10 cases when you behaved like a person with autism, not knowing about


    Are they aliens, others, "in the astral"? Yes No, in people with features not so much special. You often, without noticing, behaving, behave very much. And we hope that you will be easier to understand a person with autism after you read this list.

    one. You have a favorite thing in your wardrobe with whom you do not want to part, although they are old. One morning, you inadvertently ruined such a shirt or sweater, and your mood deterrently, that you thought about not to go out at all that day from home.

    2. Somehow on the boring lecture, you caught myself on the fact that half an hour we chat the shoes to the shoes, you may have mentally wrote out some kind of figures.

    3. Computer jacket, not giving you to work in normal mode, and you so got angry, which hit the mouse on the keyboard or threw the mouse to the floor, although I knew exactly that it would not help you.

    four. You are very tired. A close man told you something, and you suddenly realized that they would not remember a word from what he had heard the last five minutes.

    five. In the office, someone turned on the music, stumbled the printer, a conversation came from several sides, and you felt that you would like to scream and run out.

    6. You looked at the glare on the water or the flame of the fire so that I shortly stopped noticing everything around.

    7. When you were small, my parents missed your favorite toys, you were upset or got angry, but no one realized that with you.

    eight. You know that the cauliflower soup is useful and kind of delicious, but BR-Rr.

    nine. Favorite site updated the design: buttons elsewhere, some new features, dies ... It seemed to you that you never understand this in life.

    10. When a sweater with a barbed throat.

    Illustrations: Images from the TV series "Theory of the Big Bang"

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