French kiss and turkish cucumber


There are words and sustainable expressions, the etymology of which refers us to world geography. Most of these words entered our cultural context so tightly that we do not even think about why they sound exactly so, and not otherwise. And this is interesting.

French Kiss

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The French themselves call him a "kiss of shower", however, in many countries (including Russia) a deep kiss is called "French". It is curious that everyone kisses, but ascribed a kiss for some reason exactly the French. And all because they earned themselves the reputation of eotologists and cloaks. What, by the way, be proud.


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Finca (or Finnish Knife) really come from Finland - there is called Pukko there. But the word "FINE", once used exclusively for imported PUKKO for a long time has long been nominative. Any knife with a straight blade and boss has now called Finnish.


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Why ordinary Asian slaves with a jumper began to call it precisely flipples, and not Japanese, Chinese or Philippinets are unknown. According to the main version, the slab won the hearts and heels of Soviet fashionistas in the 50s - precisely when the USSR installed diplomatic relations with Vietnam. So, most likely, Vietnamese are a kind of first dove of the world and a pledge of long and strong friendship.


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Everything is simple. The first hand cutting electromasters in the USSR were Bulgarian production. So the word "Bulgarian" went into use in the 70s years, and there was still safely.


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Turku (Coffee Vessel) The Turks themselves call Jesva themselves, and, in general, recognize that this kitchen device came up with Arabs. But the Russian version of the Turks flashes. "Yes Yes! We came up with Turku. And we also came up with coffee, "they say and smile slyly.

Roller coaster

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Everywhere, except for Russia, they are called "Russian slides", because it is believed that the prototype of the attraction was built in Russia in the XVII century. Well, in general, everything "dangerous" and "risky" love to attribute to the Russians. But the name "American slides" arose much later because in modern form they were developed in the United States.

Indian summer

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Do you know that "Indian summer" is called "Babii" only in Slavs. In Europe and North America, this period of autumn is called "Indian summer." Everything is simple here: the pesting coloring of the leaves is very similar to the multicolored bright clothes of the Indians.


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Now we have almost all the fine-forming apple trees. In fact, in fact, the name of the Chinese has the right to be called only the Chinese Symelastic apple tree, which was not once taken out of him from the miserable, as we assume. The apple tree got its name for the form of a sheet resembling a sheet of Chinese plum, which just has the original Chinese roots.


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American people call us a whole bunch of things. This is a billiards, and potatoes, and the flange connection in the plumbing. Why is American? There is a version (and we agree with it) that any simplification of the design or acceleration of the process we immediately become "American", that is, not requiring special efforts and efforts.


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Two two hundred years ago, without exception, the Swiss was called the Swiss and considered the best mercenaries. Good luck soldiers - they walked around the world in search of work and with pleasure they went to hired security. By the beginning of the XIX century, the word "sweecer" in the meaning of the "hired soldier" ceased to exist. "Swiss" began to call the gatekeepers, guard of entrances of hotels, restaurants and respectable houses.

Swedish family

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Why are the family of three or more adults who are in intimate communication are called Swedish? As Konstantin Ivanov, an employee of the Swedish embassy in the Russian Federation, writes in his book "Nine Myths on Sweden", "It can be assumed that the emergence of this phrase is connected with the history of the left Swedish young people in the so-called " A still the legendary "AVVA" contributed a lot of "Swedish family": two married couples once changed partners.


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It is known for certain that the Swedes were invented by "Smellasbrod" (literally - the "sandwich table") in absolutely utiltarious purposes. I inviting guests to yourself (and lived in Sweden not hesitated, and it means that the range in the arrival time was quite big), the owner was supposed to take care to no one from those who came to wait for the treats. Therefore, the extensions were exhibited for a huge table that were being stored for several days. : Salted herring, potatoes, cooked by screwing eggs, cold meat and sandwiches. Maybe not so rich, but it's satisfying and no guest will leave hungry.


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No, polka is not Polish, but the Czech folk dance. And it is not called polish not from the word "Polish", but from the Czech word "half" - "Pulka". All because they dance polka "halves", hemisphans, and the musical size of this dance 2/4, that is, half.

Turkish cucumber

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Actually, he is not Turkish, and not even Indian, as many people think, and Persian, since it was there that came up with him. And not cucumber, but even bob at all. It is curious that fashion historians call this ornament "Paisli" or "Paisley", since since 1800, fabrics with a similar pattern were produced in the city of Paisley, in Scotland.


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A terrible disease that abandoning tens of millions of lives around the world appeared at all in Spain, but in the USA 95 years ago. In 1918-1919, up to 100 million people died around the world from Spanish. The name "Spaniard" influenza received because it was the Spanish government first publicly announced an epidemic.

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