Parental horoscope


Still stars - an extremely useful thing. Any jamb easely explains: "Actually, I'm an ideal mother, just zodiac drew a bit." And everyone knows that, instead of condemning. If the stars were not, they would certainly have to come up with.


Capricorn children love, but categorically disagree with the postulate: "The baby will be born, and everything will change." Here's another. Child - He, of course, eyes, fingers, handles in dressing and mimi, but absolutely no reason to change lifestyle. Therefore, Capricorps teach a child with his own example in a literal sense - they drag behind them, and let the youngsters look at the diaper to dance the Argentine tango. And if you suddenly meet on the street of the baby, who drags in Nurserie Texas Rostoucher, then his mother is most likely not only a herpetologist, but also Capricorn.


For Aquarius, children are definitely the meaning of life. But without pathology. While the child is a small, Aquarius in a cake breaks up, so that the heir was all, from Apad to education, and when the babe grows, the Aquarius lets him from the skirt without fainting and Corvalol. And still Aquarius necessarily meets in the parent committee, it knows a hundred ways to braid braids and manage to grow children with such a luggage so that they do not hate him. The perfect parent, infuriates right.


My children should have the best, let me die from hunger and avitaminosis, but the bubble will have a plated stroller with rhinestone from Swarovski. Fish often reflexes, fearing to be a terrible parent. And if we break, it will go to the forum to write in despair: ah-ah, help, my Godova - Tug s). And the smart fish will constantly laugh at himself, but no, no, and they will buy a radio-nanny for $ 800. Because the old was for 600, and she is already a month.


The best gift of fate for Aries is an obedient child-phlegmatic. Because mom is more visible, and if the baby does not mind that mom is more visible, there is so exemplary familiar family that even the mother-in-laws with mother-in-law are lost a little. It wants terribly at least to blame in something, Tyach in an unradited mother with a finger, but there is no reason, well, not the slightest. Therefore, the mother-in-laws and mother-in-law remains to count on the fact that the kid will be a choleric. Then the accustomed to the fact that their orders are not discussed, the Aries fall into the stupor, will unsuccessfully reveal and catch the Tekhchin Hook.


Parents-Teltsy sent to school teachers in punishment for sins. For the Taurus, absolutely in the order of things, knock out the teacher's door, raise the knife to the knife, break the "English" with an empty heel, and then gently sit on the edge of the chair and politely say hello. Children of Tales - almost the only children who do not require immediately give birth to them the older brother. Because and without an older brother comes out well. The hooligans are honored, and the geographic-trembling voice from under the table whispers: "Annaivanovna, I can send your boy to the Olympics, he is so smart, so smart."


Gemini do not see a special difference between children and people, in general. We are completely impossible to die in the twin. Therefore, if the twin does not work with your child, he actively uses the famous life cheat "Grandma", drawing the heir from the hands at least for the weekend. On the other hand, the children of the twin parent, as a rule, are careful. Because he always allows ice cream, gives to make a choice, it drives the car cool, and you can play for hours to play in the developing game "Who is plot further."


Parents-cancer, even if their children are already retired, still remember, in which box is the first tooth in which the first tooth is hidden. Ninety percent of the literature in the house is Spock, Hippenrater and other useful books, without which it is absolutely impossible to grow a full-fledged member of society. In social networks once a hour, "we eat cottage cheese" and "I am a model !!!!!!". Folloviers are unsubscribed by packs, well, and hell with them. We know that they just envy.


Lion is not enough for his child to be the best. His child is so best, it is obvious. It is important that those surrounding permanently shared this delight. Therefore, the unfortunate heir to the king of animals is doomed to go to school at four years old, and in sixteen write the dissertation. Doctoral, of course, candidates - for suckers. On the other hand, the doctoral has not interfered with anyone in life. Well, of course, the children of Lviv, born in the family of mathematicians, but those who want to enter the acting, should remember that the lion with a light turn of the head breaks the carotid artery.



- Ivan Stepanovich, called from the ministry ... and Mom Your called. - To hell with the Ministry, how is Mom? - pressure is normal. I said that you were in the header and squeezed. - Thank you, Verochka.

Maiden relocate discharged with care. But they grow very steep children. They even call them from the ministry. And you can also brush about the cap - the sin is small.


And where is the eternal indecision of the scales? With children, scales cease to be "scales". They are all clear, understandable, with a soul and with a light. Family harmony underlies the world's worldview, so for the sake of it, the scales with ease even through the walls and district pediatricians. Along with the Aquarius, the scales are considered ideal parents, not even interesting to write about them. Well, interesting, but enviable.


Scorpions in the basic configuration are equipped with charisma size with Empire State Building. It acts to some extent even on babies, which greatly facilitates the postpartum period. Some inconvenience of Scorpio can deliver the fact that newborn heirs are not immediately ready to argue over midnight with a glass of Chardonna about the aesthetics of Hegel, but the children of scorpions are very quickly learn.


Sagittarius is still a child, care about the passport. Silver cool "learn" crawl, build sandy locks and shoot from homemade bow. At the same time, the Sagittarius remains enough adults to wash the floors, shake out of the panties of the sand and insert the neighbor to the uncle coola embarrassed by a homemade arm. And, by the way, in the archetypical situation, "my child flashed on the plane and does not calm down", half of the signs of the zodiac rushes a child to calm down. Another half will pretend to pretend that this is not their child. And the shooter will say: "And come on, who is louder?".

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