10 secrets of chefs who use each mistress


10 secrets of chefs who use each mistress 38262_1
I want pizza with an appetizing crispy crust, and in reality it turns out uneven melted cheese and half raw dough? Repeat the recipe for lush buns exactly, and get out of the oven not so beautiful as in the picture? Do not rush to upset - it's not so difficult to become a guru of culinary affairs, just take yourself a note of the chips of experienced cooks.

1. Fast Pizza Cooking

In order for the pizza to have a beautiful golden crust, it is necessary to prepare it at the maximum temperature that your oven can afford. The ovens itself should be preheated throughout the half hour, and bake the dish is worth not longer than 5-10 minutes.

2. Preliminary roasting rice

Even round rice can be prepared in such a way that after cooking it is crumbly. For this, before omitting into the water, fire it a bit with a combination of vegetable and butter. After the rice loses its transparency, pour water so that it is 2-3 centimeters above the cereals. Boil it for 15-20 minutes necessarily on low heat.

3. Proper chicken baking

The peculiarity of the preparation of a whole chicken is that the breast of the bird becomes ready for a third faster than legs. To achieve uniform roasters and do not overcover the chicken in the oven, in practice, one of the ways can be applied:
  • An hour before the cooking of the bird put her ice to the breast.
  • Laying the chicken on the baking sheet so that she lay the breast down, and after 40-50 minutes, turn the bird and produce in such a position.

And so that the chicken has acquired a golden crispy crust, before sending it into the oven, park it with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.

4. Instead of hard meat, a sophisticated dish

Methods of cooking Su-type (preparation in vacuum) lets in the end to get juicy meat. That's just not every hostess can afford the costly equipment for these purposes. The exit is - replace such devices can be familiar with a food film, a large pan and a kitchen thermometer.

Mix the butter meat, soda with your favorite spices and tightly wrap pieces of several layers of the food film. Cooked convolutions immerse in water, the temperature of which is about 70 ° C. To prepare pieces of meat weighing up to 0.5 kg enough of two hours - in the process of preparation, it is necessary to see that the water temperature remains in the area of ​​70 ° C. After the time of time, the meat should be obtained and left alone for 20 minutes, then remove the film and package in a pan. In this way, absolutely any meat can be prepared.

5. To carrot after cooking remained bright

So that after cooking, the carrot saved its bright orange color, it is necessary to free it from the peel before thermal processing.

6. Mayonnaise that does not harm the figure

To make the "light" mayonnaise, during its preparation only to take milk instead of eggs. Just take any mayonnaise recipe, remove the eggs from there and pour milk, the amount of which should be half less than the volume of oil. As a result, it turns out very tasty, but at the same time dietary mayonnaise.

7. Use properly cold and warm oil

High-quality butter is the key to delicious baking, and to achieve stunning results, while cooking tests, consider an important point. If you need to get a sandstop dough, the creamy oil should be cold (it is better to pre-hold it in the freezer). But for the preparation of drift, it is necessary to take the softened oil of room temperature.

8. Pledge of delicious broth

It is known that the salt brings the taste of meat. So that the broth turned out saturated and acquired a pronounced taste, salt the broth during the cooking of meat at the very beginning. Remember another one - the most delicious broth turns out if vegetables with meat are added to cold water. And yet, it is better to remove the rolled protein (foam) from the surface), and not noise, then the result from the process will be better.

9. Cooking mashed potatoes from several potato varieties

The puree will be topics, the higher the starch content in potatoes. But, as a rule, if in potatoes a lot of starch, then he lacks taste. To make the finished dish and air, and delicious, prepare puree at once from several varieties of vegetable.

10. Juicy White Meat

So that the breast after cooking was juicy, you should not cut off the bones from it. In addition to juiciness, the bone will allow meat to spike evenly. It is also worth leaving the skin on meat, which will give jutes. You can remove it after cooking.

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