6 Your supervisations that you do not know


How many applications on your smartphone do you use daily? Well, if only the tenth part. So with our body the same story. It is subject to racing with amazing abilities, but some of them are required once in life, and then not in each, part of the cool, but deprived of practical application, and part is just a masterpiece technologies, but until you learn to contact them, you will curse everything and throw it on halfway

You can hear twice better than bat

We are accustomed to thinking that the human ear is rather pitiful toa, especially if compared with other animals. And it is partly so. Our limit is 20,000 hertz, while dogs are 45,000 hertz, and some lousy bats - as much as 100,000 hertz. But if you climb under the water, ear will earn at full capacity and give 200,000 hertz. What mice, eaten?! It's all in the air. Usually, the ear reacts to air fluctuations, but it is not under water, so that the sound seems to be a secondary ear and resonates not in it, but in a cottage process (a bone right behind the ear). That is, still cooler - under the water you hear not only in the ear, but also bones.

Your sweat - elixir of happiness

Game? And so and whit. In the Dutch University of Utrecht, an experiment conducted an experiment who doubtfully smash, but gave amazing results. The group of guys gave out clean T-shirts, turned on the heating to the full coil and forced them to watch different videos - part watched something cheerful and about happiness, and part - about Tlen and we will succeed. Then the rissed T-shirts gave sniffing a group of experimental girls. And those who got the T-shirts "happy" group demonstrated improved mood. Interestingly, the "unfortunate" sweat on the mood did not affect anyone. What to do with this information, we never came up with.

You have inhuman power

You probably heard the stories like "a wagon girl raised an inverted car to save the child." And these are not newspaper ducks. There are cases when completely untrained people turned the batches weighing in one and a half tons, poured the walls and shot down huge Bugaev. And you can so if the question gets the edge - you just need to completely despair. Hulk, you know, also does not get khalkom on request. Why can't you move the mountains just like that? Because, although the safety margin of muscles and tendons is very large, the brain limits their use. We need a colossal stress to remove the restrictions. At such moments, the brain completely turns off all insignificant - the immune system and digestion, for example, and fills blood adrenaline's blood doses. All this is very, very bad for your health and survival. Therefore, the brain turns this focus only in extreme cases, and not every time.

You do not feel pain

Surely several times in my life happened to be firmly attached about something. And you are sending you that the pain does not occur immediately - it takes a few seconds to feel it. In a state of time, the awareness of pain can leave even more - there are cases when people with broken bones safely reach the hospital and only there were poured on the floor with screams. The key to this phenomenon is endorphins. The thing like morphine, only legal and produced by our own body in response to the excitement (any - it is that sex that the exam that autoavaria is all one), physical tension and orgasm. Endorphins overlap the road in which the pain takes from abrasion to the brain. What for? It is then to give you a few priceless seconds (and then and minutes) to spray from danger. Why does the body then turn on the pain again? So that you do not tupped and did at least something for your salvation. A rare genetic violation, in which people do not feel pain. And it is not cool at all - as a child, they can completely gnaw their finger and not even notice that.

You hear the water temperature

British researchers (guys, let them stop already!) Dali a group of subjects to see two videos - in one to the glass poured hot water, to the other - cold. 96% by one splash of water guess where boiling water, and where is the well driver. And you can also so. Because in cold water, the molecules move slower, and in hot - faster, and these movements at the molecular level affect the timbre of the sound of pouring water. Boiling water bouffals a little louder. For some evolutionary reasons, our brain has learned to distinguish such subtleties. The most useless superpost in the world, yes.

You have echolocation

Just like Sorvigolov. That is, you do not have, but I could, fasten your life lousy. Incredible, but people, blind from birth, can navigate in the space on the reflection of sound signals, as already mentioned bats. Here, for example, Denel Kish, the blind lover of the Mountainbike. It is cool, of course, but thousands of other blind can "see" objects on the reflected ehu of their own steps and bypass obstacles in an unfamiliar room. Why not everyone so happens? Just a matter of training. You do not need echolocation, because you and without her you see. But nevertheless, it is. Try to go with your eyes closed around the narrow corridor and enter the room - the same in the sound, when you get from the close space into a spacious.

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