About the poor freelancer silence the word



Simple mortal freelancers usually envy. Because those sleep up to twelve and do not leave the house on the working day, if on the street, for example, "Fu, rain". But only freelancers know the price that is for such pleasure you have to pay.

That's just a tape read ...

Time management is such a unkind freelance God. When a marketing director is walking around your office chair and beats a whip, saying: "Work, the sun is still high," then you work. But beat himself with a whip on his own when a new film came out, the child asks to help with the lessons, the husband seems to see the bedroom in the direction of the bedroom, the best friend writes in Persian Facebook and another mom called - this is no nerves will not stand.

And when will you arrange for a normal work?


The older generation of your family persistently believes that you have failed. Because everyone has children like children. Someone director of the company, someone at the factory works, someone even learned to the doctor. What are you doing? Are you sitting at home and write some kind of code? Where did we missed you?

Where did you work before?

If the freelancer suddenly decides to change the lifestyle, he must be ready for the fact that no one will believe him. Zavkadras lazily leaf resumes and hangs over the Graph "Experience", gloomy. Experienced wanders understand perfectly: a person who is accustomed to work according to his own schedule will be fitted with a big creak fit into office life, where, in addition to the graph, there are also corporate rules, a complex technique for losing the boss ass, the features of the dress code and the experience of staying in the team, where everyone Second - Lupus Est. Therefore, the Freelancer, moving on the office path, has to withstand a serious competitive selection, which can only be somewhat short-term talent and a steep summary.

Term - yesterday!

About the poor freelancer silence the word 38300_3

By giving a task to outsource, customers usually have pool freelancers who are ready to take up this work. And you can be far from the first in line and get an order when the previous five will not cope. And this means that you need to pass a job yesterday. At the same time, making it better than those who had a month (two, six months). I do not know a single freelancer who would not face such a situation.

Fee? And what would you like?

No one wants to pay more. Everyone wants to pay less, preferably - three times at three, putting the difference in his pocket. Therefore, half of the cases of freelancers are forced to independently call the amount of the fee, and dance, based on the numbers called them. As a result, every second time the freelancer brain turns into a deadly battle between greed and concern to obtain a refusal of the threshold.

Who are you, I do not know you, go to the garden


If we are talking about the post-Soviet space, the Freelancer is quite simple not to pay at all. Well, he will fight in Fais Bug, think.

I am an artist, not an accountant!

Freelancers often find orders abroad, therefore, in addition to the main responsibilities, are forced to master the profession of financier to deal with the fee, the features of the exchange rate, the opening of accounts in foreign banks and the divanctural scheme of paying taxes.

Monday will start running

The road to the office and back in crowded public transport, with the essays on the escalator and jerseads in the outgoing bus covered in all articles the most expensive fitness center. Freelancer may not leave the house. And the ass grows.

We will call you


The absolute majority of employers prefer to control the process through the eyes. Accordingly, if an employee sits in the neighboring office, it becomes calmly on the soul of the boss, and in the head of the boss there is a feeling that the process goes and everything is under control (especially if the employee can virtuosively minimize the window with Solitaire "Kosyanka" for 0.003 milliseconds). In order for the chief to prefer to take an employee to a distance, the skills of this employee must be pumped twice as much as those who go to the office and is not late. Therefore, competition in the freelance environment is much higher.

Pierced potatoofan, you still sit at home

Explain to households that you work, and you do not sit on the couch in a cozy pose - this is a complex quest of the top levala. I can't fry the potatoofan - I am writing an article about the poor freelancers. I need powerful metaphors, elegant allegory and funny hyperboles. I need a sump in the comments, in the end! And this is a state incompatible with the potatoofan. The household will probably be shake their shoulders and go fry a potatoofan on their own, but you still have to throw metaphors along with the allegories and heat into the shower - wash off the aftertaste from a long urchorized look abandoned in your face.

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