If your first date took place in the love romance



We often complain that the man now rude and irresantized went. The jar of beer brought - and let's unbutton the bra. But, - we think we, - like in the movies. Or, - We think, - as in the love romance. To wow! No problem, let's simulate.

So, the first date is not taking place according to the rules of severe reality, but fell to our head from the pages of the love novel. What you need to know in advance?

- A real melodramatic heroine must take three things on the first date: squeezed handkerchiefs, virginity and tuberculous wand. Virginity is still discussed, but Chakhotka is almost obligatory. If the heroine does not die on the last page, then this is a bullshit, and not a love romance.

- Birds. We need birds. Nightingle must sing, more than ever. And the mild light of the moon floods the garden. So, most likely, you have to go at night and for the city. Solovy's megalopolises sing exclusively "Come On and Dance". Immediately give a desire to get into the poultry of the zoo - they are yelling peacocks and knock on the whole mood.


- Do not count on a restaurant or at least a cafe. Lovers of the young lady do not eat. They walk through the streets, holding hands. And the hand in his palm is lit, as if her fire burned. How to solve the problem with the toilet is also not very clear. Perhaps with the help of a catheter and a plastic bag. Take care of this in advance.

- A dreamy look - a mandatory props for a real date from a love novel. In our case, given the previous item, the challenge of a dreamy look at his man is solved quite simply: imagine a steak.

- Do not hold anything bad in your hands, because you have a treacherously trembling your hands from his passionate look. And in general, valuable things, including crystal shoes, it is better to leave at home.

- Putting it with a doctor in advance - you will climb the lip all the time. Perhaps you will need seams.


- Burned gaze involves a possible meeting of the forehead and support of the power line. But this is not scary - you have already written to the doctor point above, and light dizziness will only decorate a real romantic date.

- Get ready for the fact that your chosen one will make some kind of cute nonsense. For example, Skint Frenc and go through the street by a gymnastic wheel. And then say: "With you so easy."

- In addition, the elects in love romance are very noble and sacrifices. He will certainly be saved to save someone - a puppy, orphan or peace. So backing the book - you may have to wait a few hours or a lifetime.


- Yes, get ready to frozen nafig. Because you have to walk in the rain, not paying any attention to him. And on you - light silk and, maximum, raft. Yes, he, of course, will paint his jacket on your fragile shoulders, but walking in the rain in the wet men's jacket - this is for real dramatic heroines, not spoiled with hair dryers and air conditioning.

- Take a shotgun. In love romance, there is always a bastard, seeking to destroy your love alliance. Prepare in advance for the fact that this is the closest thing to you. But then all the same in the final it will be necessary to portray amazement, and then it will be offended.

- Well, the main thing: if you went to the novel on the first date, then get ready to spend your whole life with this person. If he, of course, does not die. So if you don't like much - immediately arsenic

Summarizing: Before the real, as in the novel, the date you need to eat, go to the toilet and have sex with a lively leather person. Then the first date on the patterns of books in a soft cover can be, albeit with difficulty, but suffer.

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