8 old-fashioned ways to add a little bit into the world


Christmas trees are burning, gifts are packed and sort of like on the nose season of holidays, New Year's miracles and the full and final victory of good. We would not count on it - good is not formed by itself, it is only dust and mold appear from nowhere.

Grendy new neighbors

We live in one entrance for years, nothing knows about each other. Neighbors are presented to us monsters with babies, perforators and techniques suffering from incontinence. What if they are great people? You are excellent, and you also have someone neighbor. Do not be lazy to apply the visitor of politeness with the fresh neighbors, and at the same time seizing the cookies, so that there was a reason to call the door, and the list of Jeep phones is always useful.

Help those who need help

Not global, but small and everyday. To hold the head of the grandmother with the full hands of Avosek, show the way to the hog, whom Google-cards started in some wilderness, to help the young mother spinning the stroller on the steps or raise the fallen bundle - the costs of the forces are minimal, but at once a hundred points to the level of good around.

Remembering place

Not only the elderly, disabled and pregnant women, as the voice recommends in the subway, and to all who need it - the lady on hellish heels (tomorrow this young one you can be), just a tired person who is clearly falling asleep, hanging on the handrail, and the tourist, who keeps in each hand on a suitcase.

Note the people around

Not only your friends deserve human circulation. Cassisrsha in a supermarket, a barista in a cafe, a taxi driver - they are all people, and everyone is nice to hear "Hi", "Thank you" and "Have a nice day." However, some here believe that it's just saying the Borist "Thank you" - normally and decently, and my mother, husband or girlfriend will make you a cup of coffee and without any renerests. So, "Thank you" is nice to everyone without exception, and my mother too.

Go to visit with treat

Especially if the owners of the house - workaholiki or young parents, who are strained with free time. Our parents did not consider to visit the cake and the mile of salad at all, and we come with a bottle or apologies about forgetfulness and climbs.

Take help

How many times did you say to unfamiliar people in the supermarket "I do not advise this salad to take, he is always rotten" - and they crammed from you, as from Jehovah's Witness? Take the help politely and do not bursto "I'll figure it out."

Answer postcards

Girlfriend sent a postcard from New York? Answer the same, even if she lives on a nearby subway branch. So it will be even better - no one expects such messages from those who live with them in one city.


To say "Good morning" to the one who rides with you in the elevator - normally, acceptable and cute. Only for some reason we completely stopped doing it.

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