9 housewife habits that should appear with you by 30 years


We all do not hurt a little streamline their life - at least on the household level. These uncomplicated habits immediately make the system in Chaos of Being - and if you are an adult girl, it is definitely worth buying them.

Learn to use cabinets

There is no dispute, the sofa, chair and exercise bike (where did he come from here?) - Excellent storage facilities for clothes. But it is gradually annoyed by the knee in Skarba, gradually bored - and by 30 years it is precisely bored. The ability to organize space in the closet and hide the mess in storage systems - very useful skill.

Find a place for keys

Vaverochka on the shelf in the hallway, a keyboard key or hook near the door - see where your keys will be more comfortable, but they should have their own place. Again and again late in the meetings, because I could not find the keys - somehow unsolonged.

Clean the things you put on today

It is to clean up, and not throw them on the exercise bike. Everyone is known - it is worth throwing one T-shirt, and immediately the whole mountain of junk grows above it. And something from this junk will be dirty. So take the habit to immediately sort the shot - which goes to washing, which goes into the closet.

Record plan

So that in the evening, while drinking widow cleaned, do not jump in horror and not grab the head - father, I completely forgot! Than we are older, the more cases - family and financial, and the schedule of children are also very tightly tied to your work tasks. And the person - and this is proven - can simultaneously hold in memory only 3-4 objects.

Regularly cut forward a collection of interior decorations

Vases, frames and incomprehensible purposes of the thing - this is a real cholera, which amazes all horizontal surfaces in the house. We are somehow accustomed to throw away only those things that broke down - but the interior accessories will never break the eyes and years of their eyes. Tracks are not almond and send everything in the garbage, everything is morally outdated, just does not like and does not fit anything.

Fold paper in folder

Paper - another plague. It is not clear where they come from - obviously multiply by killing. Shade papers on the table, refrigerator and window sills make the room look inspired, and if you need to find some kind of reference in this dawn, you will still be defeated. Just climbs a few folders with sui all the pieces of paper - at least the folders look careful, and the chance to lose something important decreases.

Follow the grazers

It is not necessary to go to the courses of professional storekeners, but still it is desirable to know how much toilet paper left you have, soap, shampoo, washing powder, coffee, oil and light bulbs. Regularly buy supplies and ensure that their margin does not have dried, but it does not avoid an awkward moment.

Immediately throw out what you need to throw

No need to save the bathroom empty bottles from under the shower gel, they only occupy a place. It is not necessary to mummify in the refrigerator dill and apples, then you can not dock the shelf. No need to grow in a saucepan with a pair of dumplings multicolored mold - she will grow up and capture the world.

Scrape trash from pockets

Not only before washing, and every evening. Check the pockets of the jacket - there are probably all sorts of papers, napkins and wrappers from candy. Do not turn your pockets in the garbage. This and bags also concern.

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