His other women: mother-in-law, Changing, grandmother



"Ya de the only woman in his life." Cute, are you him that, from the male monastery won? A, EEE ... Why? In fact, you will have to fade in one for yourself and for all of them. But why do he need other women in his life - let him think himself, he has a big head. Why these women are you - that's what is the question!

His mother


Every time you want to look up "Why are you still not going to the dentist?" Remember that you are not she. No, any woman has the legal right to adopt the boy, and you, of course, too, but, humbly, you are going to do with this guy with this guy? (Incest-incest, holiday for the whole family). So serve the machine gun cartridges and inspire genius on masterpieces - this is me please, and blow on the wound and check the diary, for this we have mother-in-law.

Perhaps she will try to shove it on you. The solid lady in the smole of forces is looking for an inexpensive bebisitter for a 80-kilogram baby, reliable contraception and Sanniccinage are required.

What do you do? Fight. Manipulating. Song songs about how delightfully her pedagogical skill, as you do not want to compare, just here, a little bit, in the corner there is a flaw, you, of course, do not raise, but such an Acea, like his mother, everything is on the shoulder.

And hide into a portable pit. Let them themselves already decisive there, should a big boy wash boots or not.

His sister


Yes, yes, the most magical creature that behaves like your girlfriend, but always at a critical moment takes his side. That is the most terrible essence that can be suddenly found in the place where his spies did not definitely wait, in a men's men's stripclub or in liposuction clinic. Why do we?

And then that she sooner or later runs about his children's tricks and preferences. And if the knowledge of the first is better to keep with him until the moment when he wounds on the son "Who are you only like that ???", then the second is a great help for birthdays and February 23. That model "Seagulls", which lacked his collection for completeness, can cost Avite not so expensive. But the effect of it is clearly more than from the shirt.

And further. His sister is a mom of cousins ​​and sisters of your children. If one of them is close by age, you will be doomed to her each other, the children will not get drunk with you until they take visit. And this is good! Our children grow among adults oversupply, peers in their relatives are your gift for life. At least the habit of not only getting, but also to give the gifts to other children did not damage anyone.

His grandmother


Not at all like yours. Or both yours if you are lucky. She is completely different. From other places, from other clasies, has been doing something mysterious. And her, well, we recognize honestly, it remained for a while. You can simply not give me to her admiration (the latest history of Russia everyone was taught, "without options, a person survived in the incredible), but if you plan or even already have children from this man - ask her. These stories, even small, even fragmentary - their inheritance. Do not let him hold!

And further. As far as a man is kind to his grandmother, it is so capable of being kind at all. Some grandmothers give for this basis, some - no, but the test for patience is every. And you can get the result of this dough, just watching. And draw conclusions.

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