Women Ryazanov, whom we also love


Tonight, Eldar Ryazanov died. Usually in this phrase before the name they write "famous" and mention the merits of a person who lost the world. But what is the point in this, if each of us knows who the director became for any Soviet family? Genius, genius ...

Eldar Aleksandrovich became the most desired guest in every family: his films looked with ecstasy, shiver, experience, tears and laughter. We decided to remember what kind of heroine were his heroine for Ryazanov. Decisive or soft? Bunctors or coquettes? I know exactly one thing: each of them differed in special, "Ryazan" character. And you remember them all. And you probably love. As we are.

Lenochka Krylova, "Carnival Night"


We see the film so often - every new year - that we have not been thinking about it for a long time, what a lane character and place in this story. Meanwhile, a pretty, supermodic, building the brought by the Lenochka house almost heads the protest against formalism and bureaucracy on a separate corporate party. And wins. Because you can be a delirious person and think about the glory of nails, hairstyles, dresses, shoes and eyelashes.

Khryochka Azarov, "Hussar Ballad"


But Shurka was ready to give up from the dress, and from the shoes, to fit with soap into the leggings ... No, I refused the Losin Ryazan, so as not to embarrass the Soviet spectators (and in the case of ajurist - and viewers). In general, Shurka is ready for a lot to be taken seriously and put on a war. And, although it is afraid of mice and weak in front of the magic of the hussar mustache ... Massar and courage, as the test shows the fight, she does not occupy. The film was shot in 1962, and twenty years later, the chief heroine was still imitated by the girls in the courtyards - the image came out so bright, which was not outdated.

Anna Suzdaleva, "Old Mutniki"


The female collector age is a wonderful trio with the elderly policeman, the ball and adventure engineer Sparrow. "I'm forced to shoot!" - "And you missed." Their friendship passes a serious test of confidence, distrust and pathological unsuccessfulness of the ball, well, and, of course, it turns out to be a real Soviet friendship.

Nadya Shevelyova, "Irony of Fate, or with a Light Steam!"


Soft, intelligent and, it seems that the long-fabulous fairy tale, Nadya became a sample style in the Soviet cinema. The case, of course, in the personal charm Barbara Brylskaya, and in a special charm for the Soviet man of the very fact of its "outstanding" nationality. And also - in a suit that was collected for her and who first led her to horror: there was a completely different fashion in Poland. Now it is fashionable to discuss, why didn't you have chosen Lukashin if she had already had such an attractive and caring and thoughtful and thought? Just because the women of the seventies are tired of being disappointed, and Lukashin brought, finally, in life, a little fairy tale in life.

Lyudmila Kalugina, "Service Roman"


A strong woman leader and a soft man-subordinate as a lovely couple - is it that the plot of the mindless America? No, this is the film of our domestic eldar Ryazanov. Kalugina - Self-Made Woman, workaholic, really strong internally woman, but infinitely lonely, and even the most severe person needs support. Novoselitsev - the full opposite of their boss, he is caring, indecisive, economical and also a single father (he has a boy and a boy), which is not before to depict Macho. She arrives at the new settlers for Kalugina for the sake of a career, but, of course, quickly discovers that she really likes him. And Kalugina just detects the fact "for the sake of the career." Normal, in general, romantic comedy. As a result, Kalugina learn this to this our social and marriage playing, new-seater - at least sometimes to take responsibility, and in a year another boy is added to his concerns.

Elena Malaeva, "Garage"


Ryazanov loved to shoot Lyia Ahacedzhakov, and not in vain. They received a wonderful creative duet. During the assembly of the Garage Cooperative, the younger scientific officer Malaev decides that everything should be in justice and the most defenseless offend is not good, and hides the key from the room in which the meeting takes place. And he will not give up justice to entitle!

Nastya Bubentsova, "Sleep the word about the poor hussar"


Naive, quiet, but very strongly configured young actress Nastya is trying to rescue the father from prison. The scoundrel official, who depends on the fate of her father, is trying to rape Nastya, and even demanding to portray in love, really loved and ready to help the cornet tupits, shake and slows down immensely, and the situation is becoming increasingly uncontrollable ... But, of course, ends OK.

Vera Nefodeov, "Train Station for Two"


Vera is the waitress of the middle-aged in the launcher's cafe of a small and not very cozy town. In one not very beautiful day, she does not release a man from a cafe, refusing to pay for lunch, and of this, of course, grows a strange love story, ridiculous and ... bitter. Heroine Gurchenko shows himself at the same time practical, kind, decisive and infinitely feminine.

Larisa Ogudalova, "Cruel Romance"


Everything that Larisa needs is to give her to live normally. Love who loves. And do not love who is not at all loved. But for the mother, it is a potentially profitable product, and for the crowding around men - only the object for their lust. All lies: maternal love, love and respect for men, friendship of childhood. Larisa does not see the exit from this abostope, except for death. Do not share its choice, but I sympathize with very heroine.

Lyuba, Lisa, Masha and Anya, "Old Klyachi"


Real women's friendship, Girl Power, super positive passage of the Becdel Test, Antijism and ... And just another adventurous comedy from Ryazanov, akin to his "the adventures of Italians in Russia", but without Italians. Four women with the arrival of the nineties had to say goodbye to the career (scientific, teacher, railway and trade union), but as if it were not enough, they pass a train of humiliations, until, finally, one of them does not at all deprive the apartment's apartments Khomenko. Aid to wait for nowhere, and girlfriends are solved on their own to conduct an operation on the return of the apartment. Spying, supermobil, corpus of a black caviar car and complicity in the casino robbery - in general, all that we loved in foreign films of the sixties and seventies, only who said the main characters at the same time should run in mini?

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