How to make a successful career and keep health, or what kills us in the office, and how to deal with it

How to make a successful career and keep health, or what kills us in the office, and how to deal with it 38277_1

Conduct labor weekdays in the office? You came to success! In any case, ten years ago it was thought. Now, after eight or ten o'clock at the table in the office, it becomes clear that success is somehow not obvious, and health is no longer. What is dangerous this office?


Chair is both at home, but at work it is especially dangerous. In the office, the chair becomes a residential space, very modest sizes, I must say. Naturally, if you spend all the time in the sitting position, first of all, the spine suffers, the threat of hemorrhoids and varicose veins will appear. Scary? That's something. And you spend each day in one place for eight o'clock at least.

Tip: Every hour, go to the "smoke" even, if you do not smoke. PRESSIONS, CHEAP TALK, FOOT REDUCE, ROOM AND SHUE. At the table, try to follow posture.

A computer

The tool peasant - hoe, the office worker performs this role. All the working day we flashes into a monitor with a different degree of zeal. Even if you are freezing, you still do it for the computer. Facebook, contact, "sapper" - the effect on the eyes is the same as during operation. It is not surprising that a large proportion of office plankton wears glasses or contact lenses. The constant tension on the eyes does not lead to anything good.

Tip: see item above. To the snaps of adding the "View on the sky" option, but not in the sun, of course. No focus point helps to relax eye muscles. Each half an hour, take a look from the monitor and see the window or on colleagues sitting at the other end of the "Openspeca". There are also the pros, suddenly notice who is pretty.



Jokes about evil chiefs have real soil. The view of the chef and subordinate to the same and the same questions often diverge. You just have different goals. And this conflict leads to the suppression of a person or scandals. The habit of obeying who you do not like, nod to nod and agree when inside you breaks the feeling of injustice and the wrongness of what is happening, leads to a change in person. Over time, you are tamed or have already tamed, and you can not even understand why we included this item in the list.

Tip: Get up to the point of view, discusy. This is not only the opportunity to save your "I", but also to make a career. An intelligent chief will notice that you think not templates and more about the work.


Many companies want to rally their employees, make them not only a team, but also families. Extraverts can really like it, and introverted thymbynding and corporate parties seem torture. They do not burn with the desire to love their neighbor, just just working relationships. He appears neurosis of such violence, which affects the workflow.

Tip: either choose a company without excessive "family education" in the team, or work on yourself. Breathe, keep calm, abstract.


We work all day next to inkjet printers and copiers, but few know that the powder used in them for printing is slightly produced in office air. And we unwittingly breathe. These smallest particles penetrate the lungs and can cause a variety of diseases, right up to asthma.

Tip: Once every six months, give the printing technique for preventive maintenance and cleaning. Regularly carry out the room.

Monthly route

Every day we are moving along the launched route house-work-house. If there were soft soil under their feet, then we would have protruded small grooves on our daily path. Such a monotony leads to the disconnection of the brain in the process, and long-term public transport trips or in the car increase the risk of depression.

Tip: If it is impossible to work near the house, then try to at least ride different routes and periodically walk another expensive. This will make a variety of life, the feeling of a hamster running in the wheel will disappear.

Air conditioning

This is the most obvious enemy in the office. In the summer, the team is divided into those who are always hot and those who blow. It does not matter what of the categories you will, you still feel bad anyway. The risk of catching cold or even inflammation of the lungs in summer for an office worker is several times higher than in the cold season.

Tip: Yes of the authorities, so that normally adjusted the air conditioning system. In general, the good old fan is not much worse than the considera, and at times safer.


Nutrition with urabs, on the run, on the edge of the table or, worse, right behind the computer, without breaking down from the process, is the worst way to replenish the energy reserves of the body. Such a careless attitude towards obesity and risk of cardiovascular diseases. Do not forget that your lifestyle is far from active. This is very serious.

Tip: Moved, finally, order in its power mode. Going to dinner from the office, eat where the first, second and compote are served. And stop drying in the workplace.


People who are accustomed to work in constant styling, over time everything is harder perceived new information, the memory becomes worse. Smart people from the University of California found out that while working with hard deeds, a person is experiencing stress, and the brain perceives worse and processes information. Is it familiar to such a feeling as "earned"? When folded ten and fifteen becomes a difficult task. This is just it. And the deadlines often break away from the same.

Tip: After calculating the time to implement the project, always lay down extra time. But only not to kick the ballet, and then catch up in hard mode.


If the factory is ends when another change comes, then there is no such office in the office. We often sit at the computer, until everything is completed or at least do not scatter with teaching. And it is almost impossible to scatter it. If you work over ten o'clock a day, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases by 67%, compared with those who do not proceed. It all happens unnoticed, and then "Bach", and arrived.

Tip: Forcing yourself to stop working, and coming home Do not open the laptop to answer letters. Tea of ​​all that after a certain hour you do not work and do not decide anything.

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