Why it is impossible to store eggs on the refrigerator door, and how to do it right


Why it is impossible to store eggs on the refrigerator door, and how to do it right 38255_1
Despite the fact that the most popular place for storing eggs in the refrigerator is its door, experts assure that this is not the best option. And they support their views by the results of experiments.

In the refrigerator door, there is never a steadily low temperature that is necessary for long-term storage of provisions. People very often open the refrigerator, which is why regular temperature jumps occur in the door, which leads to the premature process of rotting in eggs - experts assure. But it is precisely from storage conditions, and then the preparation technologies depends on the risk of subsequent infection, for example, salmonella. By the way, Salmonella in the refrigerator, although it does not multiply, but does not die.

How to keep eggs correctly

An ideal place for storing eggs is a refrigerator shelf, preferably closer to the rear wall. Experts also advise before sending eggs to storage, rinse them. This is due to the fact that Salmonella is not inside the egg, but on the surface of the shell. If the eggs are stored for a long time, the bacterium penetrates through the porous structure of the shell inside the egg. Salmonella herself appears on the egg due to avian leaves on eggs - it is in the litter "there may be many bacteria that infect the eggs themselves. Moreover, if salmonella is on eggs, then other products can be hit under infection in the refrigerator.

Check eggs for freshness

To check the storey egg, it should be immersed in water and watch him. If it fell to the bottom and fell on the side, it means it is fresh. If it dropped down to the bottom, but at the same time "worth" means its shelf life comes to an end. But if the egg does not go down and looks out of the water - throw it away.

But to organize an inspection, it is not necessary to go home, you can do it near the push. Just take the egg and shake them - if there is a movement inside, it is better to abandon such a purchase, because In the fresh eggs, the yolk "walk" will not.

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