Harmful tips: how to become a mizantropom and hate everyone happily


Harmful tips: how to become a mizantropom and hate everyone happily 38280_1

Those who believe that people need to love, regardless of the circumstances or masterfully pretend, or have never been in public transport at rush hour. PICS.RU offers you to discard all doubts and give, finally, the will of hate - we collected the stages of the formation of this Misanthropa. And then - Love everyone back as much as you want!

Stage 1. Do you like to be alone

Drinking wine, watch movies, walk, read, engage in your business, in short, do whatever! The bike is about the fact that drinking wine alone is the right way to alcoholism, invented so that everyone gets more! Do not listen to anyone, open a bottle of sparkling and enjoy: in the company, for example, it is so nice to reflect on the imperfection of people around the world, to the third glass - think about how beautiful you are, and by the end of the bottle - build insidious plans for the seizure of the universe to build It was only shoes and seals. And in the morning, when the hangover will overtake you, to indulge in hate to people are doubly easier and more pleasant!

Stage 2. Reduced Your Circle Communication

This Misanthropus despises human weaknesses and imperfections, and what is important, for itself also does not make exceptions. So, if you feel that everyone zadolbali, beams, in Facebook again someone is wrong or misunderstanding a link about puppies, boldly open Facebook tape, phone book and instagram and make a powerful frothscide. Do not forget to write the status that people are completely nuts, who is to blame for what to do, oh, my garden, my poor garden and so on. Close the possibility of commenting - let everyone know that you are very serious! And regularly make stamps about human imperfection in mass - support Renome!

Stage 3. And at home is better!

At parties go only at special cases, to visit - even less often and only to the most indispensable, and only a couple of favorites admit to themselves. This couple, by the way, can be changed from time to time if you get tired of their imperfection. Eckless - become a freelancer, work at home and in general to reduce contacts with the outside world to a minimum. At the same time, do not forget to periodically roam yourself for laziness, ineffectiveness, passion for chips and the lack of interest in the world and sincerely suffer about this.

Stage 4. You need a like-minded man

It is best to look for him, of course, in the Internet, so as not to go out once from the house, the benefit is now a lot of services that allow you to get acquainted with people easily and easily. Ideally - to marry him to get all my life to hate everyone else together. As they say, her husband and wife are two Satan. You can offend everyone, ridicule and behave gadko - well, are you misanthopes or cloak?

Stage 5. Strange

Take yourself on great! Do not forget that you are in an excellent company! Recognized Misanthropes are Jonathan Swift, Arthur Schopenhauer, Egor Letov and Bill Murray, is not the worst set. For example, Schopenhauer was scary to change, if not to say paranoid, and constantly suspected everyone (right up to the Lord of our God) in organizing ingenious conspiracies against themselves. And the Swift was distinguished by such ferocity and merciless in the scourge of human defects, which once (being, on a second, Dean of the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Dublin) adds written to the fact that England was offered to sell beggar of the Irish meat, and make gloves from their skin. Even Milach Bill Murray somehow psychosed and at the take-off of his Hollywood career told everyone that was tired and went for 4 years in France to teach French in Sorbonne. So do not Roby - be strange if you want. If it all gets everything, so it is possible to jump with Jeanne Hasanovna to one Marsholet!

Stage 6. One very one

Come on the journey completely alone, you will be sure that people are the same everywhere, no salvation, the whole world will die. Understand that I chose the right vital philosophy - it is impossible to wait for anything good for a very rare exception. Drink wine. Think about the eternal. Relax and start receiving the present pleasure from your loneliness. Just do not confuse misanthropy with an overestimated self-esteem and a sense of own importance. Here the chip is that all shit, and you are not better! Tru Misantropy!

Stage 7. There is no happiness in the world, and there is peace and will

Antonym of love - indifference, and not at all hatred. So compete with all these frozen people and stop paying attention to them. You are smart, modern, self-sufficient woman. Your thirty seven quotes, two hundred pairs of shoes and the husband, whom you love to Hate, will surely confirm!

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