Defile with loop on the neck: stories of Soviet mannequins


In the Soviet years, the mannequins were "workers of the lowest category", along with cleaners and loaders. They rotated in the top spheres and lived by 76 rubles per month. They were dominated and accused of promotion, released in foreign trips and recruited in the KGB. In each of these stories of the Soviet Drama Manneks, there will be enough for a novel - and a couple of TV shows will remain.

Regina Zbarskaya

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Great name, slightly exotic surname, sultry sicilic appearance. Regina (at that time more Kolesnikov) came to Moscow from Vologda in the year of the death of Stalin. Methyl in VGIK - but did not work out. However, the provincial that kept himself in a royal manner drew the attention of Vera Aralov, known in those years fashion designer. She attached a 18-year-old girl to the fashion house on Kuznetsky, introduced into the capital to God, introduced her to the cream of the Dusident society.

Cream Beauty appreciated. Regina married the painter-dissident lion zbars (his dad, by the way, the body of Lenin was smelled) - and from that moment on, everything went wrong. When Regina became pregnant, the man of art read her a lecture on the topic "Canvas - my only passion" and forced his wife to make an abortion.

Regina covered depression. After a couple of years, she was already tightly sitting on antidepressants and tranquilizers, stumbled on the podium and talked to themselves. Zbarsky, judging that the wife becomes boring, went to the actress Lyudmila Maksakova, from which he had a child in a year. However, and then he did not longer be long - went to America to create and breathe in air.

Regina, as a wife of a traitor (and also a drug addict and a woman of dubious moral qualities), they were tracked from the soul from the soul along the corridors of Lubyanka - after one of the interrogations, she even had to be selected in a psychiatric clinic. By the time nothing left of the model appearance. But the arrogance inherent in her did not have anywhere, so there were few wishing to help her. An old friend Vyacheslav Zaitsev was one of the few who did not disengte from Regina - he arranged her at the fashion house with a cleaner. The former Queen of the Podium could not wave a swabra. In 1987, 51-year-old regina was poisoned by sleeping pills.

Mila Romanovskaya

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While life was grinding a foul and quick-tempered zbar, her main romanian romanovskaya quietly went to the top of the career and, it seems, did not strain at all. Leningrad girl who dreamed of a conservatory, in the model business came by chance - replaced a friend at a place show.

Successfully replaced - she was taken to the Leningrad House of Models, and then - and in Moscow. A model that often chases abroad is the perfect agent, and the KGB tried four times to recruit Mil, but the girl turned on a fool, at meetings with giggled recruiters and demonstrated nonsense in the terminal stage. From her and behind.

In 1967, Mila went to the international fashion show - with a dress created for Zbar, by the way. The world immediately fell in love with Russian Snegurochka and Mila appeared on the cover of Look magazine - something completely unheard of for those years. Five years later, smoking with the first husband and twisting the Amur with Andrei Mironov a little, Mila marries the artist Yuri Cooper and leaves him from the country - first to Israel, and then in England.

In London, Mila was taken for any job - between showing Givenchi, Dior and Pierre Cardin, she ran to the "Air Force" and worked on the typist there, was engaged in translations. Peacefully interaced with Cooper, Romanovskaya married a businessman Edward Dougalas, opened a couple of shops and tied up with the world of fashion.

Galina Milovskaya

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Soviet podium needed his own twiggy, and a slight blonde Milovskaya performed perfectly for this role. Galya, the defender of the fashion designer Irina Kratikova, blew up the world of fashion - the magazine Vogue two years has led the permission from the Union to take a picture of this coat. It is not known how they killed the Soviet side, but the project took place - and it was a grand project. Milovskaya picked up on Red Square and in the Armory Chamber, with Scepter Catherine Great and just like that.

Vogue This photo session made a circulation, and for Galina closed all the doors. A photograph of the girl sitting in front of the mausoleum reprint our magazine "America", and the case ended with a scandal. Milovskaya accused of debauchery (IS, the legs spread), anti-Sovetchin (IS, to the Mausoleum turned his back) and the general ideological unreliability (and then it is).

Galina became the union, it was put out of the school and in 1974, Milovskaya decided that it would be enough from her. She went to France, he worked a little more with the old koreas from Vogue, married a French businessman, graduated from Sorbonne and became a documentary director.

Leokady Mironova

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Russian Audrey Hepburn from the very beginning was an uncomfortable girl. I wanted to do ballet - but I did not allow problems with my feet. I wanted to become an architect - but weak vision did not give. I went to the model, but immediately got a label "non-rigging" - the parents of Leki were from the nobles, where such with such origin. But the Mironova was not enough. She quite definitely sought her trouble.

Leokady was the first mannequin, in all the party bonz declared about the harassment. She told how members of the Politburo are broken into the rooms of models with cognac and revenge, if they do not open. Leku and the very tried to put under the high parties. She refused to be a living dessert. Naturally, she was immediately fired from the house of fashion. For two years, Mironov lived in the injury, but stubbornly continued to talk about how the mannequins rape and fit the "right people."

When leek was 27, she fell in love with a 19-year-old Lithuanian photographer named Antanis. Everything could work out, but Antanis began to threaten the Lithuanian Nats, promising to kill his mother and sister, if he continues to confuse Russian or, God forbid, will move to Moscow. Leka was frightened for Antanis and voluntarily disappeared from his life. For both it was the last novel in life. After many years, Antanis died in a car accident, and the Lec, which is now 76 years old, still keeps him loyalty.

Elena Metelkin

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Girl with absolutely cosmic appearance. In a sense, the real alien guest. No wonder it was constantly called with the podium in the cinema - Elena played an aliens of the Niyia in "Thorning to the Stars" and the employee of the Institute of Time Polina in the "Guest from the Future". Up until the 1990s, Metelkin worked by the model, and then everything was sprinkled - and not only the model business.

Remaining without work, Elena settled by the secretary to the office of the businessman Ivan Kelielidi, the founder of Rosbusinessbank. In 1995, Kevelidi did not share something with his partner Vladimir Khutsishvili, and he decided to remove him. The method chose absolutely Byzantine - smeared the telephone tube with poison created specifically for such a case. Not only Kelielidi died, but also the second secretary, and the Pallaanan, who carried out an autopsy. Metelkin, somehow miraculously smoked. Moreover, it regarded this precisely as a miracle - and in gratitude for him accepted Orthodoxy and went to religion with his head. Today she sings in church choirs and almost does not appear on people.

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