How to be an effective lazy - all when you want to do anything


How to be an effective lazy - all when you want to do anything 38308_1

As you know, in any work, the main thing is to be packed. You work for 10 hours a day, you will stay up to bed for midnight and fall without strength, and meanwhile the result of the work shifts with your absence. As not to be angry with those who don't seem like a damn, flies in life, like a careless moth, and moreover everything has time. So, the rules of those who everything turns out as if by itself.

Multitasking - wiring for suckers

There is no multitasking. If you do not believe, check the simplest exercise. Write on a piece of paper from 1 to 33 and intercom, how much time you have left. Now do the same, only with letters from A to Ya. And now we repeat the task, only write two lines at once - one letter is one digit, and so to the end. If multitasking existed, you would spend exactly two times more time on the third round than any of the first two. But it will take it three more time, besides, you will notice yourself, how tupping - what goes there after P - T or C? So think for one thing and bring it to the end, without distracting.

Do break

While you are sitting on the fifth point, the brain is falling from the lack of oxygen and rake. Making a business - Goulai boldly, literally walk - to bring colleagues on another floor, they probably missed. Moss over a cup of coffee. Cut the dishes, if you work at home.

Do not be distracted

If you go to work in a German company and you, let's, you decide to arrange a break for tea with cookies in the middle of the working day, no one will digest you - but these 20 minutes from your working time will be deducted. That is, you will go home for 20 minutes later than your Teutonic colleagues. The boss will notice that you read instead of strategic planning - excellent, another 20 minutes. Brutal orders, what to say. But on the middle of the Germans work on average 35 hours a week and they have Mersedes and Siemens. And we work 44 hours and we have ... well, something for sure is there. How is it combined with the previous advice? Easy, do gymnastics, not leaving the charts.

People's order

It is scary to imagine how much time abscesses the black hole of the Bardaka. You would be wearing Browni in the recipe that I saw the other day somewhere ... Yes, where ... Damn, lost somewhere. And the baking form is dirty. And cinnamon is unknown where. And so with all the files are lost, the tasks disappear in the depths of the working correspondence. Moveda Shukher in the computer and in the cabinets, pretend the scheduler of the case and stop over to be wanted in this dark forest.

Limit the working hours

Work - it is like gas, fills all the available space. If you have gone to the preparation of the project for 8 hours - it is just so much and takes less than a minute. It is logical that if you shed this time to 6 hours, so much will need. That is why the tasks with the inadvertent terms of execution ("Well, as it turns out") approximately eternity. Put yourself a grandmarket staged.

Choose the main thing

The Pareto principle says that everything in the world can be described by the 20/80 ratio. In our case, this means that 20% of all efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of the work - a pitiful 20% exhaust. That is, you can cut the working day 5 times and make almost everything you need if you choose the correct points of the energy application. For example, we have read the books on time management all day before writing this article and did not view any roller about the cats that are stuck in the biscuit box. Usually, the other way around. It was not easy, but we have surrender.

Do not waste time

You seem to be a vacuum cleaner to turn on and immediately earn. You need to rake. Seeners on this cage cat with a box, chat with a pair-Troika Uddak in the social network, see what happened in the world while you slept. But here is a paradox - spending an hour of working time on entertainment, you will still perceive this time as a working one. It is difficult to relax when the mountain of affairs hangs above the head. And even if from 8 o'clock in the office you will spend 4 on any nonsense, by the end of the day you will still feel like that honestly stuck these 8 hours without flaming.

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