10 breeds of dogs that will change you forever


If you dream about a dog, then you probably attach right now, what kind of breed you are most suitable for you. There is no lack of information - you will know without any problems about the health, and about the behavior of an animal, and even how easily you will teach your future dog to your cat.

But no one will ever tell you how much you will change themselves after you bring a puppy to the house. No one but, of course, PICS.

Jack Russell Terrier. Calm, only calm.


An unforgettable Milo from a cult "mask" captured you with his reality and haunted facial expressions when you were a child. Now you have grown, finally decided to start a four-legged friend and, of course, chose Jack Russell Terrier - a dog that is never bored.

This is really so bored. If you have ever been unrestrained in emotions and expressions - when grandmother offered you to try to try pies with fish to which you are allergic, or a friend is persistently angry, ignoring the fact that both legs are broken - you will remember These moments are perplexed. Because from now on, your task is to throw a ball.

It is necessary. Throw. Ball.

If Jack Russell caught you with the political one, already two and a half seconds are sitting with empty hands and do nothing, he will immediately stand in front of you with a ball in the teeth and moistened with a tail. And you will throw a ball. Once, and again, and another hundred times. Next ten years. Minimum.

But from now on, even the small army of five-year plans armed with tambourines will not be able to bring you out of itself. Ball. Anyone. Ball. Teach. Ball. Calm. Ball. Ball. Ball. Ball.

Belgian shepherd. Shadow Makarenko.


Shepherds are the most correct dogs. Smart look, dedicated heart. Everyone understands, just do not say. And why the word? For example, Makarenko knew a lot about the upbringing and did without these frills. Pipe - rise! Pipe - in classes! Pipe - and well-ka in line and march forward, in a bright future!

You and the system will provide, and you will learn from marching. As well as master those absolutely not necessary for the disciplines like ZKS, IPO, PSS and Agility. Perhaps someone else - depending on how much the smart will be your Belgian. He is bored without food for mind and without work, and when it is bored - you are scared. Because who knows him that he will throw off again from boredom.

However, you will soon understand the beauty of the discipline and almost military mashtra. The words "mode", "team" and "test" will sound music for you. And if you remember how I used to sleep before lunch and spent weekend at the computer, and not in the field knee-deep in the mud, then we shudder. And look at your dog, like a juvenile unworpiece once watched at the great teacher: "That's what I became - a good worker and the Komsomolets. And if you are not you, Anton Semenovich, I would still have grown in the bazaar! "

German Shepherd. You must everyone!


German is the dream of every Soviet child. Mukhtar and Julbars, a heroic feat, "serve the Soviet Union!", Dog breasts in orders. Admit, you still think that the real dog should be: a) big b) service c) shepherd.

But the fact is that everyone else thinks in the same way, although they are not recognized. You will soon notice that you look with envy and admiration. The doctors that if in childhood there was no bike, then no Mercedes will replace it. Never late to carry out children's dreams! And not only yours, but also all others.

Want you or not, but now you are superman. This is suitable for a fragile Virgin, with a request to spend it to the house on a dark and empty park. It will look at you with hope, whose janitor kicks out from a football site. This is exactly you will hear "Hey, friend, help!" From the guard of the night store trying to put out the thirsty of the scuba of sufferers. And "Please remove the kitten from the tree!" You also. And "We will understand, a citizen" - it again appeals to you again.

You can not refuse, of course, but most likely do not want. Because you know - but your dog would not refuse. So you will like to give a duty to society sooner or later. Even if you used to be sure that nothing should anyone.

Siberian Husky. Tundra sought?


If you read the abbreviation of GCS, this does not mean that modern youth does not know the story at all, and as he hears, and writes. This means that someone sells husky, blue-eyed and black and white. Of course, you will warn you that you buy not so much a dog as a cross between raccoon with D'Artagnan, and perhaps you will even try to threw the skiing and a sedative bottle. But it will no longer help.

When you finally be thusked your nerves, you will find that they threw smoking, bought narts and minivan, loved the winter and you have no one dog, but three. Or eight. But the most important thing is in any condition you can sweep and vacuuming. Vacuum and sweep. Everyday. This is how life and will pass - in one hand a bunch of leashes, in another - broom, on the legs of the skis, in the eyes - gamble brilliance, and on the forehead rowing line quotes from Jack London.

Basset Hound. Zen at a reasonable price.


"And even at the Cretine Competition, you would take the last place! - Why? "Because you are a clutter!". The fact that you chose a breed that occupies an honorable 10-place in the list of 10 of the most stupid breed already much about you. For example, the fact that you are a person responsible and do not pose before difficulties. And you are very patient.

In fact, Basset is not a stupid dog at all. Just he - hound. He is so empty for his head so that a trace placed there. Only a trace is value. Only he - and the path, and the goal, and religion. And if for some reason there is no trace - then why, let me be exchanged for little things?

So you once did not see peace. Career growth, outdoor activities, dozens of friends and hundreds of buddies, and the third foreign one, and the sixth iPhone is already there, and you do not have - you need to earn, you need to run, you need to have time! What? Do not believe that it was you? You do not need anything other than chairs, blanket, fireplace and beloved basset? Right. All garbage except bees. That is - in addition to the trace.

Chihuahua. A half a kilogram of rage.


