Secrets of Hollywood cosmetologists who will always be at the height


Secrets of Hollywood cosmetologists who will always be at the height 38259_1

No matter how much years old woman is - she always wants to look canceled. One of the key features of an attractive appearance is a beautiful and healthy skin. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly visit the beautician, but I want to have perfect skin, we offer you advice of experienced Hollywood experts who will greatly improve their appearance.

1. Use coffee only before lunch

Hollywood cosmetologists insist that it is necessary to use this beloved with many aromatic drink no later than 14:00, and after that time it is not possible to refuse him at all. The fact is that caffeine badly affects the state of the dermis, and since in the morning, metabolism is faster, this substance is processed better. The rest of the time coffee is better replaced with water, tea on herbs, natural juice and mineral water. It will take quite a bit of time, and the difference will be noticeable.

2. To replace the towel daily

Another Hollywood cosmetologist is confident that the state of the skin depends not only on the supply and care, but also from how often towels and bed linen are replaced. Both are an ideal place to reproduce bacteria that safely fall on the skin and lead to a variety of problems. The specialist recommends that the towels change daily, and the pillowcase on the pillow replaced at least once every three days, if the skin is fat, or once a week, if the skin is normal and dry.

3. Apply for problem skin delicate care

If you are the owner of the problem skin on which inflammation and acne constantly appear, then you need to abandon the care of cosmetics containing abrasive particles. To purify such a skin, it is better to use soft tools as part of which there is no alcohol and soap. With the help of delicate care, you can quickly remove all acne from the skin.

4. Cosmetics from Europe for suspenders, and from Asia for whitening

The main part of the cosmetic means of Asian production wonderfully whitens the dermis, and moisturizing cosmetics from there stunningly moisturizes. Probably, this is due to the fashion for snow-white skin, which is so revered in Asia. And in this matter they really achieved tremendous success. But when there is a need for lifting and elimination of wrinkles, the most high-quality cosmetics for these purposes are made in the United States and European countries. And in the fight against inflammations, cosmetics from Israel, as part of which dirt and salts of the Dead Sea.

5. Apply cosmetics with small pauses

In order for the efficiency of care cosmetics to be higher, it is not necessary to apply funds at once after another. Experts are recommended to observe the intervals of 5-10 minutes between application. For example, we wipe the skin with tonic, wait 10 minutes, and only then apply the cream. During this time, the skin will have to absorb each of the funds used.

6. Use the eye cream as daylight

The makeup artist of the popular cosmetic company L'Oreal recommends women to use as a night and daytime face cream - cream for the area around the eyes. Such a Council is due to the fact that in such creams there is a high concentration of nutritional components, which I have a property to penetrate deep into the skin. Eye cream improves blood circulation, contribute to the leveling of skin relief and perfectly moisturized. But still, the specialist strongly recommends consulted with a beautician before it.

Where then use night and day face creams? Everything is simple - they can be used in the care of the neck, neckline, arms and legs.

7. Fall asleep earlier

For healthy and shiny skin, it is very important to establish sleep mode, namely, trying to be in bed every day 10 minutes earlier. And so until in the morning you will not feel that they really slept, full of strength and energy. Such a primitive approach will have a positive effect on the skin (the appearance is very much suffering from the lack of sleep), and in the body of the body as a whole.

8. Clean skin in several stages

Another specialist in the field of cosmetology offers women to go to skin care in several stages. The first thing to carry out the purification of oil based drugs - this effectively dissolve dirt in the pores and cleanse the skin - and the second step is to use conventional means for cleansing. This way of care is ideal for those who have a fatty skin type, there are acne, as well as residents of large cities.

9. Use lavender oil

The best way to deal with extended pores is to use lavender oil. Just apply some oil on clean tissue, and then put it on your face for a short time, slightly reducing the cloth to the skin. It is enough to carry out such procedures every other day and very soon will become much less noticeable, and the complexion will be smaller.

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