15 things about which you should forget until the 25th anniversary


In 25, you, on the one hand, still young and freshly, as an organic arugula, and on the other, it would be time to smoothly move from the milling trivia to the camp of adults. Are you exactly growing? Keep the devices on our list.


Sit on the neck of the parents

You have already finished school, the university, too, is already the honor of knowing. Even if for some reason you still live with them under the same roof, put in the family budget, as an adult - buy food, deduct to a communal service. And it's better to take off the apartment.

Drink cheap alcohol

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If you ever descended before the use of stools. We hope that it did not go down.

Eat damn knows how

Today, two kilos of donuts, tomorrow diet from raw rice with vinegar, day after tomorrow miracle pills for weight loss, and then again donuts with bacon, because you have been eating right and earned. The surest way to problems with weight and digestion in 30.

Stay home


Now is the most beautiful time for parties. After 5-10 years, all these cheerful people around you give birth to themselves, we will go to work with your head and on bitter experience will learn what two-day hangover is. Or you will come to the club and find that there is all twice as younger than you.

Do something called parents

Well you seem to be no teenager with full pockets of the rebellion and maximalism. And blindly obeying someone else's will, and to do everything exactly the opposite, just to be made - these are classic signs of immaturity. It is time to forget the child's resentment.

Walk in uncomfortable


On the cold in the crop-top so that the world enjoy the view of your mischievous belly? On a falcon and stiletto stiletto, swinging like a stork in the signing? At the exit in shoes for ten sizes is less to sit in the corner with the expression of all hellish flour on the face? Cool.

Say "I am too old for this"

Holy Get industries, but stop already, stop carrying this duty.

Fall into the hibernation on Friday and fall out of it on Sunday


Because it will be quite soon. You will start to tear your hair into the nose and ask the skies: "Well, why, why I didn't learn Spanish, did not go to the courses of scenario skill and did not learn how to dance Hastle when I had at this time?!". Exactly, exactly.

Smoking secret

Or already commit Nicotin Caming Out, or throw. The second, understandable, preferably. No, in 25, you will not stretch after that.

Stand up with classmates

The school has been over for a hundred years, AU. You can stop competing with former onemasters, especially if they clearly do not reach you.

Spend all the money


Even with your little, the salary can safely postpone the small percentage. I keep it, what you want - in the tuggers, gold-diamonds, stocks-bonds, greyhound puppies - to taste. By 35 years, these savings will grow up and strengthened - and will be very useful. They can turn into a good school for a child, an apartment fee, a dream fulfillment or great help in a difficult situation. Over time, the number of costly force majeures is growing only.

Pull toxic relationships

We spend time on a person who has been painfully determined for five years, it is necessary for him or not and plays with you in the game "Go here and go from here" - damn destructive for self-esteem. It was bad in 17. But in 17 after all the time ahead is more, and the gaps are easier.

Clear only in case of fire and moving


Life among geological surplus of dirty T-shirts, empty boxes from under the Chinese noodle and new forms of life in the refrigerator does not honor you.

Dream to all like in the movie

And if not like in a movie, it is nonsense and some kind of nonsense. He must save you from the burning skyscraper and take to the edge of the light on the balloon, and then you get married and, like Bonnie and Clyde. Spectacular gestures and steep turns are composed by tired squeezed scenarios, which no longer know how to please the producer. In real life, such moves are not applicable.

To suffer with pleasure


It is not only possible to regret yourself to sympathize with yourself and take yourself on the handles. But wander around the district, going up, and to get enough sophisticated - no. Firstly, anyone from the distance of a kilometer will be clear that you will suggest to admire the depth of our sorrows, and this is very, very annoying and pushes. Secondly, at such a pace you will turn into a donkey IA.

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