20 culinary secrets from the best chefs


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    Almost every woman laid the ability to cook. But only the most experienced hostess boasts a large number of various culinary secrets, which largely simplify cooking and help keep the kitchen in order. In this article we give very valuable secrets that will be useful for most hostesses.

    1. Broth prepared from frozen meat is deprived of transparency. To achieve a beautiful transparent broth, while cooking is worth adding well-washed egg shells into the pan. They need a little - the healing of two eggs is needed on the middle dishes. As soon as the broth is ready, before adding other ingredients, it is necessary to strain the broth, or to remove the shell.

    2. In order for dried mushrooms again, they should not soak them in water, but in milk.

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    3. If you add a little milk to mustard, then it does not dry.

    4. In order for the pancakes to be lush and nostril, eggs in the dough must be put into parts. Separate yolks from proteins, take care of every one, and then gently enter them into the dough.

    5. So that the pancakes do not have time to cool while you frift others, place a plate, which makes prepared pancakes, for hot water containers. Couple will not give them to cool.

    6. If the dried piece of cheese is immersed in a container with the skyshem milk for an hour, then it will become tasty and fresh again.

    7. To beat the cream to puff faster and better, it is worth adding a little low-fat sour cream. Then the finished cream will be more dense, thick and get up in less time.

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    8. In order for stewed meat juicy, it is necessary to fry it before the formation of a crust - it is his crust to detain the juice and will not give him a lean.

    9. Making chops on a wooden board, the latter takes a lot of juice. To prevent this, before the procedure, you should moisten the board with water - due to the humidity, all the juice will remain in meat.

    10. Potatoes in the peel will not crack during the cooking, if before lowering the water to the water, his fork, and the water itself can be squeezed well.

    11. When cold milk is added from potatoes in the puree, then the dish is grayish. If you pour hot, but not brought to boiling milk, the color of the puree will become much more appetizing.

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    12. So that boiled potatoes do not become dark when cutting, during its boiling to water, 1-2 small spoons should be poured into the water.

    13. In order for the apple in the salad did not acquire a dark color before putting it in the finished dish, moisten the slices of fruit in salt water.

    14. If only half of the bulbs took place in the cooking process, so as not to throw out the second part, the cutting of the vegetable need to be carefully lubricating margarine, and then placed on the saucer. So onions will not dry and does not lose juits and fragrances.

    15. In order to make a potato mashed potatoes from the old vegetable, it is necessary to introduce a whipped egg protein into it.

    16. If the meat is thoroughly rinse in ice water, then a golden ruddy crust is formed during the frying process, and the meat itself will prepare faster.

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    17. In order for the finished pancakes to have a pleasant golden shade and were crispy, sugar in the dough need to be added at the rate of 1 large spoon per liter of the finished test.

    18. In order for greens as long as possible, it remained fresh and did not dry, it is necessary to store it in foil, pre-perepening in water. Thus, it can maintain all its qualities for one to two months.

    19. Almost all dishes should be carved at the end of their cooking. The exception to the rules is 2 cases: when the ear is preparing - then the salt is put before the dive of fish and vegetables - as well as during cooking pasta and dumplings - in this case, the water will get sick in the cold.

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    20. If in the process of cooking meat you moved with salt, you can correct the situation with the help of oil or flour sauce - they will take part of the salt.

    21. If the fish was shown, it can be extended with a sour cream or potato mashed potatoes.

    A good owner has a refrigerator often turns out to be completely scored, and there is nowhere to put the product. To correct the situation, you can reconsider its contents - after all, some products can do without cold

    • Pumpkins and melons, for example, if their integrity in complete preservation is remarkably stored outside the walls of the refrigerator.

    • And fruits from the tropics do not advise at all to put in the refrigerator - there they become worse.

    • Hold down from the refrigerator to keep candy and chocolates, because They do not like the cold, and at the same time lose their taste.

    • Vegetables are properly stored in a cool darkened place, the refrigerator is not in priority.

    • So far can be cooked, they can be stored outside the refrigerator.

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