cool and take pictures of memory."

All OK

Gesture with a challenging fate. In some countries, it means that you have a fine, in others that your interlocutor is full of zero, and in the third, generally symbolizes the sphincter of the rectum. So in the tour, it is better once again the fingers of the letter "O" do not fold. The most complex and mysterious origin at the "OK OK" option, because that the Americans themselves do not know that the Americans themselves do not know. Of the most realistic versions, this is a humorous reduction of the phrase "all right" (All Correct - Humor is that it is necessary to write AC correctly, and not OK) from old American newspapers. Or this is a reduction in the nickname of the 8th president of the US President Martin Wang Buren (Old Kinderhuk). Or this is a borrowed word from the language of the Indians.


Here is another gesture of the hardest destiny. Imagine: On the one hand, this is a sign from the evil eye. On the other hand, this is a metallug symbol (they are just with their superstitious European great-grandmothers and borrowed). With the third, this is a boat milk. They say she knitted from the practice of prisoners to cut the tendons to then not go to work. So making the "fingers fan" a person seems to show that he will not follow a principled thief and a bottle to change the cooler. And from the fourth side, in the Christian iconography, such a holy gesture means that now he will inform something pleasant, good news. This is probably the most ancient option, because it was still ancient speakers to show the listeners "Goat" before the informational information.

High five

In English, this version of the joyful handshake is also called "High Five" (High Five). And all because somewhere in 70s in the country there were "low five" (Low Five) - a slang expression, meaning "comrade, you are well done, we will laugh hands." And in hand, then clapped along the lowered, and not raised. They say it was especially common among jazzmen. The high gesture was accurately recorded on October 2, 1977 during the baseball game. Popular players Dusty Baker and Glenn Berk played a good combination, and Berk shared his hand, and Baker, not knowing what to do, she slammed her. An excellent photo came out, and the gesture took root.

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