5 Writers-fantasies on which thirty-year-old botanks grew


If in childhood you read the swoping and you are thirty years old or a little more, then you have formed not rowling and not thunder.

Here are five names that were on the covers of books, struck your imagination.


Robin Hobb

We did not know any other "Game of Thrones", and already, while holding his breath, they watched as in one far, fabulous kingdom relatives and deepests tear each other's power, mysterious aliens turn peasants in the zombie army, and an almost nameless killer boy Looking for dragons that could save everyone.

By the way, the real name of Hobb is Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden.

That's what most of us missed, it is its no less beautiful cycles about the magic ships and wind spellcasters. Oddly enough, the books of both cycles still look pretty fresh, if not read, we highly recommend.

Lois McMaster Budjold

It became famous for the Forkosigans, the family living in a distant future on a very backward planet - a level of social development approximately as Europe and America of the twentieth century.

Each Book Budjold is a small mental experiment according to. How could the society arranged in one way or another. The people living in weightlessness, the planet of the defeating tolerances and psychoanalysts, the purest men's culture or beauty cult, erected in Absolut. What do love, hatred, crime and heroism look like? Despite the dry language, the plot and circumstances capture almost everyone who takes reading.

And, oh yes, when is the uterine replicators already invent? To want!

Andre Norton

Norton is about space and travel time. And Norton is about magic, elves and disappeared peoples. In general, whatever the soul of unusual, we found it in the books with the name "Norton" on the cover. No wonder it is called one of the three coolest fiction of the twentieth century, together with Le Guin and Budjold.

And your Norton is Stargate or Chronicles of Half-Covers?

Maria Semenova

One of the iconic names in the formation of Russian fantasy. When "Wolfhound" appeared on the shelves in 1995, it was something amazingly fresh, despite some theatricalness of the super-government hero and all his manner and phrases.

The young man who became worried, because he became the last in his family - after all, only a woman could continue to continue with his people. Last slavery and preserved the purity of the soul. Touchingly respectful to women and the most, probably, a skillful warrior of their world. Looks naive? Yes, it was naive. But the girls fell in love with the wolf and the ropes read each new book.

Someone to the taste came and Semenov's historical novels, with beautiful and fightening devices, but this is a completely different story.

Dalia Trukkinovskaya

Pinds, militant and mysterious princesses and fairies, who rule not the fate of the Kingoon, but all the doors of the world. When you re-read the Truskinovskaya in thirty, constant complaints "What are we, women, fools, a man would" make us rush to our eyes. But at twelve all these moans we missed past the ears, rather than reading about horsemen with swords and under the banners. In twelve Truskinovskaya was about the adventures and steep girls!

Illustration: shutterstock

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