Give fat! For what we should love food, which we learned to hate


A variety of diets have not surprised for a long time, you can even invent anyone every day to limit yourself to finally get to jeans. In the fall, it is increasingly harder: first, the amount of fresh and useful products is rapidly falling, and secondly, some particularly freezing have to wear tights under jeans.

We found the perfect nutrition plan, which not only helps to lose weight, but will save from the cold. Formula is simple: a lot of fats and little carbohydrates. It sounds strange, but it is worth it!

So say scientists!

And not only British, immediately several studies of the last ten years unanimously converge in the results - a serious decrease in carbohydrates in nutrition leads to an imminent weight loss. The cunning is that "jumping" from sugar, the body begins to use fats as fuel. As a result - you stop attaching a lot of food. Because, even if you are a Vogue model, you still have a couple of secret stoves with a fat, that is, with fuel.

Few carbohydrates

Capture to us, sachara-dependent girls more difficult. And the point is not in us, but in nature that came up with the PMS, migraine, the transcendental prices on Hermes bags and the stagless beauty of your former. All this upsets us and literally makes sadness to chocolates and three-layer ice cream. In another way, because Sugar and his partner starch - malicious creatures. First, a lot of joy is brought, and then, while you are in the euphoria from Potatoes, free or chocolates with raisins, quickly split up and are still faster in fat. Moreover, they are deposited, on the sides, abdomen and hips.

Many fats

Fats, on the contrary, long and diligently absorbed by the body, and most importantly - do not lead to the jump of blood sugar. Although Pavlov's Dog Reflex does not work anyway: how not to let droach on a juicy steak or freshly candid in Spain Hamon! The level of glucose in the body remains constant, and after a couple of weeks you finally go out of sugar addiction. And at the same time there is when you want everything that wanted, except for the capitulating enemies: sugar and starch. Do you remember that fat is very easy? That's why fatty food and natural fibers will give you real ease. Well, once again: there are so many things!

Dream diet

Your nutrition plan should roughly consist of a quarter of proteins, 70-75% fat and only 5-10% of carbohydrates. That is, it is: meat, chicken, fish, eggs, ham, bargaining, turkey, bacon, sternum, sausages and sausages (only real, and not out of paper), cream, sour cream, cottage cheese. Fat, real cottage cheese, and not that zero, which you carefully stuffed in myself in the morning the last five years.

Add more cheeses, home mayonnaise (you still remember this word?), All sorts of sauces, vegetables, olives. Well, not a fairy tale? It will be necessary to limit yourself in cereals (they are best suited, flax and sesame) and all porridge, fruits, milk, rootfields, low-fat products and of course chocolate. But to compensate for the loss, you can and need to drink it all with a light beer or red wine!

Heat and fun

Such food gives a large charge of energy, and hence the heat - most of the products do not disappear from the shelves all year round and make it possible to "not score" all year round. In addition, a large selection of truly delicious food will not give to the despondency from the prohibitions. Yes, and imagine the faces of all these eternal goats, when they see that instead of the leaf arugula you with a big appetite eat Hinkali. Or Ribe. Or scrambled eggs with bacon finally. Or pizza. Large fatty pizza. Because you always have a choice.

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