Little dog is very comfortable. Especially in the metropolis. But only as long as the dog is not yours. "We accept the fight!" - Decoratively declares chihua, barely reaching the street. Predatory street cats, cunning crows, large dogs, clumsy, but such huge kids with shovels - there is no one who could scare your dog.

"Oooo, little brave heart!" "You will let a tear of the dignity and immediately shove in the misantropy." People stupid. They do not remove their clumsy Dobermans from your road and stick their hands to your MUSE - as if they had extra fingers.

No, it is positively impossible to live with a little dog in the city. It is better to buy a village house and make a high fence. It will be possible to start a fluffy wolfhide size with a pony and allow the neighboring kids on it to ride it.

And leaning chihuahua hide in the house and walk only in its own area. Yes, you are not to blame for people around you - such fools. And save them all you are very and very tired. But you still do not want to lie for death, because the truth is?

Staffordshire Terrier. When your friend in the blood ...


It doesn't matter why you chose the Staffordshire: maybe you have conquered his friendly character, maybe an outstanding appearance, and maybe his inquisitive mind. It is important that for those around you are now the owner of a killer dog.

You will soon get used to live, as if in an infinite role-playing game. Here you left to walk, and everyone around is starting to depict political prisoners: Hands on the seams, eyes in the floor, the faces are impenetrable. Prove to them all that your dog is not at all dangerous - it is impossible. But you will try and thus attack the ability to not lose hope. Although in general faith in humanity, perhaps, lose.

But your relationship with family and friends will become much deeper and more confident. At first they will discourage you from such a rash purchase, but then you will understand that your dog is the best friend of all people and sincerely will love it. And you will love even more.

After you pay them the treatment of bruises and bruises, and someone may have a plastic surgery on a broken nose. Staffords really love people very much and they certainly need to jump onto the handles to each guest. And they have heads, however, cast-iron.

Dutch Shepherd. Nothing personal.


Dutch Shepherd - Funny shaggy black dog with a thick beard and bangs falling on the eyes. Nobody recognizes in this dog, everyone thinks that it is just a very cute mongrel. Such love to shoot in family films with a good end.

This is an excellent companion, which is consistently in good by the arrangement of the Spirit. He will love children and harsh old women from your yard. "Share your smile, and she will come back to you more than once!" - Remember, yes? This dog will not bring anything to your life except kindness and smiles.

But if you at least someone, even ever say how you really are called the breed of your dog, you can forget your name. Masha You or Sasha, Eleanor You or Arnold - no matter. If you say, that's all. From now on, you are Chapendus. Just Shapeldus. As they say, nothing personal.

Labrador. Dexterity and no fraud.


Perhaps as a child, you dreamed of becoming a great football player or prima-ballerina, and maybe even an air gymnast in the circus, but the trouble - you did not have such quality as a dexterity. And if some childhood dreams are better to stay dreams, then develop new qualities useful at any age.

If you buy Labrador, you will have to master the equilibristics - you want or not. After all, the main feature of Labrador is not at all a friendliness, not a kindness and not a company. The main feature of Labrador is to always be in the very place where you intend to come.

And believe me, Labrador knows perfectly well that you get up to drink water every night. And about what you do not like to enter the kitchen on a screaming dog knows too. But lie in another place - above his strength. But you will incredibly expand your vocabulary. Because when they stumble about someone eighty times on the day, intricate idioms are directly jumping into the tongue.

Yorkshire Terrier. Fight with darkness.


Want to become warrior of light? Allow Light is, as you know, doctrine, and unacceptable - on the contrary, darkness. Like ignorance. Confucius Remember what spoke? "It's easier to light one small candle than the darkness of the darkness." Here you will become this candle. After all, what do everyone think and talk about yorkshires? "Pocket Nevadoaka", "Mop with bows", "Sacrifice of hairdresser's art" - and this is at best.

But if this tiny dog ​​settles in your house, you will find out that Yorkshire is a real, true terrier: brave and devoted, smart and clever, strong spirit and body. Rats, by the way. Breed with a richest history, by the way. Enjoying the best houses of foggy Albion, however. And you just can not tolerate such injustice: others, of course, are not to blame for the fact that they were not born in the British kingdom, but ignorance should somehow eradicate! It is necessary to explain to them, it is necessary to convey to them the fact that they are in the power of the dense stereotypes.

You will not give up the battle with darkness, so be careful: driving near pinks towards the light, you can easily be on the armored person.

Dachshund. Dr. House and all-all-all.


"Oh, why are the sausage me? It's ashamed and very disappointing! " - There is such a song from the group "King and Jester". And you will not be offended at all when some child will cry again after: "Mom, look - a dog-sausage!". You even allow him to stroke your taxi, because she is sweet and completely safe.

But very soon you will understand that this short-roll absolutely impossible to be tired. Long walks and active games almost "do not work." Moreover - in your bedroom already formed a LAZ to a neighboring apartment, and the dachshund continues to dig. Most likely, you ask the advice from the experienced owners, and most likely they will tell you - doravail, the hunting dog is! But then you will learn a lot of new things. For example, that the badger is a fierce of forest inhabitants, but your harmless sausage is still fierce.

And since then you will begin to drive a double life. On weekdays you are a venerable town man, a funny short-legged dog in a leash. On the weekend - a gambling hunter, and on the leash you are not at all chapa, but "the soul of Oblos, naughty, chasing and lean." From now on you will know that the first impression is deceptive. And never over and no one for the word. Everybody lies. And especially the taxes.

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