Teas for weight loss: 9 myths. Lie VS True


To drink tea to lose weight, - the dream of any woman. Admitted, have you ever thought about givingbing advertising tricks and buy a pack-other of any hellish? Pics.ru figured out what. Look!

It seems to be heads that something is unclean, but the hand itself is treacherously stretching to the shelf with various phyto and other teas for weight loss. Well, the truth itself, honestly !! Together with experts Teatox. We found out the whole truth about these magic drugs. Forewarned is forearmed!

Myth number 1 - Drink tea - lose weight at night


Night you sleep! And your body is sleeping! And the whole of your fat is dry and does not even think to burn, dissolve or disappear in the manual of the magic wand. At night, during sleep, all processes in the body slow down, including the metabolism, so expect that they suddenly wake up slim like Lan is not worth it. By the way, the only organ that is not sleeping is a brain, but he, unfortunately, does not lose weight.

Myth # 2 - Tea improves metabolism


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As a rule, the teas for weight loss and various phytonapites includes herbs with therapeutic and healing properties that are used in traditional medicine hundreds of years. Most often, their action is aimed at improving blood circulation, metabolism and stimulating the operation of the digestive system. But it should be remembered that, the raw materials for tea should be high-quality, and the composition of herbs - balanced and competently selected specialists (in Rudn, by the way, there is a whole faculty of phytotherapy of the medical faculty, so this is a whole science). Of course you can buy a bag of infusion of "Babynov" at the neighboring dish, "from which her friend loosened one hundred kg !!", but guarantees that you will not earn gastritis, allergies or something else worse than you will give you.

Myth number 3 - tea causes dehydration


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One of the main effects that has tea for weight loss on the body is diuretic. Thus, it removes water from the body, which is how you remember, about 60% of the human body, and the easiest way to do is through the kidneys. However, with water, useful substances, trace elements and minerals are washed with water, and the burdens' load increases significantly, so it's too diligent to drive for weight loss.

Myth №4 - laxative effect - the right way to slimming


The laxative effect is the right path to frequent dates with a white friend and intestinal problems! Certainly, a couple of kilo, you can throw off such a hard way, but then you will not be wrapped! The fact is that some teas contain senna - and this is a laxative vegetable origin number 1. Due to the constant running to the toilet, the microflora is disturbed and the intestinal mucosa irritates, and then the gastrointestinal organs. So sitting on the faience throne - do not overheat. Although the refrigerator is far away - also a kind of profit.

Myth number 5 - tea burns fat


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It is time to admit: no tea in the world is able to burn everything that is tamed with unbearable labor. Read on the lips - none. Help you lose weight due to the withdrawal of water and cleansing the intestines - yes, but all your fats will remain with you, do not deceive. To burn fat helps physical exercise couple with a diet, and phytope can become a supporting element, but no more. This is a harsh and ruthless truth of life, with which it is worth coming and stop already believing in magical fat burning, rejuvenating, pulling skin and thresholding pills. Miracles does not happen, the disy, as they say.

Myth number 6 - make a collection for tea better


You really are 100% sure that you can distinguish rosemary medicinal from Melissa lemon, and do not collect any poisonous rubbish? And you do not frighten you that you need to collect herbs in a strictly defined period of time, and besides, know how to combine them correctly, so that it was not painfully painful? If you feel that the laurels of the late professor Snape do not give you peace - dare. But since it was already gathered to heaven - trust the professionals who will take the best herbs for you, let them mix them correctly and as a bonus, they are preparing for beautiful sachets.

Myth number 7 - all herbs are equally useful


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Neprug with long-term use can cause blood clotting problems, hormone to increase the pressure, and the harmless chamomile and disrupt the hormonal background at all. Do not underestimate the strength of herbs - look at the Chinese!

Myth number 8 - Phytquia - source of antioxidants


Almost all herbs are powerful antioxidants, which allows plants at the cellular level to reduce the negative impact of the toxins already penetrated into the body. In addition, due to the content of tubyl substances in plants, the binding and removal of heavy metals salts occurs, the same substances are able to strengthen the walls of the vessels and prevent the penetration of toxins through the protective barriers of the body. In short, if applied with the mind is one solid benefit.

Myth number 9 - all the chases are the same


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It is not by chance that there are many diverse fees for different purposes: helping to relax, to increase immunity, diuretic, lining and for the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to pick up tea with such a set of herbs that is suitable for you. Phytotherapy is a whole science, with a runway there will not discern, but if you figure it out, you will be happy. Of course, in a week, you will not turn out of the toad in the princess, but clean the feathers, passing the program, say, Detoxs, you can even.


Teas for weight loss: 9 myths. Lie VS True 38285_6
You're already a big girl - enough to be kept on the obviously false promises of fabulous weight loss from the first chuck of tea. However, to use the beneficial properties of herbal fees - why not? The main thing is to choose a proven product, such as programs Teatox. Designed together with the Department of Phytotherapy of the Medical Faculty of Rudn: Teatox Detoxing Program on 14 or 28 days, Skin Radiance - Tea to improve skin condition, Relax - Soothing tea, Immunitea - Vitamin herbs and berries. In addition, on the PICS20 promotional code you will have an additional discount of 20%. Be healthy! Spring in the yard!

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