Happinnes exists! 10 dishes from vegetables to which meat don't even want


When the world is sunny and languidly, and the gifts of the fields and gardens are so from everywhere and rod, I want to eat only and exclusively by them, handsome vitamin. PICS assembled the top recipes of awesome dishes from vegetables - yes, such satisfying and multifaceted, that even the record Myassel will not ask them to sausages!

Moroccan Eggplants

Ingredients: A pair of eggplants, orange, a pair of garlic cloves, a pair of honey spoons, half lemon, a bit of ginger, olive oil, pepper salt, spices (zira, quinent), greens. The process itself. Sliced ​​oranges fry on the grill. We do the same with eggplants, lubricated oil. Grinding ginger with garlic mix with honey and lemon juice, add spices. We pour the half a cup of water, boil into the sauce to place eggplants with oranges and a little later, while they do not absorb it. Story! Eastern.

Salad of cabbage and prunes

Ingredients: 300 g cabbage, a pair of apples, carrots, how much is not sorry for prunes without bones, a little sour cream, a drop of mayonnaise, sugar-salt. The process itself. Prying pour boiling water, after 10 minutes we drain-dry-cut. Cabbage and carrot Melnyko shining, apples cut into pieces, all this mix and refuel the salad with sour cream, mayonnaise and sugar. Solim and with pleasure chrumat!

Vegetable casserole with cheese

Ingredients: A pair of eggplants, a pair of tomatoes, carrots, bulbs, bell pepper, 200 g of solid cheese, some oil, soy sauce, greens. The process itself. Sliced ​​eggplants are slightly attached. The rest of the vegetables are simply grinding accordingly by their nature (onion - half-leavers, carrots - on a large grater and so on). Now lay the layers in the dashed form: eggplants - carrots - onions - pepper - tomatoes. And slightly water soy sauce. Cheese lovers can sprinkle slightly, grated, each layer. And the last layer falls asleep dense and generously! And we bake under the lid on medium fire for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with greens and graciousness from pleasure!

Karpaccio from Zucchini

Happinnes exists! 10 dishes from vegetables to which meat don't even want 38306_4
Ingredients: Polkulo Zucchini, lemon, garlic clove, olive oil, cheese (can be prepared with parmesan, and you can with feta), nuts for decoration, greens, salt-pepper. The process itself. Cooking sauce from olive oil, crushed garlic, juice and lemon zest - plus salt with pepper. Zucchini cut thinly, lay out on plates, watering the sauce, sprinkle with parmesan or put a little feta, decorate nuts and greens. We give this magnificence to stand a little, and so far - get drunk and go through!

Mushroom and Bean Pate

Ingredients: 300 g of boiled beans and 100 ml of "broth" from her, as many mushrooms (say, champignons), a bug, garlic clove, a bit of soy sauce and olive oil, can be a bit finely sliced ​​pickles, greens, salt, pepper, nutmeg ground . The process itself. Sliced ​​fungi fry, then send the chopped onion to them and peel into the pan is still a little more. There to squeeze garlic, salt-delight. Boiled beans pühret blender, adding to the softness of the driver from her cooking. Now you can send mushrooms there (part of them can be postponed and add then pieces) and at the request of the cucumbers - and also to beat. If necessary, some more seasoned. Excellent "Namazka" on croutons, salted cookies and just delicious bread: Boots with sausage nervously smoking in the corner!

Onion rings in the batter

Ingredients: A pair-top of the bulbs, a little less cup of flour, blemish, egg, vegetable oil, salt-pepper. The process itself. Egg, beer and flour whipped, salt and pepper: it will be our clarity. Onions cut rings, pour them into the clarity and immerse the oil into the oil heated in the skillet. He fry to a crispy crust on both sides, lay out on paper towels from excess oil, and then we ship on the dish and still the droplets are seasoned if I want to "Ignorable." Snack to beer - just "I beg you"! Although with sharp sauces, although without.

Dranias with filling

Ingredients: 4 large potatoes, a pair of eggs, a bulb (and even better green onions), a pair of garlic teeth, 4 spoons of flour, greens, vegetable oil, salt-pepper. For filling, you can take a zucchini, tomato or crab sticks. The process itself. Potatoes three on a large grater, slightly pressing. There - eggs, flour, salt with pepper, mix. Then the dough goes slightly twisted ones, filling and greens. Making pancakes and fry on a frying pan in a small amount of oil. This tasty leaves, unfortunately, even faster than preparing!

Nickki with spinach

Ingredients: Potatoes, a pair of eggs, 250 g of spinach, a bit of dill, 100 g of flour, 200 g of solid cheese, salt-spice. The process itself. Cooking puree from potatoes, spinach weld and crushing. We mix one with the other, send the whipped eggs, dill and grated cheese. Solim-Perchym - and slowly snipe flour, stirring. From this test, sculpt the pellets and cook in salted water. Another option: fry, how you want more. You can pour garlic sauce, decorate the basil, cherry tomatoes and so on. But this is if patience is enough;)

Broccoli with mushrooms

Ingredients: On the sheltered broccoli and champignons, a pair of spoons of soy sauce and vegetable oil, a pair of spoons of grated ginger, a couple of laurels, sesame, pepper-salt. The process itself. My-made-cleaned mushrooms cook for 5 minutes, then send broccoli to them into the company, and I also cook until it is welcomed. Now we drain the water, the cooled cabbage disassemble, and the mushrooms cut the plates - and send the mixture to the heated frying pan in the mixture of oil and spices. For another five minutes, stirring, watering the sauce, decorated with sesame - and begin morally prepared to ask for additives!

Vegetables in the creamy soybean sauce

Ingredients: A pair of eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, 50 ml of cream and soy sauce, tablespoon sour cream, garlic clove, fragrant pepper, salt. The process itself. Vegetables, except tomatoes, cut into cubes and individually rudiment in a skillet. Now we reunite them, we throw tomatoes from above, and even more overly we water cream and sauce - and five minutes. Now there is sour cream - and even about the same volume on a malleable fire under the lid. Hurray, you can pick up-to-pepper, squeeze with crushed garlic and buzz!

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